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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I honestly would not have wanted to sit through a story featuring Jordan in any key role. And I don't think Laura needed to be thrown under the wheels further for Heather than she already was. I was into the turn against Sonny but I understand the cynicism about it, since it was killed in its crib (again).

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I don't think she'd ever go against her the way she did Jenny Eckert, I just wonder if they may use her to scheme against a Cody/Lulu relationship. They could come up with reasons if they wanted to make some effort (maybe Lulu no longer feels close to her after her years in a coma, maybe Tracy feels very lonely and resents her bond with Cody being taken away, etc.) but if they want to just keep the close bond Tracy and Lulu used to have that would be nice too.

I've always assumed they will reveal Sasha isn't actually a Scorpio, but I never do know if they have any idea what their long term story plans are.

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I don't think they'd have to trash Laura, but I think it could have made for some character-based drama - Laura clinging to some quasi-family tie, trying to "save" Heather the way no one save her when she was repeatedly vulnerable (and put away for years), the way she couldn't save Lucky or Lulu, etc. And there could have been natural conflict with other characters. But I know it probably wouldn't have been written that way.

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I highly doubt it, but who knows. I think the entire Sasha debacle is there to cement SM and make her 'safe' after what had to be a very close call early this year. And I think if it turned out Holly was lying it would forever wreck the character even worse than this entire unpopular SL did for most non-Holly fans like myself. I think it was supposed to be a gift to the apparently-delighted Robert/Holly fanbase (what a choice) from a clear fan BTS and a HEA for Robert and Holly so Tristan can appear less per his health. If Holly turns out to be lying it all gets reset again and ruined.

I think they are kind of flailing and banking on Alexa and Josh Kelly being a thing. Hopefully not at DZ's expense, but who knows with this show. They've screwed him before.

I thought there was story to tell there re: Laura's fond memories of the old days with the family and feeling lingering sympathy for Heather, but it was mishandled onscreen almost from the jump.

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I remember your analysis of the early scenes. I think you were right. It is unfortunate they never got the balance right...and the whole thing was so isolated. 

If that was the plan for Sasha, then the irony is they've put her in an even weaker position due to Chad Duell leaving. I have no idea what they are going to do with her character now. 

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I'm not sure they know either. But that's par for the course with GH. If (as some think) they try to put her over with Steve in some sort of baby Michael redux I will die laughing. Steve and Sofia Mattsson together is like weapons grade Sominex and even more of a nonstarter for me than him and Kelly Thiebaud, who I couldn't stand on the show in any story - but say what you will about her, Thiebaud and Steve had heat (and fans). Plus there's the equally bizarre Anna thing atm.

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See? This week is off to a strong start.


Darn it...go 'head Iago Michael. Working behind the scenes. I wasn't even sure if I was going to like it, but CD playing fake is exactly what I was expecting Michael to be. Watching those Michael/Drew scenes I couldn't help, but wonder if he would record the conversation. So lol well-played. He wanted his revenge and how he's going about it is making up for the abruptness of the storyline vanishing.


LULU!!!  I liked her escape. I continue to feel her storyline is coming across so much better for me than Lucky's return did. However, I see what everyone else was mentioning. I don't see Laura at all giving Cyrus that much authority over her daughter even if she forgave him for the bombing of the Floating Rib. Speaking of...where the frak IS Laura?? Yes, I'm side-eying. AB is making a great recast of Lulu for me so far.


Suits, suits everywhere and...lol. That said...good start to the trial. I am surprised that Diane isn't going against Ric, but that's okay. This lawyer is doing good. I also noticed that flashback from Kristina's POV...and yet she is STILL going through with this? But Ric getting the coda...hehe...GET HER, RIC!!! 

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