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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yay! I'm home, I got an extra tonite so I will be able to make the pahtay in the BR! Hooked post a link when you get there.

Right now I have to wash a sink full of dishes and will then off to read Ms. Q's "Oh Baby" updates but will be around.

On the HellaGood front.... Current Character Game scores are: Lucky: 25, Sam: 92, Tracy: 183!! - woohoo! Lucky should be gone by the weekend. heehee.

in the Couples Game: LuNacy have 127!!. *Does a 'Happy Me' Dance*. The next highest is Robert/Holly with 34. There are 14 couples left total out of the original 30.

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I'm here now! It is 8:40pm http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012. Glad you got home early TL!! I just watched last Tuesday's show and Wed. so I could catch up on the TQ scenes...she did look great. Can't wait to read all the fic updates and watch the videos...

Nex--you can bet I will be in SoCal next summer. Hawaii is nice, but in all honesty, I like SoCal even more. I think it is just as beautiful (with the except of the water which is the most gorgeous blue I have ever seen in Hawaii). I really, really missed out Balboa Island trip this summer. Even my kids mentioned how much they missed going there. We did go to Wahoo fish tacos in Hawaii though--one of our Laguna favorites, although I think they closed the one in Laguna Beach on PCH didn't they? Thanks for the birthday wishes. We just brought in Fajitas and they stuck a candle in the guacamole---improvising!

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Hey all!!

I'm way late, but I'm here dropping in to wish my girl a happy birthday!!! so.....

Happy Birthday Carrie


Happy Birthday Pinkpopsicle

Angel, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I didn't catch it on here earlier, so I'm, as always, late, but I'm my condolences anyway. My prayers are with you guys.

Mrs Q- so psyched about the new chapters!! I'm gonna have to read back a few to refresh my memory and then the new ones so I'll be back later to comment I guess, but I can't wait to read them

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Ms. Q, LOVE LOVE LOVE the banners!! ALL OF THEM! I LOVED the "Oh Baby" updates also. Please update again soon. How 'bout tomorrow? LOL

For Ms. Q and anyone else who is interested: Below is the wallpaper I made and gave to Carrie for her B-day. If it's too small, I can email a larger one to those interested. I have a mac and when I add it to my desktop preference and click fill screen, it's just perfect, but for others I don't know how it would work out.

Here it is.... The LuNacy Wallpaper! My usual cut and paste job-LOL. It has all 15 of their kisses, their 5 hugs, and other misc. kisses: hand, head, cheek:


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Happy Birthday to all who's b-day is in the month of August! :D

Ok I read on GHH2 in the spoilers section :"As the Sleeper awakens... "! Do you guys think that GF is coming back!? And if she does what do you guys think will happen to Lunacy!I mean I'm trying t stay positive but you know how crazy thpse writers are and Fans are over LNL!

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Truke--That spoiler has been on there forever and ever and ever, so I wouldn't worry about GF just yet! There is also something on GHH2 about an Alan/Monica 30 year tribute that will be remembered in a special way on the show (august/sept) are there 30 year anniversaries with GH...so now they recognize it after they fire SD and then keep him around as a ghost.

So here is my theory..if they bring SD back to life, they can make Jerry Jax have injected him with some poison or another to mimic death by massive heart attack, but he really has him held captive somewhere in case he needs a doctor....sounds like a cassadine plot eh??? LOL!

So thank you guys all for the birthday wishes. I didn't get that many wishes from friends of family in real life!!

I am saving all the videos and fics to read tomorrow. I can't believe I am still up at 1:30am because we had a red eye last night.

Ms. Q I love all your banners...I like the one with tracy in the blonde wig in the middle for some reason...it just makes me laugh

Did TL not make the coolest wallpaper present????

PinkPopsicle...so sorry again about your grandmother. During the ceremony for my son in Hawaii...the lights started to flicker on and off in the ballroom. I kept thinking to myself that it was a sign she was there with us!

BSG--guess you didn't get your laptop working. Sorry we missed you in the breakroom. Are you off tomorrow for summer Friday?

Edit from comings and goings on SoapCentral...is this for sure true Ms. Q???

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks for the birthday greetings angel2devil, hookedongh, knh, minervanfan, ms quartermaine, and tracyluv. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Thanks for the condolences everyone. It means a lot. My good friend just moved away yesterday. This has been a rough couple of months.

Ms. Q, I liked the Oh Baby updates. Can't wait for her to have that baby.

Minervafan, I'll have to catch up on all your stories. Sorry to hear about Fey's father. We all have been having a rough time. We will get through it.

Keep the fic and such coming. With no Tracy, we'll need it. I am not feeling like capping or writing right now. Maybe soon.

Take care all.


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LOVE IT! Yay! I was hoping that you'd update Oh Baby. New update soon? :D

TL: This wallpaper is awesome! Come home, Luke!!! In other news I finally signed up for SOC, so now I can support the TQ threads. PS. TL I walked by Hairspray again last night on my way out to drinks with colleagues and thought of you. We went to Bamboo 52, a couple of blocks away from the theater. It's a fun bar with a good happy hour until 9:00pm.

hooked: sorry I didn't make it back into the breakroom last night. Mr. BSG was working on the good laptop, so I was stuck with the old one. And as I logged on several of the keys all froze up. I couldn't use the Y, H, N, U, J, or M, which was making it very hard to type. Sometimes the old laptop will unfreeze itself if you log on and off, but no such luck last night. I am off today. Yippee! I'll try to catch you in the breakroom later. I want to hear all about your trip and the bar mitzvah! hope you had a good birthday!!

pink popsicle: happy belated birthday!!

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It. Is. Freaking. HOT! Can it be fall yet? That way, Luke will be back on the show soon, and I won't melt everytime I get into my car....

I love all the new banners and TL's wallpaper! Suh-weetness. MsQ, I reread the chapters of Oh, Baby, and enjoyed them muchly (even if they weren't new to me). Can't wait to see where you go from here.

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TracyLuv, that is some beauuuuuutiful wallpaper. Can you email it to me, please? :) Glad you loved the banners and the updates, BTW.

Truke, no worries. As someone else mentioned that "spoiler" has been around forever.

hooked, well, we all know about my obsession of Tracy in the blonde wig, so I too love that screencap of her. LOL. About that spoiler, ehh...Not to sure. I believe that's been up for a long time. People are assuming that SD will be gone this month since that's when his contract ends. But...People assumed LC would be gone too, and she just got a multi-year deal. Guess we'll see... Oh, to answer a previous question, SON did change the colors and font of the site.

pinkpopsicle, glad you enjoyed the updates. You'll be happy to know that baby is coming very, very, very soon. Hope you feel better soon.

BSG, an update will be coming a lot faster than the last one. LOL. You all won't have to wait months this time. And YAY! You're part of the SOC group now. Woot! Woot! More Tracy love for SOC! Yeah! And your Simpsonized Tracy is perfect! Sorry smirks, but this one has OOMPHY hair and a sparkly jacket. :lol:

MinervaFan, I'm sure it's not as hot here as it is in Kentucky, but it is sooo much hotter here than it was where I was at in Mexico. I go outside now and with all the humidity, I am like, "UGH."

And with that, I must head out. Meeting friends for lunch and am gonna be late!!! :o

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I love my Simpson's gift BSG!!! Love the oomphy hair too! I have caught up on last week's episodes. Now just have to watch this week which won't take as long as I know there is no Tracy so I can watch quickly.

I am reading all the fics today...Staci...Deb...and watching videos now. It is 1:15 and none of my kids have come downstairs yet. Two are up but are so tired and mellow that they haven't even asked for food!

Which is the kiss in the wallpaper where Tracy is in the red jacket...like the 5th tile in or something on the top row...can't believe I am slipping...must be the jet lag...am trying to remember which kiss that one was in which scene?

Tracy's hair is exactly the same cut as Kate's. Think they go to the same stylist? But I like Tracy's better cause it is darker!

I got my city tapes i finally ordered in the mail today. And my shoes from the Nordstrom anniversary sale that I ordered online before I left! It is a good day! :) all when my husband was not home to see the packages arriving--even better! Happy B-day to me presents--ha ha!

Catch you all later...I must go finally get dressed and face the grocery store. I was up til 4am last night. I couldn't fall asleep with the time difference from Hawaii. The dog woke me up at 8 and then I went back to bed til 11am!!!

TL--today wasn't the day after all...it will have to wait til Monday...we slept too late :)


Ms Q--just watched your videos...OMG...how we missed your videos when you were gone. LOVED them! Now I am in a great mood! Thanks!!! Going to read some fics now!

Deb--read your fics...LOVED them both! You always amaze me!

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