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DAYS: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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Nope.  Bobby/Everett just stumbled upon a blood covered woman talking in the part out loud about killing someone and mentioned Li's name.  In real life no one would ever listen to the crazy DID man with no evidence, but I also assume Connie will crack at the first hint of questioning lol.

For some reason I thought he was going to have info on Abby's murder.

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At this point, the need to re-write the resolve to Li's murder feels unnecessary.  Especially without Wendy in town to react.

Usually I don't like to hypothesize on the motives of the writing team.  But, this smacks of not liking the direction of the scab team, and then not being able to let it go.  Because, the Connie reveal is doing nothing to further the story. 

I agree that it would make more sense to tie Li's murder to Abby's disappearance/murder.  But, it maybe it will, and there's another twist yet to come in Connie's story. 

It also really waters down the Ava/Stefan affair.  We can all see that the secret is going to be revealed in retaliation for the Jude incident.  But, if Gil wasn't a murderer that they were being forced to protect, it kind of undermines their motive for sleeping together.  As I recall, they were both stressed out and drunk.  But, making Connie responsible suggests that they were silly to try to decipher the phone book, go to Montana, and capture Clyde. 

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All that being said, the EJ/Nicole confrontation scenes were great! I adored the physicality of her yelling at him and him flinching backward.  I liked the very character driven choice of him trying to manipulate her with tears, and then letting his true anger out when he was alone.  They were just great. 

And, once again kudos to nu-Gabi, there's real chemistry with her and Stefan, and she felt instantly connected to Rafe.

Edited by j swift
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Dan and Ari killed it again. The two of them definitely made today worth watching. And so did Greg Vaughan especially in his scenes with Roman. Looking forward to his and Nicole’s scenes tomorrow.

I will say that somebody really needed to get slapped though lol why does Days seem afraid to throw punches and slaps lately? 

And I was impressed by NuGabi too. I really hope they take the route of having her revealed the truth in an attempt to do the right thing and not just to be spiteful.

The rest of the episode was… ehhh

The Bobby/Everett and Li’s murder/Connie storylines are both duds. Clearly, they both got lost in the shuffle during the strike and they should both be put to an end. Tbh, when it comes to storylines that are written by both strike writers and the official writers, this transition between writers might just have been one of the worst I’ve ever seen on a soap.

It was nice to see Remington Hoffman again though.

Considering the spoilers, she might end up digging her own grave.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Greg, Ari and Dan continued to shine today. It really sad about all the BTS trouble because there’s still so much that can be done with this triangle and these characters and actors.

The Stefan/Gabi argument was good too. I’m glad that they have different opinions about what Gabi did and I hope that they continue to run with it. And I like that Gabi brought up her past evil behavior  and what a horrible person she could be, to Eric. It would be nice to have a gray Gabi again instead of a heartless sociopath Gabi. 

Btw, today Cherie Jimenez was doing the eyebrow thing that Aketra Sevillian used to do

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Holly wasn’t used very well today though. She finds out what EJ did and instead of seeing her mother, she goes to see Tate? That was kinda stupid. I still think they’re missing the mark with Tate/Holly. The reveal about EJ could somehow have stirred up conflict for the two of them. And they should also have Tate hate Alex instead of being all buddy-buddy like they were today. 

And as much as I dislike the whole sending Aaron to camp thing, I do like the friendship that he and Tate have. The bro hug was really nice too

Hope we continue to see Aaron though and he’s not offscreen for the rest of the summer. 

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I couldn't help but to think that having the press conference in town square (they have every event in town square and it's getting tiresome) kind of took me out of the scenes on Friday, that and the lack of reaction to the reveal from the press/town folk at the event. I couldn't help but to think that if this had played out on a soap like EDGE back in the day, who had a shoestring budget, but could make scenes like a press conference work, it would've been more riveting. 

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There was one guy in the background at the press conference staring open-mouthed at the whole reveal, which was cracking me up because everyone else was just milling around like they were at a really boring cocktail party.

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I have a few reactions to the reactions at the press conference.

  1. Who was it for in the first place?  The Spectator is the only newspaper in town.  I don't think that radio station where Marlena did her advice show is still in business.  Titan TV must have suffered ad revenue losses after Bella shuttered.  And whatever station streams Body&Soul isn't going to care about a live press event.
  2. I get the lackadaisical response.  If a stranger told me that some loser photographer fathered a child, I don't know that I would be moved to great emotion.
  3. On the other hand, it is crazy how they refuse to acknowledge cellphones and social media.  I mean, nobody had their phone out to post Nicole's freakout on TikTok?  Gabi didn't take one selfie in front of the lectern?  These images would've gone viral in our universe.
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Today's episode the best part in my opinion was Stefan and Gabi stuff

The Eric and Nicole stuff fell flat in my opinion I just don't see any connection between these two characters they have tried so many times with these two over the years and currently it just seemed forced 

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So, what the heck is Tate and Holly's actual plan?  I know a ton of more important things happened today, but I am so confused.  Is Tate going to stay in Salem secretly?  Are they running away together like no one would notice Holly was gone for 3 months?  Do they have money?  Any plans?  Are they going to come back once the summer is over?   Tate created this elaborate plot with Aaron, but just stared at Holly today and asked "so what do you want to do now?"  

This is the dumbest plan ever.

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I agree.  Plus, "love on the run" stories work only when the stakes are high, but what are the stakes in Tate and Holly running off besides their families losing their collective shits about it?

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