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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG!! I have been in love with Last request for about a year and no one around here has ever heard it (except on my ipod of course). That would be so good!!! Stay is a great song too, but I think Last request would get my vote for a great vid song

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Morning! I spent 4.5 hours in the ER last night with my son getting stitches--fun fun fun! Just came home from a basketball game. No mentions at all of Tracy next week, but we know the Luke stuff is on Friday with Ethan.

I think Tracy will likely be shown as people who arrive to the benefit and will just be in some scenes, etc. I think the surgery thing is on Wed. and they are quaranteened TH or Friday when Kate and Claudia collapse next week so I would guess she would on a bit here and there.

I think NIk/monica continue on Monday remembering Emily, so maybe a random scene or something with the other Qs.

I was hoping there might be one scene where Tracy and Luke discuss her going or something to the benefit and him going to the HS--although it doesn't sound like Luke was even invited!

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Some Luke spoilers (hey at least he is getting some). I gotta think Tracy is involved in this somehow--in a supporting role--you have to know she is NOT gonna like this new hustler hanging out with Luke.

This goes along just with what the inisder was saying the other night about Ethan and Luke and how Luke finds him husting people playing pool without the australian accent and is about to bust him when he gets the call about tracy/lulu in the hospital and that Ethan hears and follows him out (probably because he is dante and his mother is suppoesdly there too).

THat insider also said Ethan rescues Lulu (which hopefully means Luke rescues Tracy) and that Luke is grateful and offers him a job. I have a feeling maybe he offers him a place to stay!

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brownstonegirl, you can always find daily GH clips at CaziGirl's YouTube channel. This is the clip (segment 5) from Friday's ep with the Qs:


This is the only segment they were in, so you only need this one unless you want to see the whole episode.

ETA: I'm in the new BR for a bit if anyone wants to chat.

Edited by stargazercmc
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Hey guys,

Sorry for the double-post, but I wanted to keep this separate. I noticed that the lunacy icons LJ community was deleted a while back. I was thinking about creating a community on LJ for lunacy icons, banners, wallpapers, screen caps, etc.

Would you guys have any interest in this? I have a fic journal separate from my RL LJ where I currently post graphics, too, but I figured I'd see if anyone was interested in having an LJ community again for our lunacy creations.

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Some of you might have seen this already (I believe it originally aired on SoapNet), but here are 2 clips of some ABC Daytime stars singing "I Got You Babe" and "I Think I Love You" for Valentine's Day.

I Got You Babe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFauUtcFECw...feature=related

I Think I Love You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE0JBpko6LQ

From memory, the GH actors included are Laura W, Robin M, Jason T, Julie B, Brandon B, Bradford A, Kirsten S, Becky H, Greg V, Tyler C, and Kelly M. :D Oh and whoever plays Matt.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The guy who plays Matt's name is Jason Cook.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Finally 18, woohoo! I really didn't do anything on my birthday, mostly studied. Saturday morning I took the SATs for 4 hours! I was really tired haha. Then I had 3 of my girlfriends come over and they spent the night at my house. It was very interesting. We went out for Pizza then came back and watched Mamma Mia while singing along at the top of our lungs. Now my voice is going and I'm pretty sure my neighbors hate me. ::evil laugh:: We were all acting really silly and stayed up late. As for presents I got a set of all these jasmine scented lotions and sprays, a notebook and pens, my friend baked me cookies (which is funny cuz she isn't by any means domestic), money, ::cough:wine coolers:cough:: , my dad hasn't given it to me yet, and my mom is taking me out later to get something.

Edited by angel2devil
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My nominations


Tracy and Laura showdown

Luke and Tracy talking in the hospital after faking his heart attack


When the Q's wanted Luke to get back with Tracy


NYE epy

The one on Monday when Luke said he isn't some dumb ass kid"


I can't remember....


Breaking the Hammock



Getting out of Dodge Epy in May right before they left


NYE kiss

Get out of Dodge May epy

The one in January right before Luke smoked the cigar and passed out


I can't remember....


The frau epy


NYE epy





I don't do the hair.


I don't do the outfit

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