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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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well kirsten tweeted today that the jake story has a lot more twists and turns and that she doens't think it will end how it is now

I could see somehow it will end up being the balkan in the forged plates but it would be after Luke takes off for the summer.

There should be some tracy/lulu scenes coming up next week if they are not cut as well as a couple lunacy scenes

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ethan is also not around for a while and not in this initial spencer stuff.

I think tracy/ethan represent the lighter, wacky hijinks side of luke and the "latter part of his life" while the deep emotional connection with Lucky runs so far back....I think they are purposely keeping ethan out for now because of how flip he and luke are together and how they are all about the booze, cigars and scams.

In a way, I don't think they are purposefully excluding Tracy from this, but it is like more of the nitty gritty original spencers in this story.

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Making Luke the driver creates the most drama, and it will infuse life into the show. I am looking forward to the reveal and aftermath. I just wish we'd see more of Tracy. :(

I think it's awesome that people are debating whether Luke realizes he hit Jake. TG is such a great actor that he can convey those subtle nuances in his performances. Yesterday, when Lulu told him he was a suspect he was lost in a fog thinking about Lucky. It never registered in his mind that he could have done it. But that performance added to the speculation among fans. Some people think he knows and is in denial. Others think he has no idea. Others still think he had a blackout while driving. Posters at SOC are having a field day with this storyline. I enjoy reading what posters have to say, but I don't respond very much anymore because I get too easily annoyed by the drama over there. Personally, I am going to ride the fence on this one and wait to see how it plays out.

I haven't been this excited about a story on this show since Tracy's kidnapping. ^_^

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I don't see how they CAN'T not be purposely excluding Jane and Nathan. If they aren't around, they are making a conscious decision, for whatever reason(s), to leave them out. I could buy the original Spencers, if it made any sense. Luke had ZERO bonding scenes with Jake (but for that matter, neither did Lulu). It doesn't have to be an "original" Spencer story. The whole thing just shows me that Guza has his pets-and yes, Tony is one of them, even if I do like him-and Guza writes the biggest and the best for his pets....and unless it serves a purpose, everyone else gets scraps.

On just about any other show, Tracy would be just as big a player in this as Lulu or Lucky, and ETHAN would be there as well. To purposely exclude any immediate member of Luke's family other than Cujo, is nothing more or less than bias on the part of the writers. I kind of get the idea that Ethan and Tracy are a lighter side of Luke-they don't represent the Sturm und Drag that the Laura years represented. BUT again....how is this a "Spencer" story? The idea that Guza is giving Tracy the shaft AGAIN, for any reason, doesn't make me want to hurry up and find a way to watch.

A good writer worth his pay, would find a way to include Luke's other son and wife in this story, even if they were against whatever Luke, Lulu and Lucky are going to do.

That's Guza for ya. Six months of not being able to watch and it's just same old.

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I have thought the same thing the past few days. It does seem as if Tracy and Ethan's screentime has been limited at the beginning of this storyline because they weren't in Luke's life when he thought Lucky died in the fire, which is an event he still grapples with. They are his partners in crime now with the drinking and wacky hijinks. They do represent how his life has changed from the family man in suburbia to what he is now. This story is about Luke and Lucky--their past, present, and future. Tracy and Ethan aren't a part of that past, so it would make sense to limit their involvement.

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I just realized we are going to be in the LA area on vacation for three weeks in July this year but leave the weekend of GH fan club weekend . I noticed nancy's event is the TH night before. If there is one person at all on GH I would "pay" to meet it would be Nancy. Plus the $ from her event goes to charity--unlike the rest of the money grubbers trying to sell stuff! LOL

Should be a fun night. Her daughter's band is supposed to perform, but she tweeted yesterday that all the Davis girls will be there. I already met Lexi but I'd love to meet Kelly.

We were joking the other night that I wonder how long it is going to take steve Burton to start selling replicas of jake's little motorcycle to go along with his cookbook and Port Chuck band shirts! lol

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Hooked! I'd LOVE to go meet Nancy and like you said at least her event's proceeds go to Charity! If I could swing it this year I'd totally go but its not in the books, especially if I want to make it to CT & NY in November :( Lucky Duck! You'll have to take LOTS of pics! :)

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What a great article. I love TG's take on that - who cares if he has fans, he's got a great story. Nice to also see definitely that Tracy is quite involved.

Anyone see the SID article yet? I'm wondering what he's got to say in that one.

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Hey TracyQ...I really feel like a jerk,

but is there ANY possibility you could upload the 35th anniversary again?? I saved it but as you all know, my computer crashed a while back and a few things were lost, that included.

I would really appreciate it, whenever you have time...But if not, don't sweat it! ;)

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