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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom (I wish we could see their bedroom) :P

Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke SpencerTracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

Those are my picks Ms. Q.

Angel I choose Edward for the next chapter.

Edited by funny1
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Here are mine:

Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom (I wish we could see their bedroom)

Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

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Thanks all for participating in the THIS or THAT game!

Upcoming Birthdays

August 26: tracyluver

September 7: missjane (Colette)

September 10: tracynluke

OT - I'm not sure what time it was, but it was still kind of light out. I lied down for just a minute. I don't think I was tired. I think I was just sad. Anyway, I guess I was tired, and I ended up falling asleep and didn't wake up 'til about 9:30! And now, I feel all gross... And I am so confused about what time it is. I should have just stayed in bed 'til tomorrow morning, so I wouldn't be all screwed up... Oh well...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I have returned, and I come bearing gifts...

Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures continues...

I have missed you all terribly, but Hooked has been keeping me up to date via phone, and it would appear I haven't missed anything else. No Tracy... not happy... not happy at all. Again I ask "Why bring her back this summer at all?"

I'm going to be positive however, and believe that Tracy is out finding Luke. We will get them coming back together and they will deal with Lulu et al. AND the ewcbo is just a figment.

Also trying to update the Blog. Some filthy-McNasties were on, but I've removed that.

BSG, can you PM me the all-purpose diva's gmail again. I've forgotten.

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hooked, I guess you are/were in the AU BR. My sis is doing okay. She is out of the hosp and I am staying at her house with her tonite.

Truke, I don't know when the pic of Jane was taken. I got the pic from Hooked who got it from a LadyA. Mama is goooorrgeooooous in the avi, I agree! :D

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My turn:

Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom

Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

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