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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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He KNOWS you write erotica?

I didn't think he knew. Hmmmm...

And yes, based on what you tell me, he should be very concerned. Damn near scared out of his shorts.

I am having an AWFUL day. I can't concentrate for sh!t. I need to get some stuff done, and all I seem to be able to do is poke around the internet. Useless. Totally useless today.

I'm off to get some junior mints..

and some cash for sushi.

Oh and some diet coke.

That will make me fat or productive or both.


Remos, you need to get your AIM in gear, really!

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Yup, he reads and gives his opinion. So far Mikey likes it.

Go with it, luv... sometimes you just have to let your brain have a down day so that you can concentrate better tomorrow.

Considering the size you are now (and that your ass is probably smaller than one of my thighs) don't sweat it. I'd love to be eating sushi right now, sigh.

Yes'm. I think about it but never seem to get that far.

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Interesting... I thought you two weren't getting along.

You have to be getting along if you're letting him read that.

Still can't concentrate. On the second box of junior mints (God, I love junior mints), and I just ordered my sushi.

Maybe after that i'll be able to concentrate... maybe.


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We get along 'selectively'. He spends most of his time in his head, so reading what I write doesn't change anything. Enjoy your sushi (yes, that is sushi envy you detect). And the AIM thing it still causing headaches.

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Ok, I'm only on to vent right now so feel free to skip over it if you want to. I don't think I'll get too specific b/c, frankly, I'm too pissed off and a little out of sorts right now so I don't think I can even think straight to say everything. I just want to say that I need to find a way to get the hell out of here. For anyone with girls I applaud yo if you can make it past all the teen angst "I hate my mother" crap, but it may be better oif you get it out of the way. It only gets worse if it waits till later. My mother and I were best friends for a long time, including all the years we should have been hating each other. Not so much now. Now I can barely stand to be in the same room. Everything I do is wrong and no matter who I am talking to I sya the wrong thing. I can't wait to leave b/c, in all honesty, I am at the point now that if I left tomorrow and never saw them again I wouldn't feel bad at all, and I am ashamed to say that but what can I do? What sucks worse is that rightn now there is nothing I can do to get out. I checked my account so I can pay my loan for this month... I owe my mother for the last 2 b/c no matter how often I asked for the address she forgot so she hit me last week with "oh I paid your last 2 so you can just write me a check. I know she was trying to do something nice and I shouldn't be so mad about it, but it is very hard to be able to pay the loan and to be able to pay her the amount of 2 payments at once. She said "well I don't see the problem, if you were paying the loan you should have the right amount". I should, but I could have been watching it and paying as they come. I didn't spend much money at all, but I could have watched it better. Spending money on gas alone gets me pretty low on funds right now. Anyway, I got off topic, but I point is, regardless of the insurance b/c that is paid for by the company (great insurance, thank God) with my loans alone I barely make enough to do anything else, so how can people, doing the same thing I do afford to pay loans and live away from home b/c I've got to figure something out.

I make it seem like it's my mom, but it's my sister I can't stand, mom just doesn't make it better. No matter what I say I'm being mean to her. She doesn't want me in the same room with her ever. If I ask what song she is listening to she won't tell me because God forbid I listen to the same thing as her. She is a 13 year old little jerk, but I can't blame it all on that b/c she isn't like that with anyone else. In fact she tries so hard to be one of our sisters and she likes nothing more than to hang out with the other, she just hates me with a passion. Just in case she isn't mad ot me for a real reason she need to make a crack about my weight or my chest or something that she knows bothers me to hear just so she can get a dig in and feel supperior. She things I am the biggest loser on the planet. I have to leave her.... I have thought of doing nothing more than just shoving her into a wall. I think I want to join the peace corps. I have wanted to since high school but now would be a great time!!!

I hope that my insurance pays for me to talk to someone about all this b/c it's not gonna cut it the way it is now. I got in a fight last weekend wih my mom b/c I told her I may be able to change the week of my vacation b/c I girl quit. I was taking my vacation the week after they were b/c I couldn't get that one off. We are going to Tennessee to see my aunt and uncle who are going to be there a few weeks. She flipped b/c she didn't tell my dad we are going yet. I didn't say anything about Tenn, I just said I am changing the day if I can. She kept trying to change the subject, which I get, but my sisters kept interupting her. I kept trying to get back to it so she could finish. She slapped my arm (not hard at all) and got mad. I talked her her later and she said she kept trying to change the subject b/c I kept going back to Tenn and saying it and she didn't want dad to know yet. I kept saying I never said anything about that I just said I can change my week. She said she still didn't know what I was saying and she wanted to change the topic b/c I was saying it over and over. I flipped out b/c I sais she doesn't listen to me ever. "I still don't know what you're saying" was all I got. SHe had no clue what I was talking about but doesn't shut her freakin mouth long enough for me to say anything. They all say I talk to much but if any of them listened they'd figure out I try to ge the same damned thing out over and over but no one listened. I went upstairs and had a break down. I used to have them a lot but it was pretty much that I just went a little nuts on ever thing in my room, hitting and throwing things and screaming. I wasn't throwing a tantrum but I couldn't stop it. This time, the diabetic with needles always close by, I cut my wrist. Didn't try anything bad, but three little cuts. Sort of realized that's a no-no so if I don't want it to happen again I need to figure something out b/c they don't listen when I tell them anything so nothing changes.... let that be a lesson to all parents.

That wasn't me sending out the invites to my pity party. I do that alone, thanks... that's why I'm on here, so I can vent and never have to see anyone. In fact... party just ended.

Hope everything is well for everyone else. Depending on how tomorrow is I may or may not actually want to read how well everyone else's life is going, but I really do hope it is.

Night all

Edited by knh
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What...I am away and nobody us bumping the thread--I have to do it fresh from the beach and all sandy! LOL.

Knh--I am so sorry for the turmoil you are going through. I know you got my email, but please know I meant what I said.

Soapdish is back up. Still nothing really dropped for anyone.

Doesnt' seem hopeful at all for this week or next.

Hope all is well for everyone else.

Went to the beach today. And am going to go visit my cousin today. She just bought a Nintendo Wii so my kids want to go play it at her house (as if they dont' have one at home).

Not much else going on. Pretty low key trip.

TL--did you get the pic I sent via phone?

Anyone hear from minervafan at all lately?

Okay..chat later...

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Thanks to everyone who emailed me. I know that was going a bit far in the way of venting so thank you all for letting me do it. Feeling a bit better today but it's kind of a crap shoot as to was is and isn't going to go on later. Already getting sistier-tude just for walking in the door from work so I think I'll avoid her today.

Anyway, thanks again.

Guessing no Tracy today b/c no one has said anything

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We can add Brandon Barash (Johnny) to the list of actors who have praised Jane Elliot.

Per In the Zone Radio, Jane is great to work with. :D

EDIT: On spoiler duty...

I could have made this up, but here goes (nothing we haven't seen for the last 2 months):

Jason even got a better Lulu spoiler:

How does THAT happen? Oy. Scoops from Anonymous of SoapDish, so grain of salt and all that.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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