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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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LuNacy were scrumptious today!! Mama was sexaaaay! LOVED her hair. Loved her smile. I thought she was going to crack up laughing for a moment during her first line. Are they on again later in the week? Pretty please?

Carrie, I hope you are right, and the 'Luke opens his heart to Tracy' is before he heart trouble stuff.

Oh, BTW, isn't there a difference between "Luke opens his heart to Tracy" and "Luke pours his heart out to Tracy"? I mean I've read spoilers that said both of these. And well heck he can pour his heart out to Tracy about anything, but if he opens his heart to tracy, well, then, um, I don't know, but that's the one we want right? The second one? lol.

Sorry, I missed ya again tonite Carrie :(. Hope your tootsies feel better soon.


There's a new LuNacy thread on soc: "Awww LuNacy's first invitation as man and wife :)" ------ > http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=300508

Edited by TracyLuv
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I HATE it when I can't sleep! It sux big! :angry: :angry:

Hey-- while trolling the internet at 5am I found this on SOC. It's from "suds," whatever the heck that is:

I think it's supposed to happen at the ball.

All of this makes sense, because it explains the "Blackmail at the Ball!" commets on Monday. And it also explains the scene in Ric's office (although what the hell possessed Luke to break into Ric's office? Where did THAT come from!?!?!)

I think this is good for us, because it has the potential to draw in Tracy. Don't know why I say that, but I definitely feel it's true. She's very tied into the "let's keep Lulu safe story."

Tata--- I think I'm going to try to get another hour of sleep... maybe..

I could always clean this place before I go to work.... :rolleyes: naw!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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Uberquick post before work--dudes, I watched live last night! LOL. Okay, with the Mute button off, and I kept falling asleep and I accidentally hit the channel button on the remote instead of the volume when Tracy finally showed up...

But I did see the episode. Hate Jason's hair. Love Tracy's smile. Luke looks so hawt in that suit. Man, he's slipping...he usually doesn't get caught, does he? Did I mention Tracy looked yummy? Please don't tell me she's actually eating at Kelly's, though. Because I'll have to just...stop...for a moment.

Don't have a clue what's going on. Don't much care. But Mama and Papa Bear looked purty and happy together, so I'm okay. I missed the very first few minutes--she only had the two scenes in Kelly's with Luke, right?

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Yup only two scenes Deb. She did look like she was going to crack up during her first line. It seemed funny cause she was like "okay, how can I help" which wasn't a funny line, but he must have done something to make her almost laugh then. She looked great I thought. Hair wasn't so amazing, but she looked very good in that short, fitted jacket (hello wardrobe people...don't they get that she looks way better in normal clothes?). It looked like snake skin pattern or something. Might have to go in the next best wardrobe outfit!

I think that Ms. Q is right, the timeline is probably a bit off. As much as I would love Luke to pour his heart out to tracy before he thinks he is dying or something, I bet it will be after cause they don't arrive together we don't think. Oh well...guess we will see this week. He could be telling her about what he found out about logan.

Yeah luke in a suit, he looked great! But why was he wearing his coat the whole time at Kelly's? Georgie and that nurse nadine were wearing almost the same outfit different color.

Luke is slipping Lainey--he would have never got caught before...he was cracking me up with his little spy camera. It was like a bad movie or something. I hope he goes back to the Q mansion in his suit!

I also liked how he said "Oh and you want to skim some off the top? to her. It was funny. In fact, it made me think that when they really started the whole being a real couple thing with the hugs, etc was when he doctored the will. They started to scheme together instead of against each other. I hope they keep 'em scheming together. There were severel references to "we" and "us". BUt what was stupid was that Georgie had just asked him who lulu's date was to the ball, then Tracy tells him about the ball and he was acting all like he didn't know anything about it.

Oh well. I don't think Luke is on with Tracy again today or tomorrow. Maybe we have a shot for Thursday or Friday when the murder happens/heart attack happens or whatever....

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I LOVED Luke in the suit too. I LOVED him more in the turtlneck and trecch-coat though. That look works for him. He looked sexaaaay right along with his wife. :). They are even sexier when scheming together. I think it turns them both on! woohoo!

I liked the "skimming off the top" too and when he said, "I'll get Alice to dust off my undertaker drag." LOL

Hooked and BSG, just 6 more days! :) Don't forget the brownies. heehee.

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Teeny Tiny Entry for 100 Situations. Angst, with much spoilers. #58 Summer. Indian Summer = http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/95425.html

ETA: Dudes, I totally forgot to tell you I saw Paul Hornsby half-naked Saturday night! *LOL* Actually, Fey and I were watching Creepshow 2, and Paul Satterfield played one of the bad guys. He spent most of his scenes in a tiny bathing suit trying not to get eaten by a malevolent oil slick. It was hilarious, really. My inner Tracy was like, "Oh, he was just boy meat. Not a real husband. LUKE!"

Edited by MinervaFan
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Per SZ, lot of Ric and Luke today, and they even have their own special music. :lol:

Also, per Canadian TV Guide and Neville of SZ:


Per SoapDish (grain of salt): TG has a lot of upcoming scenes with JE, RC, and KS. JE has a lot of upcoming scenes with TG, JI, and KS.

MinervaFan, yay! A story from you! Enjoyed it very much.

TL, the spoiler that is the original is

. The

is a paraphrased one.

remos, nex is out of town. I was supposed to fulfill her clipping duties; however, I have been slacking enormously. I downloaded last Wednesday's this morning though before leaving. I haven't edited them yet though. And definitely have not downloaded yesterday's.

New video: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xy4pge

Thanks hooked for the song suggestion!

Kind of OT, but my sis came into the room about 3:00 min. into the video: "They have the most awkward sex." ~My sister, on LuNacy.

:rolleyes: (even if the birthday couch scene was OTT, the oopsie daisy one wasn't)!!!

Oh wait! I just now come up with a comeback.

Sister: They have the most awkward sex.

Me: Well, at least they're having sex. What's your JaSam doing? :P:ph34r:

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Ms. Q: :lol: your house sounds entertaining.

About the spoiler:

Today: On a happy note. Hooray for Lunacy! In today's epi, Ric said (I can not remember how it was worded. wicked paraphrasing) that Luke was only prominent in the community because he is married to a Quartermaine. TRACY! Its about time her awesomeness was realized. lol. Also, Skye was choosing between Luke and Ric to partner with for the Evil Al Trading Port thing. Ric asked her to the ball, so it looks like it will be him. That gets her out of Lunacy's way, and I think they would make a really good couple. I am excited to see where that goes. Lastly, Luke almost told Logan what he found on him but Lulu interrupted. So that is definately coming.

I am confident that the heart attack\love-pouring will be awesome. Overly-confident, possibly, but this is going to be worth the wait. I can feel it.

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Something To Talk About and When You're Gone have been added to YouTube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwdN4vpg-Bo - LuNacy happiness

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqE0QB4377g - LuNacy angst with some LuNacy lovin' as well

OT, but why did I want to grow up?! WHY?!? Not that I have a choice, but this whole real world, real job, real thing is SO. SCARY. :ph34r: <-- I have no idea what this is supposed to be, but for now, it's me, hiding. It was so much easier when people held your hand.

Anyway, glad we got a Tracy mention. I guess that's the next best thing to her being on.

And now, I must go eat 'cause my 9:30 lunch is totally not carrying me over. Well, you know, I did have yogurt at 1:00 or so and that Kix cereal on the ride home, but still...FOOD IS CALLING ME.

Sorry for all the off topic-ness (I'm officially making that a word now, BTW - off-topicness). :D

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Wow I have missed some action today. I was busy doing conference with the whole 8th grade team of teachers, then having lunch with my psychologist friend discussing my kid issues, doing a mobile hanging book report on Harry Potter and driving kids to and from every which way! Gee I am not too excited about the 6 MORE DAYS TL!!!!

Hope to be online later tonight. After I feed the troops and get rid of this headache! :) Gotta watch today also! Though sounds like I didn't miss much .

I love those spoilers ms. q--about lots of scenes.

Going to watch the video and read Deb's story now too! Yay for someone writing and making videos!


Hooray for Deb! We have been in a major fanfic drought! I think you remotivated me to write something! :) Love your story. Great as always!

Ms Q--Wow! You have a future in video-making! LOVE IT! Love how you put in those kiss sequences and hug sequences. And how you did the frames coming in sideways after each other. Yay for remembering that bed scene and the clothes on the floor. I particulary noticed how well you coordinated the lyrics to the shots....I guess being a perfectionist pays off! :) Great job!

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CAN'T WAIT! And don't worry, I'll come armed with treats! Otherwise how would you know it's me? :D

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I would be so sad if that is true.

Oh, snap! :lol:

I'm with you Colette. So looking forward to the heart-to-heart talk. And I'm happy that they are pairing Skye and Ric. I think they could make a good couple and it's good to keep her from Tracy's man. B)

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I'm catching up just a little bit, but I loved the story and the vid Deb and Mrs Q!! I absolutely loved all the clips and the transitions, the song... everything about the video. I've so ben missing those, Stace!!

The story was really cute, Deb. I love how you did it. Like always, I am partial to longer stories just b/c I want to keep reading, not b/c it doesn't work as a short one, but I was able to overlook the length b/c I loved it. It was great how you took the obvious and cliche story of the woman weeping at her mates bedside and completely made it something new with her thoughts. It wasn't the typical story anymore and that's all it took. Good work!!

Hooked... did you get my second email? I'm not sure it went through. It is the one with the short scene typed right into the mail, no attachment. If not I'll send it again, but I'm off to work a bit more right now. I'm loving that I'm on a freakin roll right now with this!!

Oh yeah, and as for the epi yesterday... I know it was only two scenes and far to short for my liking, but I enjoyed it anyway. I know that is the concensus but I had to let my opinion be known. I, personally didn't dislike the hair, actually I liked it a lot, but I'll tell you why. Normally I do love either the oomph or the curly best but while this wasn't overly oomphy, it wasn't glued to her head either. There was something about her yesterday that I loved (like that takes much), first off, the outfit was fantastic.. to me anyway, but the hair and the makeup were great I think. I know they didn't put too much thought into it in themakeup/hair department based on the past but I think it works for her when she is with Luke, it is not only going along with her carefree, fun lovin' side she has with him, but there is something very natural about it and her when they are together, she isn't worried about being "tracy quartermaine" and putting on any particular show, she doesn't mind if he sees her and I LOVE that!!!

Well that's my idea about it.


oh yeah, and anyone see preview.... TOTALLY looking forward to an either missing or dead Emily, plus the ball seems to start so we'll see who shows up when.

edit hay Hooked!!!!

Edited by knh
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Hey guys...here is the edited lunacy clips from the other day on youtube that staci posted the link to. Ms. Q--now you don't have to edit!

I emailed the girl who posted them and she was nice enough to send me the link to upload. So now we just need yesterdays two short scenes from Kelly's. I don't think she would mind me sharing this with you guys!



I did get your email knh! Sorry not to respond to it yet!

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