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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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April 1st is my daughter's birthday. My brother is the one who brought it to her attention when she was about 7 or 8 that there was such a thing as "April Fool's Day", and she is still confused as to why people think it's okay to be mean and lie to each other. I haven't seen or experienced a prank in years so I'm hoping in some circles people are getting over it.

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I remember being in elementary school, and my mom would always come into our room to wake us up, and on one April Fool's Day, she said that one of the pipe's at the school broke, and that there was no school. My sister and I were SO excited. And then she said "April Fool's." Not cool.

On the topic of school, so glad that April 1st fell during spring break this year. Who knows what my students would have had in mind. :o

TQ, that kind of reminds me what I did to my sister once. I went on the computer, selected all, and made the font white, so when she came back, it looked like it was deleted. I was evil. :ph34r:

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morning all

sad soap news...my most credible person I know told me last night that it is done deal and AMC/OLTL are gonzo. AMC later this year and OLTL to follow suit and it was Frons ultimate decision.

They also told me they saw some of the intervention scenes being taped and je/tg had amazing stuff. It didn't sound like after luke leaves tracy will have much (of course we are used to that) but there is nothing at all planned for Edward (no dementia storyline) and that with Annie doing her pilot and too many stories goiung on, there is no plan to pick up ethan/maya anytime soon and the little ethan/maya/edward story dropped.

I'm just hoping when TG returns in the fall JE will return too.

I hate coming into the home stretch where we have to wait til fall when there has hardly been any material this year. I guess maybe quality over quantity--coming up.

At this point, I can just hope that Guza is really gone, so there will be some chance before GH is gone too to find some balance

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Wow, seems like we are at the end of an era. Those of us who came of age in the Heyday of Daytime Drama will now watch its demise as we approach our middle years. Poetic, actually….

And I do believe "Quality over Quantity" whets every actor's whistle. I'm so enjoying the Spencer story. This and Magic on Days are the only reasons to watch. The younger characters are just not that interesting. I can't decide if that is their being mishandling or my age - I've got less tolerance for BS at this stage and in order for soaps to continue women have to be wishy-washy and men have to be clueless. Neither are worthy characteristics IMO.

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what's the luke and tracy story in the diane book?

what's the scoop on the intervention? who knows what?

Just got a killer led hd 3d giant internet ready tv... and i totally understand why soaps are dying.

why should i watch bs with erika or nora... when i could watch any zillion movies tailored to my exact interest and whim of the moment?

netflix and hulu premium aren't expensive...

add in all the free ON DEMAND stations...

just sayin'


WAIT WAIT WAIT. Just reading back here.

Genie signed with Y&R?!?!?!



If she's under contract to them laura can never EVER come back.


Y&R helped kill the b!t*h. i FLOVE it.

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I hear ya, Lainey. Even though we don't have the options you have in the US, it's still a considerable sight better than what we had in the 80's when soaps were the only real drama you could get involved it. I don't know why people were saying it was better written back then - I just think we had lower expectations of TV in general. When I go back and look at old footage on YT I just want to cringe.

GF is the latest in a long list of "scoops" CBS has done from ABC and NBC. Funny really - then they don't use the characters once they have the Named actor to fill them, I'm told. (Wouldn't be caught dead watching a Bell soap personally.) She has told the press she won't return unless they don't write Laura as a victim anymore - reading between the lines that roughly means she expects to be lead and drive story all the way. Not happening, lol. It's a shame when folks believes their own press.

Only thing we know about the intervention is that its kick-ass and probably successful, thus the excuse for TG's vacation. I read somewhere through DD I think, that if we thought the stuff around Jake's death was amazing then we haven't seen anything yet. Hooked confirmed that with her post.

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This might be unpopular around here, but I personally think Genie has a better deal going than Jane. Isn't Y&R the top rated soap right now? Isn't she guaranteed an actual story line with screen time? Jane seems like the kind of person who is A-OK with little to no screen time, but as a fan, I am disappointed. I'd rather see her jump ship and get something to do than sit on the side-lines of her leading man's huge story line. The March episode counts say it all. IIRC, Jane had 5 episodes and Tony had 17. Then come May, Jane will be side-lined again while Tony goes on vacation. Again, Jane probably loves the time off, but I sure don't.

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Hey lainey

The book is so bad. I have a promo copy and I was like okay I'm going to read at least one story--the luke/tracy one. It is totally annoying cause you start reading and it is in that total gumshoe stupid spinelli fantasy that is one the show and then the story starts and then it is interrupted by Diane questioning spinelli etc. I read that one story and even having a free copy here, I seriously could not read further.

It is about Luke being MIA and Lulu saying he didn't leave in his usual way etc and asking spinelli to help her with the case so he follows tracy who seems to be acting strange and all dressed in asian/kimonos etc. He follows her to some underground tunnel to china town and some stupid mystery name or something that he ends up figuring out and goes some other way to get to where she is. Turns out she has luke all tied up in some underground pleasure pad or something where she can have him locked up while she goes and does what she pleases with whoever she pleases and he has to wonder when she might come back to visit him or something to turn the tables on him and has some women watching him so he can't escape. So tracy tortures him some and leaves and then spinelli sees that luke isn't really captured at all. He undoes his ties or ropes or whatever and spinelli questions what he is doing and he says he is letting her have some fun cause she is so happy thinking shei s in control blah blah blah and he will let her have fun for a few more days before he hits the road again....cause he is helping the guard go back to see his family in china and how they talk about how they love their wives etc and have become friends.


So the interesting thing that I keep seeing people say is that Genie's character will be the ex-wife of Tristan Roger's character and the father of Cane whose real name is ethan played by Daniel Goddard. Apparently Kin is there for a few days only filling in for someone temporarily.

The genie fans seem very excited and happy. The LnL fans seem upset that they won't get their "riding off into the sunset ending".

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I am also annoyed that JE has so little airtime these days. I want to see more Tracy onscreen. At the same time, there are no guarantees that JE would get a great character or solid writing if she went to another soap. I think it would make more sense for her to stay on GH because her character still has integrity.

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