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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey just checking. I'm bored. I decided to be cheap and not hire a staff to serve or clean up this small dinner party I am catering tonight. Now I am really regretting it 'cuz I'm tired and want to go home.

Seems pretty quiet in here too.

Oh well.


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OK, i feel like an idiot LOL

I keep getting the msg :sorry, dynamic pages in the

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What does this mean?? granted, the file is saved as a .bmp file but i don't really know how to change that as the image itself was sent to me as an attachment in an email. Thank you for your help, already, QueenTracy:) I can be very intelligent in some areas and in others i am at a loss.

Edited by tracyluver
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My "friend" M&M one of the posters who is a liason fan, but has a friend in the know, spoke to her friend tonight. I asked her to ask about tracy...

Here is what she put in the IL at soapdish...

Tracy is suppose to help Monica with her recovery.

Now that sounds nice of our girl!

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Hey, tracyluver. If you open the bitmap image, your image editor will probably have an option to save as a .jpg file. The .bmp extension may be your problem. Bitmap file sizes are much larger than .jpg files and most forums don't allow them. So, if you save it as a .jpg, then upload it to photobucket or wherever, and copy/paste the address of the page into the image tag, it should work.

Edited by QueenTracy
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Morning all... it's just before 6 AM, it's -7 degrees outside with -11 windchill. The sky is clear and we should have a glorious sunrise service. Not quite the same as my childhood where we watched the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean, but the Great Lakes will do for now (not real water, though).

I just wanted to wish everyone a glorious Easter and happy Purim (not sure what the technical greeting is, sorry). We will be at church most of the day, going from sunrise service to breakfast, to home to get dressed and back to church for our full Easter service. I might be on later today.

All of the Tracy spoilers sound great. I can't wait to see her this week. So far 2008 has not shaped up to be the LuNacy year we were expecting. Sigh...

I hope that one about Alice and the staff threat is true. That should be good for a few laughs. Then we have that picture of Alice making Luke work out - wonder how all of that came to be and if Mr. Lukey has realized he has to make more of an effort about his health for his wife. I'm sure it's just a prop to keep TG off his knee as much as possible, but I'll take it.

Anyway, we're off, my lovelies. Enjoy your day.

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Hi all. Just returned from church. To those celebrating...


I'll probably be around on and off for the afternoon. We haven't gone to my Grandmother's or Aunt's for years now. And this year, my parents bought hockey tickets for themselves and my brother without realizing that the game was on Easter. So, they'll take off after we eat. Oh well...

Am looking forward to Tracy next week. :)

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Morning guys happy easter!

I just read that LC will be offscreen the entire month of April and won't get to mourn Michael's and his brain dead state. Figures...they would give her a dangle of a carrot storyline and then ship her off for rehab all month with no airtime. Guza is back for sure!!

That means the will storyline might be dropped? Who knows. So only Edward and Tracy, Luke & lulu will be at the mansion? They have to have them there or it will just be Edward and Alice.

I am not sure if that is totally correct or not. Because that set tour report that watched the april 2nd taping said monia was going to her trial that day and to rehab. If that is the case, when the heck is Tracy going to help her with her recovery? This week is the Jason/Monica stuff where she gets into another accident and is brought in to GH, Tracy and Luke at HS with Claudia. Maybe Tracy visits monica in the hospital and they declare a truce? That could be the extent of her helping her with her recovery.

I just hope we get some lunacy in April if we have Monica offscreen. At least they are not shipping her off for good.

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Happy Luke & Tracy Return Week Everyone!!!

Hooked I talked to Jen and I decided to order the #1 D & G edit. So I will let you know what it's like when I receive it. You've undoubtably seen most of it. But since I didn't start watching GH until late last year again I have been dependent on these dvd edits, a downloaded clip here and a YouTube clip there to get caught up on all things Tracy. I feel fairly caught up from the summer of 2005 to the present. It's everything prior to that I'm still looking for. So if I can get a few crumbs via the D & G edits, Ill take them!


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hey all wishing everyone a happy easter. i hope the weekend was great for every one. remos i went to sunrise service @ 5am. i had to get up at 4ish in the morning. oh my what the early morn does to my body. well believe i took a nap when i got home.

i wrote some new fics if anyone wants to read.


Edited by funny1
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Oh... I miss sunrise over the Atlantic... We used to watch it rise over the icebergs and Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula. Memories...

I didn't have a nap, and I'm exhausted. I've gotten the kids to their beds but sleep remains illusive, sigh..

Your stories were great, Funny, I've just read them. One link isn't working, though... (Question)

Geering up for a week with Tracy/LuNacy. About frackin' time, I tells ya!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed their day.

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Some girls on a set tour recapped with BH and SB (from the canvas board their liason fan board). They said while they were there, people were getting fitted for their dresses/outfits for the reopening of the Haunted Star party. This is likely Luke and Johnny's new business venture.

I just would sincerely hope that TQ would have to be there right? IT is still her hubby and they are still married. Besides...doesn't she own the place? I can't see her being too happy about mob partnership with Lukey, but maybe she sells Johnny the HS for some quick cash?

I also watched the show on Friday and saw that Nik paid Ian $10 million for those illegal drugs. Ian then turned around and met with Claudia and said he has a big shipment coming in and needed her shipping lanes to move the goods.

Darnit...that was supposed to be Tracy's 10 million she found that involved ELQ or whatever. Freaking Ian an Nik and Zacharas stealing our thunder

I found a quote on SOC that I have decided is my new monniker

"We need more Qs and less Zs!"

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