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DAYS: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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These is she or isn't she storylines do nothing for me because they never stick and all it takes is one of the previous actors showing interest in coming back and all of the investment is gone to [!@#$%^&*].

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This is why it’s so short sighted to kill off characters cause you’re mad that the actor is leaving. Just do a straight recast and be done with it. Its bad enough JKJ’s Phillip now on occasion has his old face whenever JKJ plays him despite the character having plastic surgery for one of the recasts.

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It reminded me of the DNA test that Kayla did on Henry, when everybody started thinking that Tripp was his father and the one who raped Allie. That was the thing that made me speculate that it’s gonna turn out that Gwen has a twin sister. 

Agreed, they could’ve recast Abby. Hell, I think Abigail Klein could have even been a recast. 

But in this case, the problem was that somebody (I won’t say who lol) hated the character so much that he wanted her gone and wrote her out the first chance he could. 

And, let’s not even talk about how ridiculous it was that at the same time Abby was killed off with a stab wound, Stefan, who had no heart or brain activity was brought back to life. 

I’m so glad that 

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Days has a long history of using a single DNA test as irrefutable proof when the audience knows there can obviously be other answers.  Heck, John should really get another test to make sure he isn't Roman lol.

Abigail Klein actually would have been a decent Abby recast.  She's even a natural blonde.

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I do agree; the fact she was almost immediately paired with Billy Flynn's Chad ⏤ whom she had decent chemistry with ⏤ proved as such. Plus, Stephanie was dressed eerily like Marci Miller's Abigail, so it would've worked. But, alas, we got Stephanie, which should have been a nice change. But again, the "writer" fumbled the ball.

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Stephanie has always been a bit of a bore to me.  I think Hennig made the character.  AK does fine with the material, but Stephanie still lacks any direction of any kind.  That is definitely a writing issue.  They can't even figure out a pairing for her.

I don't like Abby that much either, but the character just has more possibilities on the current canvas.  Like everyone else I am not sure why they "killed" her off in the first place.  Mansi really made the role for me though.  Dang, I really am starting to sound like a Kate Mansi stan lol.

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I absolutely disagree. Wholeheartedly.

I just feel like the writer has no clear vision on who Stephanie should be; recasting after being off-canvas for some years (aside from a one-off visit) should have been an easy walk into for the role, but, instead... the writing has been stale and plot-driven to poach other characters. Klein is not the issue for me. I don't even think Hennig would've been able to sell the character at this point. At the same time, she's felt like a replacement for Abigail from the moment Miller exited.

They killed her off because Miller wanted recurring, and the writer didn't want to do a recurring-regular pairing, so... yeah. And yes, you do stan. Next, we'll get you on the Gina Tognoni stan train.

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