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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow, this place is quiet today. R/l obviously taking over.

SD has gone to members only, so I'm off the SD express. Hooked, it's all yours.

I'm hoping to see some Tracy on our screens today - it's been almost a week.

Rach was travelling today, so I hope she got there safely. Let us know when you're moved it!

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I think the board is just being updated now or something Remos and that is why it says adminstrators only. That happens from time to time I think when they are cleaning it up. Too bad I registered there cause that would be a good way to end that stuff. I am only checking for spoilers now.

The spoilers are wubs.net are still mentioning monica a bit. Same with other sites. Hopefully she will get her little mini storyline. Poor LC deserves it. I would like a follow up scene about luke's sugery and her screwing it up, but I am betting that will just be swept under the rug.

I liked hte confessions part 5 too remos! I'll see if any other confessions pop to mind today!

Hope you have a safe trip to school Rachel!

Nancy, I am gonna work on that dvd project.

What happened to Colette (MissJane), Inryon, magichappens, and some of the others?

Deb--where are you? Not checking the thread anymore at all?

Nex--hopefully you will have some clips to edit today at work to keep you busy! Glad you have been popping in more often to the br

LadyA--been fun chatting with you a couple days in a row! Try to pop back in later.

TL/Lainey/Ms Q-- hope your days all go well today!

We gotta keep the thread going ya know---we are always the top thread on SON! :)

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I'm glad you liked it, Hooked. Meet with your satisfaction? I've written enough now that I'm getting my own personal favourites. It certainly is an excercise in concentration.

Today might be a quiet day, but we can keep the TQLF up at the top. We did it on our own yesterday, Hooked.

(My son just brought me a half-smushed chocolate brownie.... can't you just FEEL the love...)

Edited by remos
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Staci I will mail out that Tracy/Marco article for you to scan.....I am just so behind in everything right now that I keep forgetting.

Just look for the package with the chicken scratch writing and you'll know it's me.

I am so BORED. BORED at work, bored WITH work. Bored with no Tracy on my TV and no Tracy scoops that I trust.

UGH. <_<

If I was a good actress I'd fake sick and go home. Soooo don't want to be here today. I did want to ask if anyone is doing anything for Jane's birthday this time.

Oh and Remos I liked your little fics.

Here's hoping we get Tracy today, tomorrow and Friday.

I need a Tracy fix badly right now.

I hope she also has a part in Feb sweeps, but I'm afraid it's mostly going to be mob related since Sarah Brown is coming back. I'd love to be surprised and see lots of Tracy and the Q's for sweeps, I hope it happens.

I tried over at SD and I think it's just the GH part that's down, over at the DOOL side they are saying it's because someone outed an insider (which they did previously when it was down.)

I don't know why that would cause the mods to shut down the boards?? But what do I know?

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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She is on today ILTQ if that brightens your work day. Not watching but read it. I think the mods shut the board down in order to delete and clean up all the posts that refer to the insider and their identity. That is what happened the other day. It won't let me log in to the site at all, not just the GH part. And I am a registered postter over there. It is a good thing though. I am trying to wean myself off that site totally. I am trying to only check the IL>

Supposedly TG vanishes for a month, according to SOD, so hopefully that source is legit. He will be back then hopefully in Feb. I think he will play some part of the mob-infested sweeps, but I also heard the custody hearing for baby Jake is then as well. Not that Luke really cares, but perhaps there is some Q involvement in that.

Actually only one board is working on that site ILTQ

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I didn't get to watch it all, and only saw the first half. Luke bribed a maintainance guy for a uniform, then snuck into the elevator first chance he got. At some point Tracy caught him and forced him back on to his floor. Cassius was there with a wheelchair. Tracy couldn't understand how he could bribe anyone, and Luke responded that you shouldn't underestimate a good cigar. Luke wondered how Tracy found out he was going to try that, and Tracy responded not to underestimate a weekend in Las Vegas - the maintainence crew had a pool going and she had offered the trip to the winner. Luke said he was going crazy and wanted to get out of the hospital, Tracy assured him it would happen in good time. Then he said she couldn't keep him there, that he could check himself out, and she said "wanna bet", and called someone. Turn out the one she called was Lucky, to come arrest his father for posession of cigars in a smoke free zone. Lucky told Luke that Tracy could press charges as long as she had proof, to which Luke harrumphed ('cause we all know there's proof). And that's when I had to run out and get the Diva.

Diane and Alexis.... Lainey, I really want your opinion of today. I think they just keep getting better. The rock/paper/scissors thing was hilarious. Carly is being her idiotic self. Liz tried to take Sam down. Monica told Epiphany she could talk to her, because Monica certainly knew what it felt like to lose a child. Skye gave Ric the waterfront properties and warehouses, saying that Lorenzo gave her enough money for 10 lives. We even got a skyline shot of Sam's apartment. I tell ya, 2008 was the turn into some descent story telling.


Sorry Hooked, still not prepared for this evening. Just wanted to duck in for a few minutes. Later?

Edited by remos
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HI I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol not all the way unpacked and i even caught half of gh lol.

Not to keen on that outfit Tracy had on today though.

The BR isn't letting me in GRRR I'll try back later when i'm done unpacking all the way haha

Thanks for the good thoughts Carrie and Remos

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wow monica was on today too huh? Gotta go watch now before the carpool hell begins. I am out tonight for dinner with a friend from out of town and may be home around 9ish...will try to come on later.

Latest rumor is that NLG is gonna be killed off in Feb sweeps by Claudia (sarah brown) as part of keeping Jerry in line or something and that they are dong this because of the great reaction Diane has been getting and she is now a stand alone character who can take NLG's place (and much cheaper too). They said it will be sighted as storyline direction or some crap like that. I don't really believe they are going to do that now with all the big death toll backlash. I like alexis, and also hread she was just gonna be attacked.

However, better NLG than JE!

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Hello, all! I haven't been on in forever, I know, things have been crazy here. I just saw today's episode, and I liked how Lucky totally backed up Tracy. If you watch them carfefully, Lucky rubs Tracy's arm or back any time she is even near him. Tracy does the same to him, too. It is so cute! I love their relationship. Did anyone else notice the look she gave the guy Epiphany hates who had the wheel chair at the beginning? (forget his name, c-something?) Tracy is good with the flirtatious looks, ha!

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For Nancy and others who might have not seen it:

(mentioned in the breakroom last week)

Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton on Family Feud (November 2005)

Credit: Mal and Val's Days of Our Lives Clips (now defunct)

MONDAY: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7V4YMX40

TUESDAY: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZM9VY47A

WEDNESDAY: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=54ZFBH4V



Links will be added as they upload. :)

missjane, yep, I noticed. Loved it. Loved the Trucky interaction as well.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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A link was posted on hella good to this myspace survery recently. Voting is closed now. I don't know if everyone saw it, so these are the results regarding Tracy:

Your Favorite CharactersIndicate your interest level in each character. Which characters are your favorites and you can't get enough of them?


• A Favorite 535

• Excellent 618

• Good 544

• Fair 260

• Least Favorite 94

Total: 2051

It's All RelativePlease indicate your interest level in each of the following relationships. Some are couples. Some are family relationships.

Luke & Tracy

• Can't get enough. 521

• Interested 987

• Not Interested 427

• Make it go away. 116

Total: 2051

It's All RelativePlease indicate your interest level in each of the following relationships. Some are couples. Some are family relationships.

Tracy & Alan

• Can't get enough. 740

• Interested 893

• Not Interested 316

• Make it go away. 102

Total: 2051

Your Opinions on Air Time for each characterPlease indicate how you feel about the amount of story time given for each character within the last three months.


• Not enough time 568

• Just the right amount 1314

• Too much time 169

Total: 2051

What Stories Interest You?Indicate the level of interest in each story line.

The hospital needs a new chief of staff. Ghost Alan encourages Monica to apply for the position. Noah, Laniey and Dr. Ford also apply. Being hospital board members Tracy, Nikolas, Edward and Jax must evaluate their options.

• Very Interested 925

• Neutral 761

• Not interested 365

Total: 2051

What Stories Interest You?Indicate the level of interest in each story line.

With financial backing from Tracy, Ned and Dillon move their production company to Port Charles. Realizing media is headed toward the internet with Spinelli's help they produce a web based drama staring Lulu, Logan and Maxie.

• Very Interested 625

• Neutral 596

• Not interested 830

Total: 2051

What Stories Interest You?Indicate the level of interest in each story line.

Skye and Tracy team up to ensure Luke sticks to his new healthy lifestyle.

• Very Interested 655

• Neutral 791

• Not interested 605

Total: 2051

What Stories Interest You?Indicate the level of interest in each story line.

Laura returns with her memory intact. Luke/Laura/Scotty/Tracy examine relationships.

• Very Interested 1299

• Neutral 399

• Not interested 353

Total: 2051

..and with all the characters listed, you had to choose who you wanted to see with a new love interest, Tracy got a 3 and Luke a 5 out of 2051. Ha, I guess people like Lunacy! And like all the Tracy-related comments were that she needs more airtime and that pro-Lunacy!

Edited by missjane
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