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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay chicas...just checked soapdish and there is another Luke/Tracy spoiler...(Again...don't know who this "insider " is...maybe Staci does)

I freaking love this sweeps--ha ha TQ/Luke..together...more than we have had them in soooo long. Who cares if em dies...if it brings home WK and SC and we get Luke/Tracy it is ALL GOOD! :) Never mind it is a total rehash of the hostage crisis and looks like a scooby doo mystery movie...we are getting lunacy!

Nex..can you edit youtube? Addie seems to have the clips to post. Maybe we can ask her for them.

Edited by hookedongh
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Thank you, ILTQ and Colette for the ofers. I'll definately take you up on them. Like I told Carrie, I'm going to take another day or two to just do a final check of everything and make sure I have everything in it that I want so far and i'll send it to you both. Thanks so much for offering your time b/c as much as I love reading everyone else's work, this may be a pain in the a$$ b/c it's so long. Not really long for a book I guess, but it's longer than things posted here usually are

Thanks again

Thanks to Nex for the clips


*waves to Nex and Colette*

*add to that Mrs Q and TL*... party in the thread!!!

Ok, I don't know who asked, I think it was TL, I just watched the scenes from yesterday again. I want to say that he was reaching for her, I'd love that to be true (usually I'm the first to go for that) but I really think it was him repositioning himself. I think he was leaning on that arm to move a bit. I think he could have been reaching for her in addition to that, but I think that's what he was doing. I chose to *believe* however that he was reaching so I'm blocking the other option from my mind!!!

Oh yeah, and just a quick comment... did anyone notice Em ask tracy if she had any of Edward's meds? That's the first I remember her not calling him grandfather. I know it's just tv but that's a little disrespectful (says my father... not of this specifically) and for someone who is supposed to be the angel of the show she would never have shown such little respect. Even when she's getting bitchy and yelling at him she calls him grandfather... Oh yeah... and the acting was terrible. Good riddence I say!

Edited by knh
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Deb, Yup, she was on! Good show. Don't remember enough to do recaps and the epi was interupted by local news at one point, but would like to comment on what I like from the show... which I will do in a few mins. Have to take care of something. Ms. Q? Recap? Colette? Edited by TracyLuv
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She's on. I've just been very busy and haven't been able to watch all her scenes, let alone recap them. (My Spanish I students have a test Friday, and I'm not sure if they're ready for it - there aren't classes for them on Thursday, so tomorrow is my last chance to prepare them). Anyway...I just caught 3 and half of Tracy's scenes, and one of them, she had no dialogue at all, and in another, she had a line or so about giving Luke another pill. The last LuNacy scene was the best of the ones I watched. :)

Here's what happened in that final scene:

Once I finish creating this review worksheet, among other things, I'll watch the rest and recap (unless someone else beats me to it).

hooked, thanks for all the good spoilers. I was about to post some of them this morning, but like I said, I was running late. I KNEW you would post them for me - Haha.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ran and took some notes quick.... Short version of all scenes though I think I missed one... I have to run out to "sign in" for work/strike.

Spoiler white out used >>>

Luke calls "Lulu", Logan assures him that she is with coop and okay. Scott said "you seem to be breathing", Luke: With no help from the cologne you marinated yourself in. Tracy interrupts and stops them and tells Luke to save his strengh. Luke tells her that she's the one who's hurt, and asks about her back (me: awwwwww). She said not too good if she has to keep restraining him. Luke said "don't baby me". Em comes in and Tracy makes her check Luke and she's off again to find nic.

Nic and Lucky and co. come into the room asking for em. Lucky asks what happened and Luke says nothing, tracy says heart attack and lucky and others ask what happened with Zacchara/heart attack. Tracy said he needs to rest she will tell them later. Luke says to them all "my wife here is in mama bear mode... be careful, it's not as sexy as other roles she plays (me: in't that cute?)". Logan goes to Look for lulu, Lucky said he will find Patrick, and Luke said no about Patrick, he's fine.

I think I lost the next scene to news interruption.

The last scene was the best as ms. Q mentiond and she posted it above. LOTS Of LuNacy hand holding in this epi, and In the last scenes he touches Tracy's face and chin.

Must run, have one foot out the door. see you all later.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Just saw the episode. What a busy day I am having.

TL and Ms. Q's recaps pretty much covered it. Don't you hate it when they are on right after the commercials? I kept cutting off the first lines of every scene when I tried to fastforward. Basically, Tracy was going (as Luke said) "Mother Bear" on him. He said that she was being a pain in the a$$. (harsh much?) Em came back looking for Nik and Tracy made her see how Luke was. She said that his pulse had regulated and that he needed to stay relaxed and calm. The she headed out again, to Tracy's dismay. Tracy said how Alan would be ashamed to know what little care she gives her patients. Luke complained that he wanted a scotch, so Tracy caved and sent Scott out after it. Scott was annoyed that Tracy was treated him like a maid. Lucky came in, and asked what happened. Luke said nothing, but Tracy rolled her eyes and said that he had a heart attack. Tracy said she would explain it later, and that his father needed to rest. Luke had another little heart spasm, and Tracy was worried. This was after Lucky and Lulu came in, and Lulu was currently bawling on the couch. Our poor girl was stuck standing behind the couch with her bad back. When Lulu left, Tracy sat back on the couch. Luke asked if her back was okay, and said that her problem was bigger than his. Tracy went into spazzy-wife mode and said that when they got back she would have Monica run "every test known to science" on him and he would do whatever she recommended for food and health. Luke told her that they could make a deal: She would stop bugging him about his health and he wouldn't die. She caved again and agreed. He said that she made her "almost happy, and he liked it." (umm... almost? haha what?)

No ILY, and Luke's lovin' wasn't as powerful as the other day. But, maybe tomorrow we will get lucky.

I liked hovering-wife-Tracy, but I didn't like her caving with the booze, etc.

A few sketchy lines: almost happy? And stop calling her a PIA! I guess people are crabby after heart attacks.

For me, it was kinda blah, but I'd love your input. :) I should shut up and be happy she is on.

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While I still have yet to see today's episode, because I am still at work. ;) I do get Luke telling Tracy that she makes him "almost happy". Both Luke and Tracy are not happy people, so for Luke to say almost happy is a big deal. If the shoe were on the other foot I believe that Tracy would say the same thing to Luke.

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Mt take on the "almost happy" thing is the same as Nex's. Luke is a cynic. He is content enough and he has a high ol' time doing what he does, but he is not a generally happy person. I think it is more believable that he said almost, too. I don't think it would ring true is he was saying he was happy. If he had said that, people would have been coming out in droves saying "whatever, he's never happy... except maybe when he's on an adventure". Even if she does make him happy, which I think she does, I think it takes more for him to admit that than it does for him to admit he loves her.

having said that... I still have to watch it tonight, so seeing it play out I'll see if my opinion changes at all.

Ok, for the three Santa's little helpers (yeah, I'm going there... it's after Halloween, that's all it take's for me. Plus I'm hoping to have it entirely done by Christmas, no particular reason just feel like I've spent long enough on it for now. (Sorry to Carrie and anyone else helping who is, I know you're jewish but I'm going with it)

I'm off to do the rest of my work so I can pass it along! Thanks!!

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Ooohhh..can't wait to watch!

Also ooohhh...like the sound of this new spoiler in the Insider's Lounge at Soapdish...

Our girl is making spoilers--woot woot!!!! Hope this one is true!

Be on to chat later...gotta go watch the show now! I will try to pop in around 8:30 to catch you STace!

Nex--thanks so much for posting the clips.

I uploaded all my clips today from my old back up CDs, plus LadyA's clips she sent me. I am a happy girl!!!

We just went to a strategy session with an eductational consultant about my son. She was SOOOO helpful. He is going to do four one week sessions on "quick notes" and "improving reading speed and comprehension" to better help him with this novel reading for 8th grade and high school. She also suggested that I switch his math teacher cause even one weak math teacher in middle school can mess up your whole math path for high school.

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Hey Colette (or anyone else on here that has it) can I get you email to send you the story? I sent you a pm but in case you don't get that till later I thought I'd check in here.

*waves to Hooked, Mrs Q, and Nex* and Hooked, you've got mail, so do you ILTQ

Edited by knh
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