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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OK before I sign off for the night, HOOKED!!! You had me and QT laughing our heads off with your pop in return and exit!!!! Seriously we were both rolling and crying!!! Too funny! Thanks for the belly laugh!
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Remos--really liking the annals! Just what I was envisioning!! Can't wait to see how this plays out!! It was time to stir the pot!! Great job!!!

You had Trevor down pat too! Now why couldn't they do something like this on GH!

I liked the nice touch of "La Chaim" with the glass of wine! Too funny! The Jewish Barbie approves--LOL!

Edited by hookedongh
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Glad I could provide some humor! I could see it saying "nancy typing" or Halee typing...but then nothing was popping up on what you wrote. Grrr..I am up at 1:20am. So are three out of the four kids in my house (sleepover guest).

It was a fun chat! Wow...we can chat in so many places now!!

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The other day? Geez woman, that was months ago now.

Lainey, Lainey, Lainey.... you are just going to have to trust me. Did I have Luke cheat on Tracy? No. Did I have Trevor rape Tracy? No. We've got to spice it up. I'm just getting started. And rest assured, LuNacy lands on top.

And don't forget the Blog. Part of the story is happening there.

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Oh I trust you to end it "right," and to write it "well," very well!!!

It's that as you become a better writer, you write more angst, drama and cliff hangers.

I have soaps for that.

I don't need that in my life.

What I need is utter LuNacy abandon... bodice ripping, lust filled nights and steamy, dreamy days. I have plenty of drama in my life (well written and otherwise), it's not why I love this board.. and you.

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Uggh..every time I read something on SD it makes me more annoyed. Just comments about the Qs are bottom rung for story as of now (well no kidding) and that Lulu being offscreen for a bit will not result in more airtime for monica, tracy, alexis, etc... Tracy will have some scenes when Luke returns.... (Well yeah I would hope so). Um..how bout a storyline perhaps?

I think for anyone who is inclined to write..that is what we should focus on now...writing to Guza, Frons, JFP and asking for them to have at least a good storyline with scheming, etc when Luke returns. I think the summer is a lost cause now!

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Oh poor baby. I'm doing the best I can to fill in the gaps but TIIC are truly living up to their names.

Off to get the Diva then drive up to Shiloh's camp for a family bonfire. Busy, busy, busy...

I'll try to get something up this evening when I return.

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Yeah a boost for me! I will watch now!

Found this before from somebody's take on JE returning for one day in 2003..

Jane Elliot returns as Tracy Quartermaine for one day on June 12th. This is one more "head up the ass" move on the part of the powers that be. Sign this woman! She single-handedly brought GH out of the dumps the last time she was here and is like the paddles on the chest of flat-lined patient!

While GH is much better than it was this time last year, it still is having troubles that could easily and quickly be remedied by catalysts like Tracy Quartermaine who light up every corner of the show into which the short sighted and narrow minded powers that be allow her to venture.

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