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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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Are there no other ex-AMC or OLTL players that Frank can bring on for Steve? He did it for Maurice. He also seems to accommodate Maurice more when it comes to story than  with Steve.

It feels like Maurice has much more behind the scenes influence now than Steve does. You wonder how Steve feels about that. 

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I know this and I also know Robin and Jason will never get back together.  They were still one of my favorite couples and Anna/Jason is weird to me. 

Mo has been a lot more loyal than Steve to the show.  Steve's left the show multiple times and once under some pretty sketchy circumstances.  Mo's stayed put.  I can see him having more influence on that basis alone.

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It was pretty gross.  I didn't like Anna's freakout leading up to it either.  It seems out of character for her to be that panic-stricken, which also makes me think it's a rouse for the guards.

I wasn't advocating it?  I pretty much constantly say the same thing you are on here about GH actors having storyline say.  I just shared my thoughts on why Mo probably has more favor than Steve at this point.

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I thought so a couple of months ago. I don’t want this for Anna, but I also don’t want a return from Valentin. I do appreciate that Valentini had kept Anna front and center, but the stories have not been good.

Of the entire cast as it stands right now, the only one I could tolerate is Brennan. And they have clearly tagged him for perfect Carly.

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Yeah, say what you will for the New/Old Writers, I do like that Anna has consistently been front and center. 


Under PM, Anna and Brennan had interesting shades of gray enough that I would not have mind seeing them together. PM was setting Brennan up to be a better option than Valentin, but the things that audience seem to love about Vanna. And then you had Carly in the mix then. Brennan seem in awe of both. But now with the New/Old Writers...Carly and Brennan still have it. But they do Anna and Brennan like some silly Spy vs Spy skit, and I find it soooo annoying. 

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Sigh. This thread is so tedious month after month. I stop in to read show discussion here and there to see the same thing every week. MB this. MB that. Constant slander of the man. Fake rumors pushed as solid facts. It's exhausting. It's overkill. Not to mention pot meet kettle. Few of you leading the charge on MB were complaining about Twitter doing the same to LW every hour of every day. Blaming her for everything wrong with GH like she runs ABC. How about this? Blame FV. 
If MB has all this power as some of you claim
He would gotten to keep the salt and pepper look instead of black shoe polish.
He would've gotten to keep the maturity of his character over going back to a monster. 
Sonny wouldn't have been manic for six months when they "know" it's a real life strain on MB's mind to play it that long. 

Sonny wouldn't have been written like a old weak gramps at the Nursing Home that Michael had to "tell" him what to do after he killed Jagger like it was his first murder.

Sonny and Carly wouldn't be on the verge of Marriage #6.

Sonny and Nina's marriage would've lasted longer than two months. MB and CW would've been allowed to play "one" beat of that divorce instead of waiting "five" months for a scene. They kept them apart on purpose until their fans (+SOD) kept pushing for them to interact to say goodbye. 

Sonny wouldn't be trapped with a Homophobe of all things when he accepted Kristina. Sonny wouldn't have been made to say "No big deal" at the hateful way she treated Kristina. Natalia has nuclear hate on the three social accounts and is (arguably) the worst creation of the FV regime. Peter was less hated than her. He served a purpose as a villain. She has none. She doesn't fit. She should go. FV wants ELR. He is forcing her on a GH legend (MB) to lock up airtime for her. He always does this with his "names" from AMC/OLTL. MB wasn't pushing for ELR to be his leading lady when he clearly wanted to stay with CW. SB can happily come take on a Jason and Natalia romance if he's not being catered to enough BTS after leaving twice in a decade. 
Fav Lexi Ainsworth wouldn't have been fired twice.
Bestie Real Andrews wouldn't be ignored for over a year. 
It's laughable how much FV is going against MB but keep telling yourself he runs GH when they were gonna Temp Recast Sonny if he didn't cut short his mental health leave. 
Edited by Kevin Roberson
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My feelings on this are complicated. Without actor involvement we would never have gotten Monica’s breast cancer and Nikolas amongst others. I think Tony Geary was right to push against some of the stuff they wanted Luke to do. But I also think people go too far- again, Tony Geary.

Maurice has little power. The hair thing being an example. Also the only changes to story are because of his mental health issues, not the story. Eva is here strictly because of Valentini, and she just happened to get grafted on to Sonny to make it work. Like Liz had to carry two FV friends.

As I have posted before, I have empathy for his health. But I also wonder why nobody will address with him that his method acting is killing every deep dramatic storyline that he used to love to play, it’s causing his mental health to decline, and I am sure causing issues with his home life. Something has to change here- Sonny doesn’t work unless it’s dark, because the show never evolved him.

I don’t think anyone has bts power right now like they did even a few years ago, which ran crazy during the JFP era.

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I think it can sometimes work if it's coming from a true character standpoint.  Not from ego or just not liking a story.  For example, Vanessa vetoing a Dante/Brenda romance/baby was probably the right choice for the Brenda character in the long run.   If someone is looking out for the integrity of character instead of personal preference I don't mind that much, but at the same time, it becomes a slippery slope.  Sometimes actors have a very different idea about their characters than the writers do.

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