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ALL: Inappropriate storylines on soap operas


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AMC: Bianca's attack. I happen to tune in for the episode because I was hoping it was a fake-out. It was disgusting on so many levels that I never watched AMC again. Heartbreaking because AMC was not only my first soap, but I was the only one in my family who watched it - so it was *mine*

Y&R: Adam sleeping with Rafe to throw him off the trail during the Ashley gaslighting mess.



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B&B: @Maxim Don’t forget back in 2006 Ridge and Brooke had their own trashy “high on coffee syrup” rape (similar to Malcolm and Dru) but it was played for laughs and just served as an excuse for Brooke to sleep with Nick again.

GL: Gilly almost sleeping with her biological father discovering the truth right as she was seducing him.

ATWT: Julia’s rape of Jack, Marshall’s “no means yes” rape of Jessica, and well where do I continue?

Y&R: The Adam and Sharon “gothic romance” that occurred between 2009-12 was one of the most inappropriate pairings I have ever seen based on what he did to her.

Days: Same with the above with EJ and Sami. Gross. 

Not surprisingly my ATWT, Days, and Y&R choices were all written by the same writer

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The less said about some of the outlandish bathroom stuff Reilly gave us and later Pratt gave us the better. 

Edited by soapfan770
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I’m currently on those episodes.. Not that far with the sleeping part (but I did watched that episode when it aired)… Holy sheeeet. That Victor got away with that is just ridiculous…

Even though Chelsea and Adam (especially Justin) were one of my top 5 couples form YR during the last 20 years the story was inappropriate. He stalked her for months as Gabe Bingham and made her fall for Gabe.. He was constantly bringing up Adam.. Adam here and Adam there and Adam blah. I can’t believe Chelsea was that dumb not be a little bit confused by it or to caught on to him sooner. And all we got was Adam talking to the portrait of Victor and her walking in. LOL

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B&B I raced to this thread to say Ridge and Bridget. Low and behold it was the first answer! 

B&B Stephanie unknowingly giving a rapist the location of the keys to Brooke's house. 

B&B Brooke sleeping with Deacon, Nick, Thomas and Oliver.

Y&R Victor gaslighting Sharon with a double of her deceased daughter (Cassie/Mariah... his adoptive granddaughter. 

GH Luke rapes Laura then taunts her by playing the song that he raped her to AGAIN at the campus disco. 

GH Ric locking a pregnant Carly in a panic room then gets forgiven and becomes DA

OLTL: Todd Manning/Victor Jr: raping Marty, the dead baby lie, causing Star to fall down stairs, beating up Cole, "re-raping" Marty (Yet still being forgiven).


Edited by Planet Soap
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