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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You made my day, Ms. Q.

My day has sucked. And you made it all better. I'm cool with the flat hair, because we get to see her in cute clothes for two weeks! YES! I don't know whats up with that shirt, but its not brown, it doesn't have fur, her hair doesn't look like a beehive, and there are no crazy ruffles. I can deal with that! JE definately looks better in dressy pants\blouse things. The dresses don't really work. SO EXCITED.

I want to see Tracy in OMG! action. That would be so good. We need traumatized, scared-for-her-life Tracy. I repeat, SO EXCITED.

Feel free to skip over this part. Ranting about my bad day.

It really sucks(overusing this word) when you like your close male-friend. You get over it, you're cool as friends, and they ask you out. You are taken of guard, say yes, can't take it back, and are anticipating a night of misery. Ahhhh. I really really really don't feel that way anymore, and four hours of dancing is going to be living hell.

Bad day part two. It sucks even more when some random person, whom you know not even the name of, decides that you are the perfect damsel in distress. (Note that you have met this person hardly even twice.) Think of the cheesy movie (actually thinking of a recent Gossip Girl episode) when the girl is, say, golfing or playing pool or something. And, aww, she is just too stupid to know how. So the male figure *cringing* "assists" in aiding the helpless girl. Not as romantic when you in a situation like mine. Ugh. *Cringes again.*

Sigh. Well, its okay, because Ms. Q made my day.

EDIT: p. 454! sweet.

EDIT again: I can NOT type. This place needs spell check.

Edited by Colette
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Did you see the episode today, Hooked? I was distracted during the part with Luke and Skye, but I found it annoying that they seemed to be making a deal about something.

EDIT: I missed your other post, Hooked. You totally made my day, too.

EDIT 2: taking a closer look at Hooked's link, yowza that is a low-cut shirt. They seem to be getting daring with JE lately.

EDIT 3: I found this on imdb under Tracy's "Romantic Entanglements": "Ramon (adultered affair and masseus)" I laughed really hard when I saw this, thinking of the Ramon fiasco. And I don't recall JE producing the tv series "Loving." And that Dove commercial thing is still there.

Edited by Colette
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*peeks in queitly* Helllloooo?? *looks around* Wow, been a long time huh.

Life's been...well....sucky.

1st- I'm forced to go to a completely different high school this year. and when i say different a mean like parallel universe different.

2nd-my dad has been in NJ for a few months and i'm not gonna see him anytime soon.

3rd- mommie dearest decided to take the computer back in august and i'm just now getting it back.

4th- monday night my great-grandmother Vonnie (the one in SC not the one i visited in NJ) died in her sleep. She was 91 and i hadn't seen her in over 5 years. And I didn't even get to go to the funeral. My mom and her two sisters left last night for SC and there was gonna be no one for my brother.

*sighs* Who did I screw over in a past life?

Yeah I need cheering up. At least I didn't have to go to school today or tomorrow. Two full days without some of those self-absorbed preps.

Edited by angel2devil
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Wow good to see you again angel2devil--sorry life doesn't seem to be going your way now. I am sorry to hear about your great-grandmother. IT is never easy to lose someone you love and to not get to go and have the closure is very difficult. Come chat with us tonight if you can.

Yes, TQ's shirt is way low cut. I think she looks very thin in it. But it looks like it needs to be taken in or something. Maybe she is supposed to look dishelved because this is like toward the end of the sweeps on November 12th when they are going back in time, but closer to the future when maybe all this crazy stuff has gone on.

I am in the breakroom now, doing some things on the computer. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 It is 7:45pm. I am doing some work on the computer. Husband out of town, kids already fed, had dessert, homework done for two out of three.

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So, after 20 minutes of careful analysis, hooked and I have decided that Luke's feet might be in the bottom left of the picture.

angel, I am so happy to hear from you, yet so sorry to hear about your situation. Is there anything we can do to help?

Just saw your new signature. Love it.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I'm glad you like the sig MsQ, I'm kinda addicted to that song lol.

Thanks to both of you. I appreciate it.

I must say I'm not exactly pleased with Tracy's outfit for the ball. Its not overly hideous or anything...its just.... did she make a rude comment about the people that do wardrobe and they overheard her? Cuz I really don't see the reason for not giving her something more..flattering.

Edited by angel2devil
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It's good news to have Tracy at the ball. Everything else would be scandalous.

Since one Insider at SD said Tracy was not in the scenes on Thursday and Friday next week, I guess she will arrive on Monday the 5th at Wyndemere. So it should be safe to say that Tracy will have 10 episodes next month.

I also have some hope for Monica and Edward. I believe they will not be able to get to the island, but we will see them while the ball goes on. Maybe they will worry about what is going on. We heard that Jason will arrive later with a speedboat so maybe Monica and Ed will hear about the happening on the island too. Or maybe Monica will be at the hospital when the injured people arrive.

I also hope we get a Q Thanksgiving this year. It would be sad for the family with Emily's death but we must see the Q's at Turkey Day!

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Angel2Devil, I am really sorry to hear about everything. My grandfather had a heartattack this summer. He survived, but I totally felt what you must be dealing with now. I jut found out about 5 minutes ago that my friend's little sister, who has been battling cancer, has a very short time to live. The tumor came back, and the surgery failed. I feel so bad for her.

Ms.Q and Hooked, you kill me. haha.

bsg, this is a tight game! I'm getting nervous....

About the shirt, it kills me how they let these fashion flaws go like that. Characters like Liz or Carly would never be seen in something that didn't fit right. Sheesh. Well, still thankful it isn't that horrible fur dress thing. Whoever came up with that should have been fired. Immediately.

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Hey Angel! Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your great grandmother and all the other cr@p going on in your life. Hope things are looking up for you soon. Love your banner too!

Carrie, Ms. Q, thanks for posting the medianet pic of Tracy at the ball. Too bad it's not one of her and Luke. I like the low-cut top, but mama needs a push up in a serious way!

Stace, I'd certainly join that letter writing campaign about the wardrobe. You would think that the richest woman in town would have classy clothes that fit, some stuff with a little sex-appeal would be nice too. I think she is the only one on the show that wears recycled outfits. It's a freakin' shame!

Thanks for the scoop on her being at the ball I was like totally depressed until I got the text message from carrie today with the late breaking news of her attendance.

IluvA&M LOVE LOVE LOVE my new avatar! Thanks!

BSG, howz it goin'? A little more than a week until the TQ/LuNacy Lover Girl's Night Out!! :)

Hey Deb, mama, good to see you, stop by more often.

Colette, I agree with them getting a little more daring with our girl in the skin dept. BRING IT ON!! She's a sexy woman, stop covering her up in the frumpy clothes. We want her looking DARING ALL THE TIME!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Yeah and what is the deal with her wearing no jewelry (necklace?) she shoudl be dripping in a diamond necklace for a fancy ball...she wears huge pendants for breakfast (example yesterday), so why no fancy necklace...especially needed with a low cut top like that.

Did anyone else think Luke looked like Mr. Rogers yesterday in his sweater with shirt collar sticking out? I thought he looked sort of older yesterday..mabye they were just dressed for fall since Luke, Lulu (in some ugly sweater) and Tracy was wearing a turtleneck under her teal jacket instead of her standard shell.

Luke has been drinking so much every scene. Think he is working up to his poor health bad habits...heart attack scene.

I was thinking maybe the logan pictures is him pulling tracy into the library saying "Mrs. Spencer...Lulu is just a spoiled bratty kid...I have had the hots for you from day one! I want an older woman! " LOL!


Okay I have got to stop with soapdish...it is horribly addicting and totally unproductive use of my time (like my TQ stuff is so productive) but this sounds both good and bad...good because they are going to get some air time and bad because of that nasty Skye...

From some supposed insider:


another classic Q fight scene...TQ is snarky here!


another one...


How geeky was Jason??

Edited by hookedongh
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