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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Today has been so !@#$%^. :angry:

But thank you all for making it better. :)

I am liking all these possible spoilers.

On the topic of spoilers, I've read that it's in the newest SOW that

I FINALLY watched the Tracy scenes...I didn't mind the Mama Bear line, 'cause after that he said something like, "It's not as sexy as the other roles she plays."

Anyone notice Tracy's sort of nudge (okay, not a nudge, more like a jerk of Luke's hand) when he had that comment about Logan? I can't remember the comment, but I know he was referring to Logan. Such a wife-y thing of her to do...

nex, thanks for editing the clips from yesterday!

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Lainey...TL...where are you guys...party in the breakroom...5 people in there now!


Nex come join us for a few...it has bene forever. BSG--where are you???

Okay...here is a good wubs.net blog comment about our girl:

"One note on GH: I'm so glad Jane E is "natural" and not a tightly pulled Hollywood face. She was so great today. Luke's doing good for having a major attack, eh? "

I agree!

Edited by hookedongh
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I just watched today's show and there was two things that nobody mentioned that I can't believe!!! The first, was the comment Tracy made to Luke, she said "you are so lucky to have me" and he said "don't I know it". awwwwww The second thing is.....please don't tell me it was only me who noticed it, but I think we got some sort of a theme song when they were talking. It wasn't like anything I have ever heard before on GH, it started and ended with their scene and their scenes only.

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Nex...should have joined us in the breakroom--we were discussing both those things! :) you are right...that was like a little music for them...not typical GH theme song music....

And I LOVED how she said "you are so lucky to have me"!! Bout time she stated the obvious! I loved how he said don't I know it!!! I like how this little shift has occurred where now he is saying all this stuff to her. I swear they rotate and take turns. A week or two ago with the return it was her telling him she loved him just the way he was, etc...

Oh yeah...I like her in this sweeps outfit way better than the brown furry thing. At least she is in the sweeps action and involved this time (even though it took her long enough to get there), and not sitting at home watching on television. The others don't even get to watch this sweeps on their tvs at home...no monica, no edward, no bobbie, no mac, nobody worried about their loved ones...

I think Scotty needs to get a love interest and move on with his life...who can they pair him with??? Diane? Watch...they will make him fall for lulu too!

Oh and did you see luke say to sam the other day "you are a handy little thing aren't you?" or something like that--too funny. Guess he doesn't know how handy she is with his son!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Today, in my humble opinion, was the best LuNacy Lovin' day since sweeps started. Somehow the acting was best today, and the exchanges seemed more heartfelt.

I can't freaking wait until the rumored ILY. I'm nearly dying with anticipation.

Bring it on TIIC! BRING IT ON!


I LOVE IT! :lol::lol: :lol:

We could call it Ditty or..... Sane.

Hmmm... not sure which I like better. Anyone care to vote?!?!

Diane needs a love interest. On her fansite, CH talks about Diane and Luke, which I officially HATE big. (Hands off Luke, Diane, if you want me to continue to like you!!!!!!!!!)

There is talk of Diane and Ric or a little more Diane and Max / Mrs. Robinson.

Nobody has ever mentioned Diane and Scotty.....

Hooked, you're a GENIUS!!!!

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Man oh man!! totally notice both those things!!! Actually I had to rewind in case I was hearing wrong, but in the last scene when it played I definately almost cried, which is really strange for me, so it must have been sweet. I love it I love it I love it!!!!!!!


and let me just say this about Diane. I am still n the fence about whetehr or not I like her as a character, though I have been liking her more lately, if she even gets close enough to Luke for him to see the very bright red hair I have nothing against joining Tracy's team to take her down at the knees. She needs to back the hell off if that's what's going through her head

editing again:

Hooked, I do kinda like this sweeps outfit (though I was one of the few who liked the brown one, I think people just got sick of it mostly, so we'll about this one soon). I especially liked the last scene today with her wearing his jacket, very cute and sweet I think.

And on the music, I'm a little surprised they actually gave them any b/c that would mean they are a real couple (what? shock, gasp). That's my take on it. I think it's a sign that they are making them a real "real" couple and they want the whole audience to know it, not just the LuNacy fans. But not only did they give them a song, they kinda gave them a sexy song! OR at least sexyish... approaching sexy. I think it is all-out sexy but i'd have to go back and listen to it again.

Ok, night all. Been studying my driving booklet (annoying, I know). It's mostly pointless but they ask so many statistic questions now likewhat % of fatal car accidents involve alcohol? 40%, yata yata yata. I need to know those but I'm so bored with them, good thing I drive well cuz I'm not worried about that at least. But it's now 2:00 so I'm sleepin'.

Edited by knh
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Good morning! Knh--I don't think Tracy was wearing Luke's jacket was she? I thought he still had his on, but maybe I am wrong. I was thinking it looked really big on her...at first I thought it was the blanket. Gotta go check. It was someone's jacket. Guess it is cold in that ugly castle!

Have to go rewatch the music too.

No new spoilers on soapdish this morning to report here...other than steve burton is taking his shirt off for a love scene chatter in there and that he made an appointment to get "waxed" for it----WHO GIVES A @#%*!!!!

Lainey--Well at least one person in this world thinks I am a genius--ha ha! I think Diane and Scott would be funny together...with his slang type talk and her perfect diction!

People one soapdish were complaining that luke should have had scenes alone with his kids without Tracy there. I was like WTH--she moved off the couch so he could talk to lucky and lulu alone...like she is gonna go leave the room and leave Luke and wander the halls with a killer???

And by the way...I know most of you only watch Tracy scenes, but why is nobody in that room scared at all that Zacharra could come back in there? They just leave the door open and unlocked, etc. And did they all just forget about Ric being shish ka bob'd???

GH is gonna be a busy place with all these injuries. I can't wait to watch Monica slap Jason and disown him. Supposedly Liz stands up to Monica and Edward on his behalf.

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I guess not, I just looked at her I didn't even realize he was still wearing his jacket. Not all that observant yesterday I guess. She must have been wearing her coat from when she came to the mansion... or the blanket, but I don't know.

And yeah, they wanted her to walk out of the room and leave them alone with a killer (that apparently she's connected to... so maybe she'd be safe) AND a bad back! Where's she gonna go?! She let them have a moment alone, I think that was plenty damned generous since Lulu has treated her like garbage again as of late. Hope today's show is good and with plenty of TQ!

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I'm not so sure Tracy has a link to AZ at all, I think that people are just still spec'ng from way back when Tracy first mentioned she knew him on air. I would love a BW/JE scene or two though, and I hope I get it. But some major connection? I seriously doubt it, and to tell the truth, as much as it might mean good material and airtime for JE, I really don't want her in a mobular story at all.

I watched bits and pieces of yesterday. Jane Elliot is the most beautiful woman on the canvas, hands down. She even looks good all frazzled. I just was really struck yesterday by how lovely she is.

Kristin I will read your story probably sometime tonight.....

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Taking a break from all the cr@p I am so behind on in school. I have a presentation and a separate paper due for one of my speech classes tomorrow and I have a presentation and a separate paper due for my education class on Monday. Meanwhile, I am so congested and I am hacking away coughing my brains out and blowing my freakin runny nose, and drinking hot liquids for my throat that's on fire. Have to run out in a few to sign in for the strike bullsh%#t and then do that later again tonite. ugh. But other than that, life is just dandy. heh.

Some thoughts on the jacket/blanket question....

Oh, first, I didn't notice the special music during their last scene. I will have to watch again.

I, too thought that she was wearing Luke's jacket but I quickly looked at him and realized he was still wearing his. Maybe she is wearing Scott's? haha! For some reason right now I thought I saw him without it at one point. I will have to go back and check. She also could have been wearing the blanket that she used on the bed. On the other hand, if you watch the epi where she arrives at Windemere, she is wearing a dark wrap of some sort. I believe it was draped on one shoulder as she descended the stairs and I believe it was partially still on her when Luke ran to her after she fell. I will have to check this all out. And if she did have a wrap, was that what she used to cover herselft in bed, and not a blanket? maye not, because then that's some big @$$ wrap. Hmmm questions to ponder and get answers to. Too funny how we analyze everything. Love having her on our screen - we don't get to do this too often. Hope we get more fabulous stuff for the rest of sweeps.

Hooked, thanks for the spoiler re: her spending thanksgiving with Luke at the hosptial. I can't remember the whole spoiler, as now I am typring my post but did it say she would be staying with him in the room? I would love it if she layed in bed with him, and held him.

As for Georgie being killed off... I really don't care much for her though I was starting to like her better than i used to I dont think they should kill her off. Send her away to college yes, but kill her off? what for? But I do have to say that her groveling over Spinelli is annoying. It doesn't seem in character for her to do that.

Scott and Diane? hmmmm I guess so, though I don't see how they might have chemistry, I like Diane and I like Scott, I guess they could give it a whirl. Oh, wait, if he's hooked up with Diane, he wont be available to be Tracy's biatch, I like Scott as Tracy's biatch. LOL.

As for mama's sweeps outfit... I like it. Okay, it's a little loose, but I think the top is sexy, it frames her gorgeous shoulders exquisitly (sp?) :). I think it looks hot on her.

Off to take a shower and then go sign in at the strike thing. Please send me some healing vibes folks, I need them in every way imaginable. :)

BSG, Where the heck are ya girl?

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