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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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But I finally got my cake in the oven and waiting for it to cool. I haven't been home from work long but I did catch the end of the show.

BTW someone was over at SD dissing Genie in a bad way tonight and of course they blamed the Tracy fans. It did make me mad though that they said Tracy fans were bashing Laura and Genie because Lacy was "falling flat" or some crap like that. And someone said the only people Lacy was falling flat for was Luke and Laura fans. I don't know, I know some Tracy fans who aren't Luke and Laura fans don't like them, but I think the vast majority of Lacy haters ARE LnL fans. *shrug* And so far I don't think they are falling flat, but there are times when I watch some of their scenes and I think some unnamed something is a little "off", and it bugs me because I don't know what. Maybe because all this lovey dovey stuff isn't who Luke and Tracy are.

I don't mind them showing affection. I just wish it were more in character with their relationship. He loves Tracy partly because she's NOTHING like Laura.

I want him to ask her for something and her to say "get it yourself" every once in a while. I did like that she busted into him over Skye the other day. It shows she still has her fire and isn't afraid to bring it down on him.

GOOD. That's a start. It still really sucks though that so far, no Q/Tracy scenes, and it does seem as if the day of the funeral is all we will get, at least for now.

I really still haven't watched all the last five days. I have so much to catch up on......

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I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are yesterdays and todays clips,


11-20-07 Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, edited by me.


11-21-07 Trudy again.

Also, the clips above are not of just Lacy but of the Q's, Nikolas, and other clips I wanted to keep. Can I also say how much I loved that end scene of Tracy in Lukes hospital bed. Did anybody notice that while Luke had his arm around Tracy and Tracy had her hand on Lukes face that at the same time they were also holding hands?!?!? How sweet was that!! I love love love it!!!

And incase there is anybody who wants todays entire Thanksgiving episode, because lets face it, with no Sonny, Kate, Jason or Sam it was a pretty good episode. Here is the link.


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I thought the last two episodes were the best of sweeps, and I have been eager to rewatch. I actually tried taking the whole shows from HG last night, but Trudy does something with her clips -- makes them really big or something. They were downloading too slow! I'm SOOOOO grateful.. what a great Thanksgiving Treat!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday really was fantastic folks.. I am just LOVING all this sexual inuendo. SOOOO incredible!

Have a good Turkey Day, all.


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"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....."

Greetings from the snowy North, and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you south of the border. My kids are going out to shovel, and I'm wrapping Christmas gifts. We have a tradition in our household that on the first snow fall, the kids get a school break. It's good all the way around. (And I have to find something to pass the time until Monday, and more LuNacy)

Nex, thanks so much for the clips. I will be downloading them shortly. I loved yesterday and the connection between the two of them during the closing montage.

I don't know about them falling flat or anything missing - quite the opposite, I think they've found something. For the past almost three years, they have been playing LuNacy for laughs a good portion of the time. The con that backfired and was a lot more real than either party thought. What we've been seeing the last few weeks is an actual mature storyline. They are in character, dealing with real life/death stuff, which neither has really dealt with, and certainly not as a couple. Tracy's husbands have always ended in divorce, and EWCBO is a turnip. They are playing a situation that has only happened to Edward (who's lived with a heart condition for awhile) and Alan (who died from it). They younger characters are still having the over-the-top drama and relationship betrayal, not their body's failing. Tracy, due to her family history, is all too aware of what could happen and knows outside of throwing her weight around, she is really powerless. And Luke is facing his own mortality for the first time, knowing that he can't get himself out of this one. It's poignant, it's palpable, and it's the different kind of storyline TG and JE have been wanting. It wasn't lost on my yesterday that during the closing montage, they were the only family that didn't need words or sound. They are being very powerful with this story, and I can't wait to see how it continues to unfold.

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Thanks so much, Nex! I really wanted the full episode of the Thanksgiving episode because it was SO GOOD. Thanks so very much!

ILTQ, we were talking about the SD bashing last night in the br. Ms. Q said basically the same exact thing that you said. I posted a couple times to shut them up because 1) it is NOT right to automatically blame us, and 2) the Genie bashing was pretty mean. they were making fun of her weight, it was horrible. I would never dream of talking about someone like that, no matter how much I disliked them.

Well, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone's is great.

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Loved that episode!!!!!!!! just had to say it one more time. Thanks for the clips, Nex. Hate to be a huge pest, but it says download limit exceeded, is that for the time I was downloading it or is it entirely over?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

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remos, I love your analysis on the LuNacy SL, but I'm leaning towards ILTQ's thoughts that something is off. I can't figure out what it is. Perhaps I'm just not used to seeing this kind of SL for our couple. Or...I might just be a little bitter than Tracy doesn't seem she'll be having much screentime (if any at all) with her boys, Monica, and Edward.

Colette, was it you who said you rewound the hospital bed scene over and over again? I did that last night, LOL. In fact, I watched most of the montage over and over again. I can't remember the last time I watched a whole episode of GH and enjoyed it. Why can't we get that all the time?!

nex, thanks a bunch! You are awesome for doing all that editing. *makes note to go to HG and say thanks for the originals* Question. Was 11/19 ever posted here? I've been getting really bad at keeping up my clip collection.

Lainey, I might have mentioned this last night, but I believe Trudy's clips are like that because they are usually larger (640 by 280) and of higher quality. I really like her clips.

knh, the files are a bit large still. Have you downloaded 11/20 already? If you have, it's possible you'll have to wait a few hours before you can download 11/21. Also, you cannot download 2 files at the same time (not sure if you're doing that or not).

I hope everyone has a good day today! :D

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*waves to Ms. Q and knh!*

Nex: You rock! Thanks for the Thanksgiving treats! Everyone was talking in the breakroom last night about how good the episode was. Wonder why... :lol:

Nicely put remos! Tracy's still got some zingers in and I'm sure when Luke is recuperating he's going to exasperate her into telling him to get his own darn whatever. :) While they were still at Wyndemere, I remember a few moments where they were kind of arguing and I thought it was cute because you could tell they they were in uncharted territory and trying to hide their fears.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Hooked: have a slice (of pizza) for me! I love that you guys are having a Q Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoy the rest of the brownies. I have to say they they are delicious with a little bit of peanut butter.

TL: Thinking of you and Dana. I hope she's feeling better. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

ILTQ: You cake sounds fabulous. Mmmmm. Have a piece for me. :)

Edit: Oooh. I got page 480! Ok, I know that there is no special prize, but can I at least have an extra slice of pie?:D

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Nex, Thanks for the clips!! And Yes, I noticed right away that LuNacy were holding hands as well as holding each other. LOVE IT!!

Luke and Tracy rock together! The are sooooooo sexy!! They DO NOT seem off to me. As a matter of fact they've never seemed so right as they do now. I've waited too darn long to see them this close and I am in love with them together like this. I can't get enough of them together. They are not flat and they are not mushy, they are SEXY!! As for Tracy not seeing her sons, I did think it was a little odd that neither of her sons asked for her. I guess we are to assume that they know where she is and who she's with and why. Some people had been upset that Skye told Edward about Em, I say so what... but I also find it interesting that Edward was at the hospital to "deliver" the banquet to the staff in Em's name but never stopped in to see Tracy. Oh well, I guess we are go assume that many conversations took place "off camera". Just Luke and Tracy alone together yesterday, was absolutley fabulous to me.

Everyone enjoy your turkey day.

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You know what the real problem with the Thanksgiving episode was, don't you, it was only 60 minutes long. Take away time for comercials, etc, and it was probably closer to 42 minutes. What we want would have taken easily 2 hours (not that I would complain at that). Then we would have been able to see....

- Bobbie stopping by the hospital to see her brother, and wish he and her sister-in-law a Happy Thanksgiving

- Dillon and Ned stopping by the hospital to wish their mother and step-father a Happy Thanksgiving

- Edward stopping by the hospital to wish his daughter and son-in-law a Happy Thanksgiving

- Tracy and Luke sending their greetings via all of these people to their various Thanksgiving dinners

As for TQ not being "home, with her family", well, as an old married shrew, I can tell you I think she was more "home, with her family" in that hospital bed then she would have been anywhere else. TQ is not becoming any more Spencer than LS is becoming Quartermaine. They are family to each other, with grown children who can fend for themselves.

Anyone up for a snowball fight? Once we're finished with the pizza at Hooked's, the brownies from NYC, and whatever other merriment you folks are having, come join me - it's really coming down out there....

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