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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just watched yesterday's show - Hellzabub, Dante and a stiletto, lol. Looks like fun for the whole family.

Whomever said Tracy was in a bathrobe or shower curtain was wrong. Though not her most flattering jacket, it didn't look horrible and certainly was in keeping with the season.

Glad that Michael uttered the phrase "Tracy is right." More people on GH have to start saying that out loud - though when her new favourite boy turns out to be a plant, you KNOW Edward and Monica are going to rub it in her face five ways from Friday.

The big disappointment was the Lucky story. I remember way back when, JJ said he would have loved to do the drug addiction story and now it looks like they are going to do it for him after all. The ONE decent story GV was given and they are going to cheapen it with Cry Baby. I'm not amused…. not surprised but not amused. mad.gif

They can't seriously have a mob Selieto story and not have Tracy. That would make zero sense, and would seem to fly in the face of GW respecting history and having Tracy more involved. The name is just too coincidental to be a coincidence. The one back-story I wouldn't mind them tinkering with is Tracy's abortion, so you never know.

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Yes. Yes. I know all this. Remember on here from way back.

Was it brought up at this event? Who brought it up? And what did she say? Sounded from your original tweet that she confirmed it, but not you're saying she didn't. hmmmm.

who are the two women to the left of Jane in your pic?



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During the Q&A with all the people up on stage, (it was a strange venue as itw as a comedy club and nancy's daughter's band was performing a set) someone asked jane in the audience what it was like working with elvis. Jane went on to say how her aunt worked as head of the legal dept at william morris talent agency and I guess maybe they represented elvis and she would send her all this stuff but she didn't like his music and didn't feel like it was real music or classic or whatever so she had really not much interest when she was approached or something or got the role, but it turned out to be one of her favorite projects and how he was wonderful and so great blah blah blah.

Nothing was said at the event othert han that, but then Nancy was thanking people on twitter and she was saying how it was Jane's first event in 30 years. Then she tweeted that tweet (not me but nancy) about how fun itwas to hear jane talk about working with/sleeping with ? elvis.

Nancy was just being a troublemaker! Getting people now to spec that! She is hilarious!!

She and I were talking while she was signing stuff and taking pictures and I told her how my husband interviewed her and how she was his only radio guest ever to be saying "hold on I gotta order my coffee at starbucks while on the air" LOL

She was so warm and friendly and approachable. She grabbed my face and gave me a big kiss on the cheek after I told her that story and said it was nice meeting her! Love her!

She was very forthcoming and hilarious about the emmy fucked up process, etc.

That was michelle stafford to the far left from Y&Y and Crystal Chappell with the pony tail. THey both came to support Nancy s her guest.

She made a toast to the incredible chicks in that room. Talked about how she and Michelle were super close and how michelle, herself and jane were all single mothers and how hard it is to do it alone and how much michelle fought to have her baby. She said how jane was an incredible mother and did such a good job with her kids. Someone asked nancy if she ever wanted to have another kid and that is how the discussion came up.

She did say how much Jane meant to her and how much she respected her and looked up to her and how she doesn't listen to anything anyone tells her to do, but she will listen to jane, etc.

Oh someone asked each one of them what they would do if they weren't an actor. Nancy was like I'd be on hollywood blvd cause there is nothing else I would want to do. Jane said something about I don't know. probably something to do with children, maybe a teacher. Someone in the audience said something to her that she misheard and jane was like "you don't know me at all. How can you say that." But then realized the lady was warning her about kids being difficult or hard. Jane thought she was saying she would be hard for kids to deal with.

Jane said basically there are three shows for two time slots and two things have to happen for GH to stay on the air. Costs have to come down and ratings go up. And they are competing with reality shows that cost nothing to produce so hopefully they won't get ratings and GH will ratings will go up.

She explained this after nancy ws about to spill her guts about the situation the show is in and was wondering if she would get in trouble! Jane was like hold it, tell me what you are going to say first. Then nancy whispered it to her and jane was like okay here is the deal.


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Honestly. How can they bring on a family with an almost identical name and NOT have it be the same Soleito/Soleita family?

If they did that, I would have my confirmation that GW is no more savvy than Guza. It would make zero sense.

As far as Tracy being a doormat, I've always felt Laura was a far bigger doormat in reference to Luke. Not that I will mind Tracy sticking up for herself. I'm going to enjoy that. It's about time he treated her with more respect and had to work for her affections.

I can't help but think of the deliciousness of what true oldschool snarky Tracy, and true old school Luke Spencer would be like.

I am good with Lacy breaking up for a while at least, as long as I don't have to suffer through Luke and Alexis. Luke and Skye could happen again, but Skye is just so lame.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Tracy might have had moments of being a "doormat", but more than anything she led Luke around by the short-n-curlies when he stepped out of line. I'd just like a LuNacy that was based in equality and mutual respect rather than a ping pong match.

And HELL TO THE NO for Tracy and AZ. They might be entertaining but it would be a huge cut into the fabric that makes Tracy to have her involved with someone who is insane and a murder. She's got questionable ethics in some areas, but she has never gone to the point of supporting a sociopath.

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That's why I think that if it's true Luke is going to become jealous, AZ is going to be blackmailing her or coercing her in some other way to date him. It's the only way Tracy would be compliant and make anyone else believe anything with AZ is "real". No way would most people believe it otherwise. I think he's going to offer his protection from the Gina chick or her family, OR he's going to say he'll back off ELQ if she'll go out with him. I don't know. I just know I can't see her doing it freely and willingly.

Of course, there's always brainwashing, but that's so DUMB.

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