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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I watched until about 2:50 and then had to leave for an appointment. Just returned. Oy.

Here's what I remember:

Lucky enters his place and sees that Luke is packing up. He assumes he's moving back with Tracy. Luke corrects him, telling him that he wants to give Lucky his space. Lucky says he doesn't have to go, that he likes having his father around, but he knows that's not why he's leaving. Luke confesses he is leaving on a trip, so that Tracy will miss him. Luke is sure that Tracy loves him, and that she just needs time.

Lucky and Luke continue to talk about Tracy. Lucky says she lights up something inside of him, and he hopes that he doesn't make things worse. Luke then gives his son some advice. It's about how everyone's always trying to do the right thing instead of following their insticts. Luke tells him to follow his insticts. The two hug.

Later, Ethan shows up. Luke gives him one last chance to take off with him, but Ethan refuses. Then, Luke gives him an envelope of money and says it must be delivered to someone named Lou this Friday night. Luke is obviously trying to keep him away from Johnny.

Then, Lulu shows up, and Ethan decides to leave saying he is going to get Luke some scotch from the Haunted Star for the road. Lulu finds out that Luke is leaving town, and she tells Luke that as a woman, she would be upset if Dante bailed on her. They discuss Dante for a bit, and Luke reminds her how Dante is involved with Sonny and the mob.

Ethan returns to Lucky's place. Seems as Lucky has returned during the commerical break. Lulu is still there. Luke tells him that he loves them all, that they are amazing people, to look out for each other and to look out for Tracy. Ethan says he will be the someone she gets to yell at while he's gone. Luke gives out hugs and leaves. Ver nice scene. :wub:

The Spencer kids wonder if this is just about Tracy. Lulu wonders if Luke has gotten himself into some trouble. They come to the conclusion that it's about Tracy. Lulu is slighly upset, saying she was starting to like them together. Lucky says, for his dad's sake, that he hopes he gets Tracy back. Tracy knocks and enters, wondering where Luke is. He took 10 million dollars from her.

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I am going to make one very small correction, after Luke leaves Lucky says "$100 bucks Tracy isn't the ONLY reason he is leaving town."

BTW, I know we have all talked about this before but Lucky was all about Lacy today, he was totally complementing her on how she was good for him, not going to get into details but it was nice to hear.

Also, when Luke was talking to Lulu she did say that if it was Dante who was bailing on her how she would be uspet and Luke said something to the effect that they were not young lovers but "older" and that their wounds cut a lot deeper, which hopefully means that he realizes how much he hurt her.

I hope this time away makes LUKE realize how much he needs her instead of the other way around. He needs to make a big public fool of himself in order to get her back.

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Loved that he said he needs to give Tracy some space so when he comes back she can take him back so he can make an honest woman of her. :wub: As long as he gets her back he can make a fool out of himself all he wants.

Edited by funny1
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Yeah I didn't like that Tracy wasn't the only reason Luke was leaving town.

I also didn't like that Lulu said she was just beginning to like them. WTF?

But I'm glad the spoiler about Tracy begins to soften wasn't true, because I would have been mad if she was softening already. Luke is a big time ass! He should suffer for this one.

Oh and I am NOT a fan of Franco on GH at all! However I do like James Franco. If you like him, you should check out this link. There are a ton of totally funny videos with JF! Hilarious!


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I'm glad everyone else is loving "Lucky - the LuNacy Apologist" as much as I am, lol...... As much as I like sexy GV, we haven't seen Lucky this supporting of LuNacy since Luke's heart attacks.

Lulu's "beginning to like them" was odd - she's been the primary LuNacy-propper in that family. Perhaps we should hear that as "finally being able to relax into the assuredness that they were a long-term unit" - at least that's how I'm going to hear those comments. We should hear more of that today.

Ethan was funny - "Tracy will need someone to yell at" "That'll be you" "yes it will"... lol....

As for Luke leaving for some other reason, no.... Tracy is the only REASON but he was probably getting out of The Chuckles before he was caught with the money. I hope he's going to let the money sit and give it all - perhaps even with interest - back to Tracy when he returns. I also got the sense that IF he's not returning until Tracy is ready to take him back, then we've been given a hint as to how this will play out for Tracy. By fall she'll either need him or miss him so much it won't matter. Luke is not wrong in the assumption that she needs some space right now. Too bad we didn't get any actual LuNacy yesterday but I can understand why not.

I also think it was sweet that Luke asked his kids to look after her. For years he's been asking Tracy to look after Lulu. I hope the conversation today goes along the lines of the Spencers not letting her go and that regardless of paperwork, she's still their Step-Monster.

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Spencer Sibs tell Tracy they don't know where he went, but Luke loves her and he's only gone until she realizes how much she misses him and wants him back. Tracy says he CONNED her... but Ethan says she's far too smart and she was only "conned" because she wanted to be. Tracy tells him not to Psycho-analyse her. Lucky tells Tracy when Luke says he wants her in his life, he's not kidding. Tracy doesn't have a quick retort.

The boys keep working on her and talk about how Lunacy enjoys the game and the excitement. Tracy says it sounds as lame from them as it did from Luke. Ethan asks her to cut Luke some slack and she says all she did was cut him slack for years. But now she wants boredom and an unfettered bank account. Lucky says he will help her find Luke if that's what she wants, but she says she will get the cops to help her this time and heads for the door. Lulu finally speaks up and asks her brothers to put a lid on it while she talks to Tracy alone. The boys agree and go outside the door to talk. Finally we find out what 'else' Luke left for - it's the knowledge that Sonny is setting the bomb and doesn't want to have that knowledge while being in town. The second issue isn't Tracy or money.

Well....... I should have written TraLu's "heart to heart"....

Lulu got Tracy to admit she still loves Luke but she feels like a fool. Tracy tells Lulu it was all a con for her money, and Lulu agrees it started out that way but that's not the case now. Then why didn't he tell the truth, Tracy asks - because Luke hates confrontation Lulu replies. Lulu knows Tracy has been hurt, but they still want each other. She goes on to admit she never thought she would cheer anyone else except her mother, but Lulu really likes them together and wants them to work it out. Tracy assures her that just because Luke is out of her life doesn't mean Lulu is. Lulu asks if she could just bring Luke back in too. Then out of nowhere Tracy compares the excuses Lulu is making for Luke with excuses she makes for Dante. Lulu wonders where that comes from and Tracy says just open her mind to all the excuses she's already made for Dante, and all the ones she will make in the future and then even further into the future, and THEN when they blow up in her face Lulu might understand how deeply hurt Tracy is now. Then Tracy leaves while Lulu is left to think.

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Hey LF!

Got home late last night.

I keep forgetting to mention that on the episode reel that JMB submitted for her emmy nom, there were scenes with JE on it. It was the jolu break up episode. remember at the end she was on the couch crying and tracy came in and told her to get up and pull herself together and not to let any man cause her to sacrifice herself....then she told her she needed her help with finding out info on Ethan.

I love tracy/lulu.

SI was on dish today and said they had nothing on Tracy through July 23rd. I guess maybe she might pop up for a random scene here and there like with Brook or maybe Franco in passing.

I think the hospital lockdown starts that week or somewhere near there. They said nik/lucky/liz confront helena. and that liz shares some scenes with helena that week. I don't think Tracy is going to be involved in the lockdown after all. Oh well....summer break for all of us I guess.

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When I first read this I just thought Tracy was deflecting, but after watching it seemed a little more serious. We all know that Tracy does not like Dante, that she thinks he will end up just like Sonny, and I will be the first to admit I am not really watching these two, but the conversation seemed a bit out of place to me. Anybody who does like Lante know what kind of excuses Tracy might be talking about???

BTW: Lulu called Tracy a teriffic person! :wub:

Edited by nex4evr
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I think it has to do with all the excuses she made and lies she told around the time Dante was revealed to be an undercover cop, and since then how she's been his staunches defender.

I think TPTB are not oblivious to Lulu being seen as Dante's new mouth-piece and are having the dialogue acknowledge it. Lante will have trouble - that's just the way it happens - and perhaps Tracy will be there to see it. She'll certainly be there to help Lulu through whatever does come. The other day we also had Lulu say to Olivia that she's not a mindless cheerleader.

I loved her comment about Tracy. The Spencer Sibs really do know her and love her for herself. :D

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I think they might mean lulu is "Stand by her man" and is sacrificing family, etc....and rationalizing everything dante does like with Michael etc. Also...she thinks Dante is going to turn out just like sonny and say he is all about her but then she has no doubt he will be a womanizer like his father.

Basically I don't think Tracy wants lulu to ever end up as deeply hurt as she is an she thinks dante is going to end up doing that to her.

I am wondering about how the whole carly/brook/dante little arc is gonna last because michael is supposed to be on to Carly's plan.

I wish Lulu would have given tracy a hug! Poor Tracy needs a hug from someone. Remember that one time when lulu got through to luke about having the surgery when Tracy gave her a kiss in the hospital and lulu was like WTF was that?

At least they haven't shown Edward and Monica harassing her or making fun of her saying she drove luke away or something like that. That would require them to have the Qs have scenes!

Love that the Qs are not affected by the recession! 10 million missing...no problem. Life goes merrily along as normal for the Qs.

Edited by hookedongh
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