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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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These recaps are from memory. Some of the details may be off. I can't remember exactly all that happened.

From what I recall: Luke, Ethan, and Lucky are all still at Lucky's place. Luke says he and Tracy belong together. Lucky reiterates that Tracy is upset and that Luke's going to have to step it up with romance. Luke says if he acts like that, Tracy will smell a rat. Lucky says the rat already stinks. :lol: Ethan is agreeing with Lucky. Luke appreciates their input, but he knows how to get Tracy back. Lucky tells him to stay away from her bank account.

Soon, Maya shows up. Ethan thinks she is there for him, but apparently, Luke called her over. Luke needs her help. Maya pretty much says Tracy has no interest in seeing Luke. In fact, she had all the locks changed and set up a new security system. Luke wants the code, but Maya doesn't give it up so easily. She doesn't seem to want to help Luke. Wants to know why Luke didn't tell her they weren't really married until now. Luke says he knew how Tracy would react. Ethan tells Maya to give up the code for "true love." Maya says Tracy is a bitchy socialite who throws tempter tantrums and then kind of contradicts herself when she says Tracy is happy being single. Luke is like no way. Luke gets Maya to reveal that Tracy's been a monster. Lucky encourages Maya to give up the code, that once Luke can get to Tracy face to face, he might be able to get Tracy back.

Tracy is at the mansion, talking to some young guy (an assistant?) about ELQ and firing Alice. [My mom entered the room here and started talking to me, so I might be missing some stuff). Luke shows up. He wants some time alone with her. Tracy allows it, as she directs the young man to exit. Tracy, as usual, is basically telling him to get out, there are 3 doors - the front, the back, and the patio. Tracy says she will call the cops and report that he is trespassing. Luke doesn't really believe her. He gets on one knee and gives his usual speech, how they are meant to be, that he loves her, and asks her again to marry him. At the same time, Tracy is talking to the person on the other line, reporting that there is an intruder in her house. She wants the police to come. While Luke is pouring her heart out, she briefly looks like she wants to cry, but holds it in.

Meanwhile, Maya is trying to get Luke to move in with Ethan since he has that nice penthouse (that's really Johnny's). Maya later says Luke is too good for Tracy, but if he wants her back, she hopes he succeeds. Maya leaves 'cause she is late for work. Lucky says if Maya finds out Ethan is lying about the penthouse being his, he is going to be in the doghouse with Luke.

Luke continues to try and convince Tracy to take him back. Tracy is writing some checks or something. Can't remember. He tells her that he loves her, and that they were happy before. Tracy warns him that the police are coming. He asks her if she was happy before he told her the truth. Tracy scoffs she was dying in a dungeon. Luke asks her, "Before that?" LuNacy song is playing, BTW, but I swear, the scene went so fast. It felt like even the music was faster. It was like Luke was trying to get everything in in case the cops showed up. ANYWAY, IIRC, Tracy doesn't answer if she was happy before. Luke says they are perfect together, like poker and chips, Laurel and Hardy. He is pleading with her to tell him that he loves her. "Say it." She won't budge. Police arrive. Tracy wants him arrested. The 2 officers put Luke in handcuffs, start reading him his rights, and lead him out. Luke keeps calling out Tracy's name.

Lucky shows up at the police station, indicating that it must have not gone over well. Luke is sitting there, mopey, in handcuffs. Lucky says he'll do what he can to get him out, but Tracy is pressing charges. Lucky takes a seat next to his dad. Luke believes he did everything right. He didn't really think she'd call the cops. Lucky says he is sorry. Luke gives Lucky advice, "Don't tell a woman you're married when you're not." Lucky thanks him, I guess jokingly telling him it will come in handy some day.

All right, I think I got it covered. Watch remos probably has it posted already since it took me so long to recap. LOL.

Truke and anyone else who is interested: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I8O248PF has the first 8 TrAsh scenes I listed that I have. It's a zip file. Will open up and give you 8 files to choose from. Credit LadyAsthon. :)

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You give such thorough recaps Ms. Q - so much better than I do. Yes their music was playing, but it was normal speed. The scene wasn't overly short but I do think it felt more anxious because Luke was rushing to say everything and Tracy told him to make it fast before the cops showed up.

BTW, since SOC seems to be having a field day with an offhanded comment, this was the actual TV Guide post.

If you can hold your own against Maude, those mobsters in Port Charles should be a cinch! Adrienne Barbeau is joining ABC's General Hospital as a tough-as-nails broad called Suzanne Stanwyck (best soap name ever!) who runs a charity agency for children in Italy.

Suzanne will be closely involved with Vanessa Marcil's Brenda. GH head writer Bob Guza says we'll first see the women working together in Rome — Marcil hits the air August 11; Barbeau on August 12 — and they will eventually make their way to Port Charles together.

"Despite her hard edge, Suzanne has a lot of love for others, including Brenda — she's her confidante, so to speak," Guza says. "As we get to know Suzanne better, she'll have a surprising feminine side."

Barbeau will be around for several weeks at least, maybe longer if that "feminine" thing works out. In fact, the ball-busting Ms. Stanwyck sounds like a perfect match for that louse Luke Spencer!

See... no one is coming on as a new pairing for Luke (their music still playing even underscores that point), it was just a passing remark from someone at TV Guide.

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She's supposed to empty his bank accounts, so is it any wonder he takes money from her? These two need to get it together.

I'm wondering if she finds out during or after her heart-to-heart with Lulu the next day.

BTW I'm LOVING how much Lucky and Ethan want LuNacy back together - that's been great to watch.

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It was so :lol: when dumb Maya was telling luke that Tracy was happy and he :lol: at her and told her is she being sweet or is she being a total monster. :lol:

Remos, Iagree they need to get it togethjer because when they are apart they are miserable and so is their families. :(

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The empty bank acct was never verified just dish spoiler.

It kind of seems so sad that Tracy us so hurt she won't listen. He seems do desperate for her back. Maybe that new person will be interested in Lue and that will make Tracy want him again

it still feels like Jane could be checking out to me

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I don't think JE is checking out - she's on fire.

But it is sad that Tracy is so hurt. I can't wait until TraLu on the 1st, Lulu is the one Tracy will probably be the most honest with. I actually like they dynamic at the moment and how much focus is on Tracy being miserable. They are calling her out all the way - all the Spencers - she's stubborn and hurt, but she loves him totally. Lucky giving Luke relationship advice has been fabulous to watch.

But given her current state - I wonder how she's going to call Franco out.... She will not be kind.

You know, we go through this every time TG leaves or LuNacy is on the outs... the fear that JE is leaving or that LuNacy will really end (and the GF rumours start coming even though herself says they don't want her). We know this drill. Just sit back, watch the hardliners feed on each other and remember that neither TG or JE will be leaving until they announce their time is done AND in the meantime they've been really clear about who they want to spend time with. TPTB have proven time and again what they lack in imagination they make up for in dedication, and they are dedicated to LuNacy/Luke/Tracy.

Edited by remos
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OMG I am soooo tired! Just got home. I had a little mishap driving which thank god wasn't too bad. I was near Lafayette LA and it was a downpour beating rain out of nowhere. My wipers were on and fine and then all of a sudden they got stuck...one got stuck in the groove of the other and I couldn't see. There are tons of 18 wheelers on I-10. So I immediately pulled over on the shoulder. Got out and tried to "unstick" them. I got it enough to wear it would sort of work and thank god was near an exit ramp. Went to a gas station and tried to bend them back into shape and waited for 20-25 minutes for the rain to let up. Yikes. It stopped and I made it home, but a little scary there for a second.

So I am so far behind on GH I can't even admit how much I have not watched of Lunacy. I haven't even watched the vows yet! I have tomorrow then I leave on Saturday for NYC til Wed. late night.

I just did a ton of wash, unpacked and am exhausted. Luckily my back is all better.

I wish these trips were spread out a little more.

I just find it odd they are making this so strong on Tracy's part. IT is almost striking me as them wanting people not to blame luke for whatever he does....

Speaking of which...SOW for next week

Here are the scans from SID.

JE/TG won the gold star and the stand out scenes for the week! That is pretty impressive. Richard the editor loved those scenes as I saw him tweeting about how great it was to see JE/TG having so much fun together.

Scans from an anon:

Gold Star JE/TG


Standout Scene (Tracy's dream)


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Thanks Hooked....

I liked those two articles, they weren't just about one thing they were about almost the whole dungeon stuff. Remember the B&W Ball got them kudos when the rest was nixed big time. GH isn't going to mess up their one couple that keeps delivering...

Glad you're home in one piece too. Something similar happened to us once outside of Trois Rivieres (east of Quebec City - extremely French area). Very scary.

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Glad you made it back safely.

Hooked did you see it was like 95 effing degrees in NY today? I don't know about you, but I am beginning to regret my trip back to NY next week. It was 55 and foggy here today. A perfect summer day. ;) Oh well. I know I'll have fun once I'm home. But man oh man, I do not miss the sweaty stinky subways in July.

Thanks for the articles. Nice to see them being appreciated. :)

Edited by halee
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SOS previews for next week....

GH Previews: Week of June 28


Luke and Sonny talk about how Sonny’s first wife, Lily died in a car explosion. Olivia calls Kristina and Johnny out on their ruse and believes Johnny’s vendetta against Sonny is more important to him than she is. Michael and Dante discuss their past encounters with the law, while Max and Milo plant the bomb in Johnny’s car.

Luke tries to convince Ethan to go away with him on a trip, but Ethan refuses. Luke asks Lucky to talk some sense into Ethan to stay away from Johnny. Sonny asks Alexis to set up a family dinner for Friday night giving him an alibi for the bombing. Luke comes up with a plan to keep Ethan away from Johnny on Friday night. Sonny, Max and Milo go over the plans for Friday night.

Sonny discovers Johnny at the restaurant. After confronting Kristina and Johnny, Olivia goes to see Sonny. She tells him about Johnny and Kristina’s plans and that is was all a ruse. Kristina leaves the dinner early and sneaks out to meet Johnny. Sonny realizes Kristina is missing and rushes to save her. Johnny finally gets through to Kristina and offers to drive her home. As he unlocks the car door, the car explodes.


Jason requests a gun for protection but Dante refuses and reminds him he is the bait and not to take any kind of action against Franco. Sonny asks Jason to promise him he will return to prison after Franco is caught. Maxie tells Lucky she is afraid Franco is back in town and going to come after her. Franco returns to Port Charles and looking for Jason. He heads to the Harborview Towers dressed as a homeless man. Claire sets up a press conference hoping to lure Franco out into the open. Both Sam and Spinelli make plans for Jason’s homecoming.

Maxie visits Spinelli and Jason at the penthouse and notices the homeless guy sitting outside the apartment building. Dante becomes suspicious of the homeless guy who is lurking outside Jason’s building. Dante pursues the homeless man, when he catches up to him, he discovers it’s not Franco. Spinelli locates Franco’s mother. Dante and Jason follow up on the lead but she denies having a son. Maxie receives 2 dozen roses from Franco, he delivers 6 more roses in person.


Lulu and Dante have make up sex. Patrick and Lisa share a kiss, when he pulls away, she kicks him out of her apartment. Elizabeth receives bad news about Shirley’s condition from Steven and Epiphany. Maya breaks things off with Ethan. Luke tries to get Tracy to care so he packs a bag to leave on a trip. The kids plan a party for Luke only to find out he has stolen $10million from Tracy. Steven lifts Patrick’s suspension so he can operate on Shirley.

Matt and Maxie meet up and she tells him she’s not giving up on him. Patrick and Lisa perform surgery on Shirley and remove all the cancer. Lulu tries to convince Tracy that Luke really does love her. Patrick and Lisa celebrate at Metro Court. Because of Shirley’s ordeal, Elizabeth realizes she’s treated Nikolas wrongly.


Luke tells Sonny that payback will only come to hurt his family on Monday, June 28.

Lulu returns to reconcile with Dante and the couple has make-up sex on Tuesday, June 29.

Franco returns to Port Charles and comes looking for Jason at Harbor View Towers dressed as a homeless man on Wednesday, June 30.

Sonny discovers Johnny in his restaurant and the two face off on Thursday, July 1.

Johnny has finally gotten through to Kristina and she agrees to end their ruse and pursue a healthier approach to life. Johnny offers to drive her home and as he unlocks the car it explodes on Friday, July 2.


Kristina is caught in the blast. Sonny lies to Alexis. Maxie plants a kiss on Lucky. Robin comes on to Patrick in the supply closet.


And from SON.....

GH PreVUE: Week of June 28 Edition

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) -- A look at what's happening on "General Hospital" during the week of June 28, 2010.


Things heat up on Monday, June 28, when Patrick follows Lisa up to her apartment. Lisa continues to stroke Patrick's ego as the pair celebrate their successfully surgery at the Metro Court. Lulu and Dante make up. On Tuesday, June 29, Maya invites herself over to break things off with Ethan. Sam is eager to welcome Jason home, but is she as eager as a certain computer geek on Wednesday, June 30? Maxie is reluctant to give Matt up. Luke's latest interesting plot to win her back leaves Tracy seething. Lulu tries to explain her father's odd way of expressing love to Tracy on Thursday, July 1. Shaken by Shirley's near death experience, on Friday, July 2, Elizabeth vows to take a more grateful approach to life.

The Inside Story: Friday Night Lights

On Monday, June 28, Luke reminds Sonny of the devastating repercussions another mobster caused after planting a car bomb to eliminate his enemy. Olivia confronts Johnny and Kristina. Max and Milo prep the car bomb to explode on Friday evening to kill Johnny. Luke learns that Ethan is having a meeting with Johnny on Friday night. A plotting Sonny manages to take care of two issues - his alibi and the safety of his children - when he pays Alexis a visit. Luke is relieved when Ethan finally agrees to ditch his original Friday evening plans. A seething Sonny discovers Johnny in his restaurant. On Thursday, July 1, Olivia tries to get Sonny to see that Johnny and Kristina's relationship is just a ruse to upset him. Kristina tells Molly she's stepping up her plot. Sonny arrives at the family dinner her set up with Alexis. Sonny is horrified when he realizes Kristina sneaked out to see Johnny on Friday, July 2. Johnny finally gets through to Kristina. Kristina takes Johnny up on his offer to drive her home. Sonny arrives on the scene just as Johnny unlocks his car.

A Closer Look: Roses are Red

Dante refuses to comply with Jason's request for a gun and reiterates what the hit-man’s mission is. Both Sonny and Michael fear the consequences should Jason decide to run. Maxie shares her feelings about Franco with Lucky. Dressed as a homeless man, Franco arrives outside the Harbor View Towers looking for Jason. Hoping to make quick work of their plan, on Wednesday, June 30, Claire makes a public spectacle of Jason's release. Maxie sees a eerily familiar face when she arrives at the Harbor View Towers. Dante follows Maxie's lead but ends up hitting a dead end. Jason and Dante head off to get answers from Franco's mother, Karen. Karen denies having a son when the pair arrives at her door. Back in Port Charles, on Friday, July 2, Franco personally presents Maxie with 6 more roses to go with the five dozen he had delivered to her.


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Eh, too bad the blast won't get rid of Kristina once and for all. I never cared for Georgie, but at least Georgie was a kind, decent human being. Compare her to Kristina, and you can see Guza's type of characters are slowly choking the "lightness" out of GH.


Glad to see JE/TG getting attention in the mags. :) Even more special is how it irritates the LnL'ers. THAT makes me love it even more. :)

I have not had a chance to watch all week. What days was Tracy on so far? And what about the "overboard" thing? Wasn't that supposed to happen yesterday?

Sorta OT...but I am stuck on Cal Hockley lately. You know, Billy Zane's character from Titanic? I don't even know what got me to thinking about this character again. I haaaate that movie, I think James Cameron made the characters horribly black and white, and BZ's character ridiculously OTT evil villain, but I just love me some BZ. I think he's one of the most underappreciated, underrated actors we have today. HE makes the character for me, and even with JC's heavy handed writing, I see so much underlying layers and complexity in Cal. I have started searching out Cal fics, even. I guess I just love a good, complex character. Too bad GH has so little of them.

Oh, and BZ? Way more talented than Leo D. I don't know why BZ makes such crap choices in movies and takes such crap parts and why LD gets such recognition. Comparing the two of them for me is like comparing JE/GF.

Enough said. B)

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Ah.... ILTQ, I like Krissy. She's in a long line of Soap brats. Georgie was way to bland. Maxie and Lulu have a successor - that's all.

I'm getting a kick out of the LnLers too - I mean honest to god, their couple ended a decade ago and the few half-hearted attempts since then have been clearly showing that it's over. They REALLY are slow on the up-take.

I'm loving how Luke is very focused on who he wants in his life, and even his kids know and support him. I can't wait to hear Lulu trying to explain Luke's twisted logic to Tracy. The lot of the Spencermaines approach life differently.... I like that. After the black/white attitudes of CarSaSon, and the wimpy ways of the Robin/Patrick/Nic/Lizs of this show, the Spencermaines are pure entertainment.

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