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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG,..I hate not having television!!!!!! I mean I used to not hate it, but NOW I hate it.

I didnt think she'd be on today, so I didnt go to my friend Bridgettes while she was working, sneak in, raid the fridge and get my Tracy swerve on !!!!

Is anyone going to have CONDENSED, clip from today??? JUST the Tracy scenes??? I wish you could download from Youtube,...dial up sucks, and to watch clips it can take an HR for 6 minutes to be viewed.

I sit and think quietly to myself, (the perks of living in the Mountains are????)

I swear once my son Graduates and goes to college,..Im moving back to California

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Hey, what's all this I hear about Tracy dying? SOC is all a buzz with it

I've got JE's Law and Order appearences up over it my second YT channel (this is the one where Im going to post all of my clips of soap stars on primetime): www.youtube.com/user/addiefosure, so go check it out and leave me comments and subscribe and whatever lol. Also planning on putting some other Tracy clips up over on the regular channel tonight too. I found some more Tracy & Ashton clips for whoever requested so I hope to get those up tonight

Law and Order links:




Edited by AdelaideCate007
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tracyluver, I found even more with Paul...

These are all from the same night...

Credit goes to Melissa.

Tracy and Paul return home from the Outback: http://www.sendspace.com/file/57q13f

Tracy and Paul after returning home from the Outback: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rgsla6

Tracy and Paul are interrupted by AJ: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2rztmo

Scenes of kissing are quite brief, but if you're looking strictly at the lip action, it's more than what we get with Luke.

Addie, will have to check out SOC. It was a rumor started at SD, from someone non-trusted. Reliable posters have heard nothing about it, which is good news. :)

Timeless, nex will have edited clips, I'm sure, as soon as the episode is posted.

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hey Addie, which L&O clip is which,..considering my dial up challenged mountain living ass, I have the one when she is in the office, and tells the lady detective she should try the ocean, because it's wetter,..

My comp will melt if I download or watch anything more then I already have.

OHHH,..I am searching for the clip when Tracy looks like she got beat up. Butterfly band-aids, black eye,..longer hair, red coat. (fight with heather maybe?)

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You are the nummiest Ms. Q,...I loathe Paul,..he's like a cheese grater on the back of my neck, but Tracy makes me gasp and swoon! Oh, what episode is that still that showed up on here a few weeks back, of her and Paul kissing, and they looked wet?? Swimming? Not sure


OK oK OK,..somebody has to be the idiot on here, and I am used to assuming that role.

I am in a debate with someone, and maybe there is an answer among one of you.

Have Jane Elliot (considering so many fan kudos and complaints) ever mentioned what shampoo she uses,..I have a friend whom insists YES she said she uses Nexxus,..I call bullshit, and thought she never devulged such a thing like Fav Color, Perfume,. Shampoo, Music [!@#$%^&*] in interviews

Correct me if I am wrong PLEASE!

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WOW!! Ms. Q, thank you so much...i work out for two hours and come back and its like christmas-come-early!!! LOL

Seriously, thank you so much...will watch and enjoy right now!!

Im a little Tracy challenged sometimes because, quite simply, when she was having all of these amazing, breath-taking scenes, i was like 3. :) I also dont think that i have ever mentioned to AdelaideCate007, how much i truly enjoy all of the clips you post on YouTube. Thank you so much, because i get to see so much of her that I never would have seen otherwise.

ETA: Ms. Q, was it also you that gave me the clip of the scene thats in my avi? Thank you SOOO MUCH, i seriously watched it about 30 times yesterday. she looks positively edible in those scenes.

Edited by tracyluver
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Addie I am the raccoon begging for your TrAsh clips. I was so happy to wake up this morning to see you had posted a new one with Ashton in it. I can't deal will the Paul clips. Ug. But thanks for posting. I LOVE TRACY & ASHTON! I sooo appreciate it.

*On my way home now. Can't wait to watch today's show and all these clips and YouTube offerings when I arrive!

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Well, I was listenting to some of the old Daytime Confidential podcasts, and they were talking about how much GH sucked except for Maxie and Tracy (my thoughts exactly!), and they said Tracy was divine. Just thought all of you guys would get a kick out of that

Heres a SOC thread that everyone should go comment in: http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=346000 Its about those rumors that Tracy, Mac, and Monica are all on their way out -Addie

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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Where does this come from?!? Is it reliable? (Comcast spoilers or Canadian TV Guide or something like that?)

I was really hoping for a love scene tomorrow. Cr@p!

Thanks, Ms. Q for the old Tracy video. I FHATE Paul, but I do love young Tracy (oh.. Timeless look at her hands and nails when she is wearing the pink suit and kissing him. Her hands are on his face. What does THAT tell you about our Janie?! Tells me a lot! ;) )

Comments from Lainey-land about today's lovely episode:

  • Uh.. Monica's honesty about her alcoholism came just a wee bit too quickly. You don't go from two black-out related car accidents to telling the world you're a drunk and need to go to rehab. It just DOESN'T happen that quickly (I smell a Guza present. Do you smell a Guza present? Puh-leeeze!! :rolleyes: God forbid the woman should actually have a storyline).
  • Tracy and Claudia together was just TOOOO fabulous for words. They need to do that combination more often. Woah! Love me that combo!
  • Flove Maxie's asymmetrical haircut. Too bad I'm not hip enough to get it. Very cool.
  • Uh.. when did Lulu get old enough to drink? When she had her abortion summer before last, she had just turned 18. Drinking age in NY State is 21. Did they do a mini-soras on our girl?
  • FLOVED Lulu and Luke hating on Laura's house for TWO reasons: 1)Well.. it's Laura's house. :lol: :lol: :lol: 2)I didn't expect Luke to be invited back into the Q mansion THAT way. It was totally unexpected. I like unexpected on GH. It amazes me when they can surprise me to my liking.

That's it... oh the Amityville house was real. When I was a kid it was out on Long Island near the interstate. Big white house near where I went to summer camp. Kids used to make jokes about it all the time when the bus went by. I have no idea if it's still standing.



(P.S: Oh Timeless... WHERE IS CHAPTER 9!??! I'm DYING here. DYING!)

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Lainey, i thought the same thing too, but that was about...what, this summer? It was when Logan first came on the show and they were having a date outside in a park or something (kinda lame) and it got rained out..anyway the point is, they showed little Lulu crackin' open a Budweiser and puttin' it back and im like WHOA, wha...huh??? shes supposed to be like my age and i canNOT do that (at least not in public...;) )!!!

so yea, mini-SORAS definitely occured

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Oh you lesbians. Keep it in your pants would ya? ;) Just kidding.

I guess no one here is really talking about today's show ( 'cept Lainey) because it was fairly disappointing? Not bad but not exciting either. Definitely not worth the wait. I agree there is possibility there with Claudia & Tracy stuff in the future. But man is SJB always that over the top? I may have to amend this wish in the future.

Okay now I'm going to indulge in these clips Ms. Q graciously posted. Thanks.

*Love Maxie's Hair too!

Edited by halee
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