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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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Like I keep saying: Babies are the easiest story to greenlight that doesn't frighten the hausfraus (and it kills up to a year of story), so they just keep adding more fuckin' babies or baby stories. Exhausting.

Edited by Vee
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Get her Ric!! The second he called her out for going around saying she was doing this wonderful thing for her sister but then decided to keep the baby I was so in. THIS is what I’ve been waiting on. Omg these scenes were everything I needed. RH was born for this role. Kristina jumped right into calling that baby hers reeeeeeal fast.

I can’t get over how great and healthy Kirsten Storms looks now. 

So we’re really going with Cody never saw a single picture of Dante’s ex that’s in a coma. Potential triangle?

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Well, I like that everyone is singing that song I sang about Laura now that Lulu came in with a much stronger storyline start than Lucky's and it sounds like it is immediately being fumbled.


As for Stephen Nickels, I believe someone a few pages back verified during the Stefan discussion that he did have issues with Frank and cameo-ing in for the 50th anniversary. The poster brought back his quotes.

Tell me it's as good as it's sounding. 

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And that was a story to look forward to and could have been such an umbrella tale. And I trusted that PM would have found a way to organic (or not) bring some conclusion to Anna/Laura vs Sonny, too. Alas.


Something going on over there in PC. Now I'm trying to figure out if Laura with Rocco at the church is the last time we saw Laura. 



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See? Now THIS is the side of Alexis that I don't like. But to be fair, at least the writers referenced this side (her dislike of Jason) beforehand. And NLG played it great, but even Alexis knows that no way Jason is going to just roll over and play dead (pun unintended) when it comes to his kids ESPECIALLY if it involves Drew. So I love the tension is finally creeping all the way out between Jason and Drew. Long overdue, but I'm so Team Jason in these excellent Jason/Alexis/Drew scenes. And SB was selling it. I especially love how Will Smith-ish he got about Drew even wording Danny's likes with his mouth. He came across like a dad in that moment perfectly. And then the coda for the episode with him and that sigh. Meanwhile...he looked FOINE in that dress suit. Drew really and truly can go and kick rocks.


Yay for the writers finally remembering that Chase and Dante are friends. I know there was the setup for Dex and Dante to get close, but that shouldn't stop them from Chase/Dante. Heck, I don't really see Dex and Dante together outside of work scenes. A loss. DZ, like NLG, continue to sell the aftermath grief.


So these are the Joss/Kristina scenes that you all told me about. Okay...they were well done. And it referenced their feud so I guess I'm okay with them coming to a truce. But...woulda coulda shoulda.


Speaking of woulda coulda shoulda...I have such mixed feelings for Trina and Kai. I am again saying that I am happy to see Trina have her own storyline (with Joss HER talk-to #shade), but just the beginning of it being so cliche. That said...I didn't mind the scenes in this episode and watching them slowly bond over insomnia. Perhaps foreshadowing that she will tell him about Spencer. And cute that HE (not his tutor) did the research. I'm trying to keep an open mind, but...again mixed feelings.


Given the news, I'm wondering where this Michael story is going to go. No lie. For better or for worse, he's always been a part of the canvas and his story is kinda juicy. 



MMmmm...watching and getting excited.

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Though Cody should've mentioned she looked familiar, I really liked their "first meeting."  Lulu's been awake for 10 mins and she's already flirting with the first guy she meets.  LOL  I liked their flirtation and joking around, and talking about family, him giving her money and his number after dropping her off.  It was nice.  I'm sold on Alexa.  She's great!

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