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Y&R: September 2024 Spoilers

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Monday, September 2, 2024- Episode #12948
Victor calls Nate’s bluff, Lily puts Billy on notice, and Adam blames Chelsea for their problems.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024- Episode #12949
Victor agrees to help Lily take Billy down, Chelsea seeks forgiveness, and Chance second guesses his decision to work at Chancellor.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024- Episode #12950
Sharon makes a promise to Nick, Phyllis clears the air with Faith and Daniel and Heather are challenged as

Thursday, September 5, 2024- Episode #12951
Nikki provides Victor with valuable intel about Billy, Kyle makes a confession to Claire, and Lily shares disturbing news with Jack.

Friday, September 6, 2024- Episode #12952
Nick seeks counsel from Victor and Nikki, Di
ane struggles to connect with Kyle, and Daniel stands his ground with Lucy.

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I'm so shocked by this for many reasons.

1. Heather is a legacy character. Not only that, but her parents are off screen and we know the likelihood of getting Doug Davidson back is rare. Not to mention, this is now his second child killed.

2. Bringing back Heather and Daniel has been one of the few smart decisions and establishing her as Lucy's mom solved the Daisy problem. 

3. They didn't even attempt to play on the history of Adam and Heather! He has been in limbo for over a year and they didn't even tease it.

4. How the hell can Sharon recover from this? Heather isn't a villain so you can't explain this away.

This is truly one of the most shocking and boneheaded moves. A waste of a talented actress and a character with endless potential, if you had a decent writer around. Only to destroy another legacy character, Sharon.

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This is the Canadian day-ahead recap (Wed. Sept. 25 CDN, Thurs. Sept 26 US)

I read a few other recaps, all the same, and I saw some tweeted scenes.

Sharon knocks Heather down. Sharon blacks out, then awakens and discovers that Heather is dead.  The Cameron Kirsten hallucination convinces Sharon to wrap up Heather's body, clean up the apartment, drag the body down the stairs, put the body in the trunk of the car, and then throw Heather's body off a bridge.

Obviously the Cameron stuff is a hallucination, but it seems that Sharon really did knock Heather down, blacked out briefly, then cleaned up the crime scene, and threw Heather's body off the bridge into the water.

Two questions:

1) Did Sharon knocking Heather out cause Heather to die? Or did someone else kill Heather during the time Sharon was blacked out?

2) Was Heather actually dead? Or just unconscious with a bleeding head?  Will Heather start to drown and then awaken in time to save herself?

At any rate Sharon believes she killed Heather.

(The entire episode could have been a dream but it seems that Heather really did get thrown off the bridge)


The following episode (Thurs. Sept. 26 CDN, Fri. Sept. 27 US)
will be the standalone for Sharon Case's 30th anniv.

Edited by janea4old
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Have these soaps learned nothing about killing legacy characters in pointless killings? 

Also, I am tired of Sharon being pulled out the mothballs every blue moon to play crazy, get healed, and then be cast into the background again. It's tired and it's old. Yes, it allows SC to flex her acting chops but there is so much untold story for Sharon outside of her mental breakdowns. 

What about Sharon's biological father? Has that arc ever been explored? If not, does she have siblings? Is he still alive? Would that explain her mental instability as her father suffers from the same ailments? I'd that occur than Sharon killing someone, getting off, becoming the pariah again, and then going back to being the town barista.  

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