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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I haven't gotten to watch yesterday's yet but it sounds good..maybe this weekend on SN.....

I do think the spumor that Luke "dances with Laura" at Wyndam's will happen because for a minute anyway Luke will die. My spec. I think they'll show him thinking about Laura.

Now, as long as they also show him thinking about our girl too, great. I can deal. But if we get the Wyndam's thing and no thoughts of Tracy, I think I might have to seriously just skip being on line that day. LOL

Why does our girl have to fall for the seventies version of Lulu, the overpropped overrated blonde one?


And boooooo to her not being on today. BOOOO. :(

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No Tracy? Wow. Go figure.

About today, (unfortunately non-Tracy related):

1) Remos, I was pretty much on the floor laughing when Spin clubbed Lulu over with the gun. I mean, it was obviously to protect her since she is such an erratic idiot, but she is not all that nice to him. So I enjoyed it SO MUCH. Lulu deserved that. And it also showed her that Spin is no shrinking violet, and she can't take advantage of him. :lol:

2) Emily. WHAT AN IDIOT. I was just staring at the screen. What the hell is wrong with that girl?! She just stands there. I hate her whiny character already, but god please


And I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the clips with Tracy and Luke in the coffee shop. And I think there was another one before that that wasn't related to Luke's arrival. I think I missed them. Thanks bunches.

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All I have to say abuot that (b/c I've been trying to ignore it altogether) is that he is allowed to think about the other one when he is dying. It is understandable b/c he spent so much of his life with her. Now seeing as this is a Tracy board and I support no other let me go ahead and defend myself by adding her in to what should rightfully be her story. He can thnk about Laura as he dies, but I think that Tracy will be the one that brings him abck. He loves her and everyone and their brother knows he does at this point so the thoughts of her and that he still want to stay with her and have a life with her will save him from the brink of death...

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. If it desn't play out that way I'm just going to curl up in bed in the fetal position, suck my thumb, and think it over and over in my head until it becomes real... or things start to float around my room Carrie style, whatever happens first

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Colette, I am missing clips myself or else I would upload them. The ones of the Kelly's scenes were never posted here. hooked sent a link out via email but the file played audio only (no picture). I am also missing a day around the time Luke returned as well as Carly/Tracy/Ghost!Alan Day. Do you know what happened in the clip that wasn't related to Luke's arrival? Even though I'm missing a few, I might have the one you're looking for.

So, according to SoapDish, Jane Elliot just appeared in the background on a report ABC 7 Los Angeles did about the writer's strike. If a clip is ever posted, I guess it would be here: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/front For those wondering, Tony Geary was being interviewed. He and Jane were both in street clothes. Tyler Christopher was also in the background but had his Nikolas wardrobe on, apparently.

My comment:

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. 1) It's Friday. 2) Tracy's on. Even if the

scene is just 30 seconds long, at least we're getting it. :)

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I like "your story" :). LOL about the "Carrie" style. But I like my story better... He DOESN'T dream about dancing with Laura at Wyndhams.

If they are not brining this actress back to the show, do we have to suffer through hearing about her every half a second? ugh!

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Hi all! I've been swamped at work these past couple of days after my galavanting with TL and hooked. But it was totally worth it! We had a great time at dinner on Monday and then seeing the show on Tuesday and chatting 'till the wee hours. So fun! TL and hooked are awesome. Really great ladies and it was nice to finally meet in person! Carrie, the City misses you already!

LOL. We'll just have to have another lovefest reunion! BTW, every time I see those stupid Medifast ads it pisses me off. I'm glad I haven't noticed them yet on SON. Grrrr.

THANK YOU so much for yesterday's clips. Sigh! <3

Thanks for my treat, TL!

Thanks for the treats, LadyA! I wish you could have come, too!

Sad that there was no Tracy today, but I have to say I LOVED seeing her yesterday. Even sans oomphy hair. And those are definitely some kisses for your collection, TL! Woooohoooo. Some serious LuNacy liplockage going on. B)

TL, I love your new avatar. :D Anyone around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by brownstonegirl
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I like your story better too! No Laura is always better, but if we have to hear about her that is the way I want it... that's if we HAVE too. I'll always take not having to hear about her though.

As for those Medifast ads... there's one on this site right now. I haven't seen one here in a little while and right as I was reading someone say that they haven't seen any here there one is.

Looking forward to todays episode!! Hope it's good. It's always worth it to me but I really hipe it's good

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It seems to me like everybody is missing clips from last month. I realize its because I was out of town haha but if someone can give me an episode count with the dates Tracy was on I will be more than happy to find, post and edit the clips needed.

Does anybody else think that today might be Luke or Tracys day to do the intro? I mean everyone else has had their chance to ask the question "What would do for love?" It only makes sense that today would be their day, Luke could be leaving the person he loves (Tracy) in the care of somebody he hates (Scotty) or Tracy can convince Luke to leave her, so he can find his children. Just a thought!

Woohoo this is my 400th post! :)

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Re: Clips - I can speak for all of us, but I, personally, don't have:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007: Tracy goes to Carly for help about Lulu.

Monday, October 15, 2007: Tracy and Luke discuss Lulu for the 123,402,320th time.

Monday, October 29, 2007: Tracy and Luke are invited to the ball.

Of those, I believe nex (CONGRATS ON 400, BTW) posted the first 2; I just never downloaded them. :(nex was out of town for the 29th, IIRC, and I have sadly been slacking on my editing duties.

BTW, not watching GH, but SD said it's a LuNacy bonding day and SZ said,

Re: The introduction - I didn't even know a different character said it each day. I guess that's what happens when I'm not watching the show.

EDIT: I have no idea where this was taken, but it looks to be recent (maybe it's not as recent as I thought since Scott is pictured, but who knows)? Anyway, posted on SD, here it is!!! They are all SO ADORABLE together. Aren't they? I like that JE and JT are standing next to each other, especially since JT recently said he would like to work with her.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Editing this in...

remos and I post just posted at 2:49!!!

You know what's strange? This happened last night too (at 8:32) with me and TL!

What are the chances?!

End of edit.

Tracy!Friday Recaps:

I've just watched once, so these might not be as detailed as usual. I got some help from GHH2.

Scene Count: 4 for her. 6 for Luke.

Hair/Wardrobe/Make-Up: She looked fabulous for having just been caught in the storm 2 hours ago. She took her necklace off, BTW.

Scene 1: Tracy, covered with a blanket, is complaining about the house and about her back. Luke offers her more brandy. She's all, "I had enough." Luke goes to drink it, but then Tracy decides she wants some after all. Scott wants some too, but Luke says it's for medicinal purposes only (as Luke, himself, takes a drink). Scott doesn't understand why he's the bad guy here. Luke says he's not a bad guy. He's worse. He's a whiner who goes on and on...They're bickering. Scott leaves to get some booze. He'll take his chance with the killer out there. Luke sits near Tracy. She tells him he was particularly brutal. Luke is pleased. He tells her "Alone at last..." He kisses her hand around here, IIRC.

Scene 2: Tracy tells Luke this is no time for romance 'cause she can't move. He wants her to listen then. He tells her he almost got into it with Scott, but then he realized that they had hated each other for so long that he couldn't remember why. Scott's annoying, but all this arguing is wasting his time. It's not going to bring Laura back. Tracy says he still has hope. Luke tells her what he has is denial. Tracy is all, "I just have a bad back. You don't have to lie to me like I'm on my death bed." Luke tells her that he's serious. Tracy's changed him. It kicked him out of the rut he was in. No matter where he goes, he has a reason to come home because of Tracy. (We don't get to see Tracy's reaction to this 'cause GH's directors or whoever are evil).

OK. EDITING AGAIN - Rewatched. I was a bit off. He said: "You give me something I didn't have before, a reason to come back."

Commentary: This was kind of a repeat of the November 7, 2006 line - "I come home to you."

(Maybe not a repeat after all then).

Scene 3: Tracy doesn't like when Luke abandons her. She has reservations of what he is doing and with whom. All that said, she is glad he duped her into marrying her. Luke says it was the smartest con he ever did.

Commentary: This was kind of a repeat of the April 24, 2007 line - "Marrying you was probably the smartest thing I ever did."

Somewhere around here LUKE GETS INTO THE BED WITH TRACY (who is so cute with her blanket) AND IS SNUGGLING WITH HER, ALMOST. As Tracy continues to talk, Luke kisses her cheek/ear. He's right next to her in the bed!!! SO CUTE!!! [/fangirl] So, Tracy's saying that he swindled her out of millions, but he makes her feel alive. You are frustrating, infuriating, and fabulous!

Commentary: Sound familiar? Again, reminiscent of the April 16, 2007 line - "You make me a feel alive..."

Luke tells her "Right back at ya." So, Tracy's still in pain because Luke drank all the booze. Enter Scott, who's been looking for the booze. He can't find anymore. Tracy's all, "That's impossible. This is the Cassadine's..." Scott admits to getting lost, trying to find the ballroom. (All this time, Luke and Tracy are being all snuggle bunny like in front of Scott. Some kisses too). Now, Luke makes note of the fact there is no booze, and he is leaving to find some. Tracy goes "Hold it!" She's not stupid. She knows he's going to find Zucchini. Luke doesn't deny it and leaves.

Scene 4: Scott and Tracy are in the room together. As we guessed, Scott gives her a hard time about Luke. He wants to know what she sees him in. Tracy refuses to explain. Scott insists Luke is taking advantage of her and the Quartermaines. Tracy tells Scott what his problem is: He is pining away for the love he thought he had with Laura. Scott tells her that Luke is conning her. Tracy says she's not living in the past and neither is Luke.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Good post, Ms.Q. You remembered a lot that I'd already forgotten (don't ever have me testifying for the defence! B) )

One of the things I found outstanding today is all the words spoken between Luke and Tracy. Usually, in a scene, JE and TG convey most of it through looks and body language, but today they actually said everything they've been saying and acting, for awhile now.

Perhaps it is with overt statement to the fans of EWCBO - stick a fork in it, it's done already. Move on.

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