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Y&R September 2024 Discussion Thread


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Well, that was a turn for sure. 


And as I thought, it looks like Sharon might want to kill Daniel. But I'm confused. Did I watch the scene wrong? I thought Mariah found fake pills. Or was it she didn't see the label? I was just confused. But if it is true that Sharon HAS been taking her meds the whole time, then WHAT is wrong with her?


And given Phyllis's talk with Nick on this episode...it occurred to me. Is JG really amping up Phyllis vs Sharon with some Nick on the side and how it affects the next generation his way of giving acknowledgement of all 3's anniversaries this year? Because they could have done better.


Meanwhile, the Faith/Lucy storyline continues to give SINGLE WHITE FEMALE. Lucy really does not seem to get it. And now it's getting annoying. 

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I might be wrong, but I do believe that was the last time I was a regular viewer of DAYS before RC came on at the start. Because when I heard rumors of the rape, I was hoping it was just a rumor. I actually liked his run at first. I didn't even mind the darkness but that was a touch too far (and on the Horton couch, too) for me. And tuned right on out. 


Funnily enough, I left Y&R right before his 2013 run and Delia's death so I missed it. I believe I was around for his Chelesa/Adam/Sharon triangle during his 2nd (?) run or it might be the same run that started with Delia's death. I remember liking that, but I fell off again until SSM and KA came back. 


I DO remember that every time he came back (like the current GH writers) he suuuuure loved to reset to the show to where he left off writing as if characters had no development while he was gone. 


But yes, given all that info...I am surprised he has not done a murder mystery yet. 

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Mariah's scenes were so choppy in this epi. She was going to check on Sharon's bipolar meds in Sharon's medicine cabinet, then Sharon came in and busted Mariah. Mariah then said she was there to borrow a necklace from Faith which bought her time to still go look for Sharon's meds. Mariah checked Sharon's purse and found a large bottle of ibuprofen which the camera made sure we saw. After that, Mariah (off screen) went upstairs to check the medicine cabinet and retrieve a necklace to verify the ruse of being there.

At that time Mariah determined that Sharon's med bottle was missing the correct amount of pills if Sharon had been taking them as directed. She thinks Sharon has been taking her bipolar meds and told Nick all of that. It's still sketchy and makes very little sense, like this entire story that has gone on too long to maintain interest.

Seems Phyllis has no choice but to be included in this nonsense as the 30th anniversary of her and Sharon being on the show is coming up. Please God, can this guy wrap up a story with any decency?




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Uneven AF. Because how are you going to land on such a juicy bombshell as Sharon starting to think about killing Daniel...and then we don't see her for the rest of the week. On the other hand, that meant the show circled back to other storylines that were interesting *cough*Victor*cough* The writing felt better and the actors made me more invested sad to say.


The first half of last week was all about Sharon and her spiral. The last half of the week was about Audra vs Kyle and Victor weaving that web of his. And everything was better for it I felt. 


I'm definitely over Kyle's whining. I've been over it. Because we know how I feel about the genesis of his anger at Diane. And though someone tried to put more nuances in his latest fight with Diane...too little, too late since every time they argue I zone out. That said...well-played getting in Victor's ear about Audra perhaps spilling the beans on his identity as the silent partner. I liked that Audra did not back down to Victor...though it might cost her. And I loved how much Victor was taking potshots at Billy at all their encounters. 'Eat your damn fries.' LOL oh Victor... I'm oh so looking forward to Billy falling (ESPECIALLY seeing that clip for this new week with Phyllis cuz HELL NO) and I'm looking forward to Audra's revenge on Kyle.


Speaking of Giggly Heffa, I don't mind her in Billy's orbit. Keeps her out of Nick's.

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 Yes, I'm petty. 


I had totally forgotten about Victoria and Cole so good to see him still around and working at the University. And while it's typical drama for them going forward, Cole has rarely backed down so let's see if they can withstand Victor again. 


Kyle/Claire...meh. Perhaps it took too long for me. Or it's the fact that Claire is a little too bland now, but I wasn't feeling it. 


It was a little moment, but I loved Jack holding Diane from the back as they talked about Kyle and the idea of Victor being the silent partner. Like a real couple. They really have become the patriarch and matriarch of the Abbots.


But like I said...an uneven week. And it shows that I had no desire to rewind. Just background noise. Looking forward to that Phyllis clip though.


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I see the closing credits updated the surnames of Sharon and Devon back in July, but I just noticed it.

Devon announced he was changing his name from Devon Hamilton to Devon Winters in May 2023 - when Malcolm and Harmony/Yolanda visited and they all paid tribute to Neil at the Jazz Lounge.
Name change to Winters finally reflected in closing credits July 24, 2024 Canada (July 23 U.S.)

Sharon had been going by "Sharon Rosales" ever since she married Rey, and kept that name as Rey's widow.  I remember when she did the grand opening party for the business she inherited from Cameron Kirsten and formerly changed its name from Kirsten something to Cassie something, Nick gave her a desk nameplate saying "Sharon Newman", and that seemed odd (to me) since she had never announced changing her name back to Newman.
I stopped watching regularly months ago.  Has Sharon ever confirmed she changed it?

Sharon name change to Newman reflected in the same closing credits airing when Devon's names was changed in the credits:  closing credits July 24, 2024 Canada (July 23 U.S.)

Are both of these just overdue errors that the show staff finally noticed?
Or were these changes mentioned in character dialogues?

fyi @YRfan23

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Closing credits for U.S. week of July 15-19, 2024
(actor credits aired Canada Fri. July 12)

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Closing credits for U.S. week of July 22-26, 2024
(actor credits aired Canada July 24)


Edited by janea4old
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Well, it didn't completely bore me. Though I might be bias because I like Daniel and Heather so watching them dealing with Lucy as well as each other has been the closest to old school Y&R as we have gotten in a minute. Though I'm ready to shake the heck out of Lucy. How did the shy little girl they introduced turn into such a brat. 


Sharon unspooling continues to be crazy. But hey!!! We got an Esther sighting. And I guess it's good to see Nick, Mariah, and Faith also cluing in. Hopefully, there's a turn in this story coming.


Awww at Cole and Victoria back together. And Claire seeing it. 


Nothing much else going on. Oops. Spoke too soon. 

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