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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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The last thing this show needs (and the first thing it always wants) is another long-ass inoffensive baby story to kill time and pay for itself. This whole setup with Slow Talker Sasha's maybe baby is a prime opportunity for a classic soap exit of a useless character, where she leaves secretly pregnant with a major core child who can then return many, many, many years from now. Or not! Hey, even Kim Nero did it.

Incidentally, I have heavily warmed to @carolineg's suggestion of recasting Jax for Lois. The buy-in is already there for his character and there is some history for it. It's the only good reason I can think of to bring back or recast Jax. Anyone know any available Aussies from Neighbours or something in the age range?

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That age range is a weak spot for Neighbours and Home & Away (unless they try to break the bank for Guy Pearce or maybe hope for Peter O'Brien), but Craig Hall, who has been wasted in a few of the eternal guest spots that make up the Neighbours revival, could work.

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YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was worth the wait, @Antoyne!!! Whoever made mention of Ric having those restaurant guest as witnesses needs to get a prize!!!


This trial is making a great A story. And Ric played Kristina like a fiddle. I hollered. I clapped at my tv. And worth the wait. And the coup de grace...him with the verbatim words of Kristina and the witness reveal. That was perfection and I had to rewind. And how he laid it all out, the logic of it was well-played. Whether he winds up with Ava or Liz, can we keep Ric? Cuz Mr. Hearst sold those scenes flawlessly.


Lulu's storyline was a solid B story. And you know what? Add me on to the suspicion of disbelief. It was night and she was in a hoodie so I could see Cody not immediately not recognizing her. And yes, they even have chemistry, too. I wouldn't mind a Cody/Lulu/Dante triangle though I would rather a Sam/Dante/Lulu one. It's not even the first time with Lulu given Milo and Valerie. And the dialogue with her telling half-truths to Cody was so Spencer-coded. AB sold that to the hilt for me, and I do see her as Lulu. And FINALLY!!! One of her actual immediate family members knows that she's gone. I, of course, wanted it to be Laura (at least they mentioned where Laura is right now), but I will take Lucky. And even a little misdirection with the nurse saying Cyrus was the last to see her. 


I like Lucky and Liz seem to be teaming up for the Sam's death storyline. As long as Liz still has a part of it. But given the above misdirection, it makes me wonder. 


GO 'HEAD, KS!!! She looked GOOD. Even if I don't care much for Sasha, Deception gals gotta stick together! So I didn't mind those scenes. Since those scenes are Michael-coded, it continues to be a solid C plot, too. 


Fingers crossed, they keep on with the building momentum.



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Yeah in the Youtube clip they barely make direct eye contact, when Lulu looks at him, he's usually got his eyes on the road so he doesn't get a good look at her etc so I think it works for me. I'm assuming that was probably directed that way or maybe I'm giving the show too much credit lol.

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I'm also thinking about when he saw her in the hospital bed, hooked up to lots of tubes & very possibly she could've been jaundiced so even her current skin tone wouldn't give her away! I believe we are on to something here.

I have realized the problem with Laura may be nothing but how puny Genie's minimums or guarantees are. If it's that, I do not want to know because it will make me mad all over again.



Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I'm conducting the same poll several different places. It's very simple. What do you think of Kristina, the 2023-2024 version, as written last year & this year, played by Kate Mansi, previously paired with Blaze. 

Your choices are

1 Love her

2 Hate her

3 Don't care

4 Like not love

5 Love to hate

I realize polls are not a thing here. I promise not to make a habit of it. Thanks!

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I am personally unaware of any fan anywhere who thinks Laura gave those permissions. Or are you speaking of the people in authority at the facility? They are just being duped. We have no idea what lengths Cyrus may have gone to, to create this guardianship he is maintaining that he has, when we know for certain he does not. Forged documents, most likely.

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I have a real problem with some Kristina haters in one way. Suddenly we'll have a day when Krissy does not say "Adela" or "my baby" and while I'm all excited, they're pointing out how this is just her trying to manipulate things. She literally cannot win with them.

If Kristina commented on how blue the sky was, they'd come back with: There she goes, trying to gaslight us into thinking a color palate applies to the sky. 

The day she gave Molly a pep talk about their "side" in the upcoming trial, those folks say she was manipulating Molly into supporting her POV, rather than her knowing Molly has some blame for Ava.

Which is the crux of the matter & this should not be a matter of criminal court. Shared responsibility is key but that's not at all soapy, so in that sense we get what we deserve. Ava did reach out & grab Kristina. What most likely happened is that Kristina pulled back forcefully from Ava's touch & that was the beginning of the dramatic fall. 

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Yay!  One person on my side lol.  It would be an easy thread to pick up because Jax even mentioned he had a thing for Lois when Lesli Kay's Lois appeared.   Plus, there are a few places Jax can still be used on the canvas.

I heard some people say bring Ted King back and while I don't mind the idea of Alcazar back I'd rather forget about his romance with Lois.

I don't think you are giving the show too much credit.  I had similar thoughts while watching.  Cody never really got a good look at Lulu.  And he didn't actually know Lulu so her voice, mannerisms, even build wouldn't be especially familiar to him if he only saw pictures.

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