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DAYS: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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I guess.

It's just very clear this is a story Ron came up with on the fly after the strike for whatever reason.  There was no thought or depth put into Connie's motivations.  Ron just wanted a super villain who could run around town poisoning, stabbing people, and blowing up things.  Most of Connie's plans were very calculated and thought out (ie killing Bobby, setting it up as a suicide, and having him take the blame).  That implies some level of being aware her actions were wrong and had consequences.  

Anyhow, the story is wrapping up so it doesn't matter.  I just think the show could have taken a few beats to explain her behavior when Li was nice to her on one date.  Isolated? Lonely?  Abusive past?  History of obsessiveness or stalking? Anything, but one day she decided she was in love with Li and then killed him when he didn't reciprocate months after their one date.  

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What can we really say at this point? I mean, how about, "Poor Li?" I don't know, though. Actually I never liked Li. That may seem bad since the poor guy was murdered, killed, stabbed,  kept around in an annoying cardboard cut-out. BadAss Wendy Shin took all the marbles when it came to offspring of that family!!! I'm just glad, very glad, that Connie is GONE. She is gone, right? 

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Good riddance, Connie. Hope we never see your annoying ass again.

Today was a long one though. 46 minutes.

Too bad not that much happened though. I’m glad that Connie and everything that happened didn’t make everything all better for Gabi and Stefan. I really hope their storyline plays out for a while. I just think they need to even the playing field a little for the both of them. Both Gabi and Stefan should be written as angry and spiteful to each other but hurt and devastated in private. That, honestly, could help fans route for either one of them, instead of having them both be annoying and pathetic. Or evil and vindictive lol and they really need to have Stefan call Gabi out on the way she is. The same way that she does to him. 

And Johnny and Chanel were sweet today too but how are they just finding out about everything that happened lol btw they’re already gonna start producing episodes of Body&Soul? We should ask Michele Van Jean if the process can be done this quickly

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Quickly?  It feels like Abe and Kate have been in pre-production since May!  They have a set.  They have a script.  They've hired the actors.  There's no need for promo since it is streaming.  LFG

Also, probably an unpopular opinion, but Connie slayed her final scene.  I thought she displayed the appropriate amount of pathos, without seeming OTT.  The kiss with Li was sweet, and she pulled at my heartstrings.

That being said, I don't know who will prosecute this case because Melinda and EJ have a conflict of interest.  And I still don't know if EJ wants to be the DA, given that Melinda is going back to Dimera (where she worked for a day, but still got a huge paycheck?).

Edited by j swift
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I warned y’all. Today was not good. A complete Body&Soul day. Literally nothing happened. It almost felt like an add-on or something. With episodes like this, it’s no wonder Ron was fired.

Today also had Jamey Giddens’ grubby little fingers all over it too, so no wonder it was so bad. Literally the worst thing Ron ever did was hire this no talent kiss ass. He deserved firing just for that alone. 

Btw, if Hattie’s line, “It’s always the writer who takes the blame” is a little dig from Uncle Ron, all I gotta say is 

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I'm a month and a half behind and finally started to bite the bullet and play catch-up. The show is half-way decent when you subtract anything related to Body & Soul and the Ava/Stefan/Gabi garbage. 

Are they still overly and sloppily bronzing some actors' faces? Lord, Matt Ashford looked ridiculous, along with others... 

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Am I nuts that my biggest gripe with today's episode was Eric saying he'll take the pictures for free? 

Body&Soul is a big production, they could pay him.  And Kate and Abe don't owe him anything, nor is he related to them.  Is it a visa thing where he can't be employed in Salem while he's a residence of France? Why does this guy refuse to make money?  Nicole's going to grow tired of that really quickly.


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