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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hooked, I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. That's got to be so hard--I don't envy you the job of going through your grandmother's things. I know you'll do okay, and get through it. Have a good flight, and we look forward to having you home again.

FWIW, I wrote a short Shadybrook!Tracy fic this morning and posted it to the Ficathon. Lights Out: The first night was the hardest. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/87202.html

And I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview of Inyron's fanfic--it's really good, and I think you guys will like it. We are so lucky to have so many good writers in our midst. :D

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Thanks, Nex!

So I have fianlly seen Tracy's commitment episode!

Funny! Part of me is glad they're playing it for laughs.... but.... that woman has so many issues, I would LOVE to see her get "real" during a therapy session or two. That would be awesome acting! But they can't go there.. they won't go there. This is about Edward v. Tracy, not Tracy's sanity.

If this plays out as I hope, TIIC will substitute Dillon with LuLu and Trulu will really bond while Luke is away. Lulu needs a mom-like person, and Tracy -- Tracy needs something. This could be really good stuff! And oh -- Pod Dillon maynot be swift enough to blackmail Edward, but Lulu might be. Remember, Tracy thinks of her as a little-Tracy.

ohhhhhhhhhh... there is good stuff coming up here, folks. Good stuff! Looks like they're letting the vets play this summer. Maybe it's a test run. Make all your friends watch!!!!! We want them to get good ratings (which is diificult in July and August, which is why they're letting the vets play!)

And oh.. now that I've seen the show --- Lainey gets a clue in her last scene with Edward. Good thing, too. Because she was giving all Lainey's a bad name. She's still a moron, but not a 100% moron.

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*waves to all...and welcome to the newbies here on the thread if I haven't said it already. :)

I am off to a birthday party at 3 for my four year old niece (whose bday was actually last week) and one of my eleven year old neices who has a drama camp program at 7 so I likely won't be around until late if at all today.

((hugs)) to hooked. Those kind of things are hard to do.

thanks for doing the clips nex !

Deb I liked the story. I sooo hope we get some seriousness out of this.

And I agree, I think Lainey is starting to get a clue about Edward, but she knows that family, she should have gotten a clue much earlier !

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Oh man, what a great show that was! I'm so mad I missed watching it on TV, but I have it nwo so oh well! First of all, and clearly most importanly... she looked great. In my opinion anyway. I think her hair looked fantastic, by the way. I don't think it was oomphless at all. It wasn't as big as it has been in the past, but it wasn't flat, it was shiny and bouncy and beautiful! And it's getting a little longer, so it's great. I thought she looked great otherwise, too. The makeup was flawless, the clothes were great and she looked thin and energetic and fabulous.

As for the scenes... I loved 'em. She had such great facial expressions and we got a lot out of her. Don'd fret guys, I don't think she's done with shadybrook yet. First of all, we didn't get the scene with Alan where she looked like she was going to cry, though we all know it was very likely cut. We also don't see anything about them letting her out. It may have been in scenes that were edited out of our clips, but last we saw, she looked upset and like she has been beaten (not possible) and we saw Edward talking to lainey about keeping her there and 'helping' her. She still needs Dillon to get her out somehow and since the spoiler say that Lulu is her only ally that's not likely. I don't think the story will last too long, but I think we will get a bit more out of it. It could always be one of those really long stories that took place off screen over a week and a half of tracyless episodes, but I'm holding out for good things! Who's with me?! Now raise your right hands, all together now... I am (insert name here) and I truly believe that Tracy/Jane will absolutely get a great storyline and a lot of screen time to play it.

*waves to angel*

and Minervafan I loved this last story about her first night in shadybrook. I only wish there was some way to be able to put that on screen. It's one of those scenes you know you want to see and would be fabulous as a part of something real, but with no dialogue it would be near impossible not to change, which truly sucks b/c it's great, even for a short piece. Not that it shouldn't be b/c it's short, I just usualy like the longer ones more

Edited by knh
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Home safe and sound...gotta love southwest airlines...they get you in and out and off on time. I met this really cool guy from Austin with his son and his dad who went on a three generation cruise out of Miami. We talked the entire flight, which kept my mind of things...(he was really cute by the way--ha ha).

It was so funny cause right when I left my grandma's house today, I saw a multi-pack of those tiny tissue packs that you can stick in your purse laying on a table . I opened it and took one and threw it in my purse, along with her little tiny pouch that had a rainhat in it. She ALWAYS had these things in her purse. On the plane, this guy was in the middle of talking and turned around to his dad in the row behind us to see if he had a tissue. He wanted to take a nap and he wanted to stuck them in his ears cause some kid was screaming. I just happened to whip out my tiny pack of tissues...he was like "wow...that is so cool you had one right in your purse." I was like "thanks grandma" Then when we landed, it was pouring rain and we went straight out to dinner from the airport (however I did NOT put the rainhat on--ha ha).

I feel so happy though as I took this beatiful tiny violet needlepoint that was always my favorite of hers that was framed in an octogan and hung it in my house. I got such a warm feeling when I did that. My kids liked all the stuff I brought home for them from her.

Anyway...time to get back to the living. I am going to get in my pjs and crawl into bed and catch up on GH from tues-friday (of course mainly Wed. and Thursday!!!

I will try to catch up with you guys tomorrow! Thanks again everyone for your kindness to me this past week and all your sympathy and good thoughts. You guys are the best! :)

Deb..can't wait to read your story.

Edit...Like your new avatar TL

Edited by hookedongh
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Glad you're home, Hooked. Grandma's have such a way of keeping on being grandmas even after they leave this world. Fey and I went have a spot of tea yesterday, and I swear my grandmother's coffee cup and saucer was staring right at me from the table! It's like, almost ten years, and you still say hello every now and then, don't you, Grandma?

Completely OT, I just wanted to let you guys know I cut my hair yesterday--SHORT. It's much shorter than I expected it to be, and it turned out...well, groovy. It's way with the OOMPH, and actually has... you know, wave and stuff. Not JE in the Rough wave, but a heck of a lot more than I thought I had. And the maintenence is like--wet, brush, scootch with fingers, let dry. I'm much good with this kind of hair. I'll try to get Fey to take a picture of it so you guys can see the final result. Oh, and my braid? Is going to Locks of Love.

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Welcome Home, Hooked.

I'm glad your Grandma is still "with" you. I think that's so wonderful. (I have definitely been feeling angels lately. I believe they are out there.)

And, hey, that Rabbi sounds really special. I'm glad she was there for you.

Yeah!!!!!! Deb went bold and sassy! ;)

I wanna see a picture!!!!!!!!!

And Locks of Love... that's really neat. You are truely an awesome person!

ta ta,


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Grrrr....bites tongue:

spoiler below:

BTW....has ANYONE else had the same problems at JE online I've had since the site began?

I can log on and post on my work computer, but my home one? Almost never. I either repeatedly get the log in screen no matter how many times I put my name and password in, or I get logged in and then after I type a reply, I get the login screen when I hit "add reply" so that while I'm logged in, I cannot create a new topic or answer an old one.

It just brings me right back to the log in screen.

It's very irritating.

I asked Tracey once and she said "restart your browser".

Tried that. Didn't work.

TRied logging back in after being logged out.

Tried that. Didn't work.


Anyone? Anyone else but me? Any idea what could be causing it?

And yeah. Hating Ned right now.

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*sneaks in*

This is going to be what I call a "grocery list" post. You all will see...

brownstonegirl, teeth have been all right for the most part. And I'm sort of getting used to the keyboards. It's going to be amusing when I get home and have to switch back to normal. Haha.

inyron, welcome to the thread! I'm very much looking forward to your story.

angel, don't worry about updating Beautiful Disaster. Look me and Oh, Baby. Although...I did bring a sprial with me out here and have been playing around a bit...,)

TracyLuv, if I haven't told you already, I LOVE your banner.

Lainey, you are cracking me up with your "Lainey" talk. LOL.

nex, thanks for those spoilers. I don't think I've seen them before.

knh, glad everything with the class worked out!

MinervaFan, yay! You got your hair cut! And it has oomph...Heh. Will read your story as soon as possible. EDIT: LOVED IT! The whole idea of anyone being locked up in a room like that scares me. I could totally see Tracy thinking of all that.

hooked, glad you're back home. Hope you're doing okay.

ILoveTracyQ, what are you sharing those evil spoilers for? Haha. Boo to Ned, for now.

Haven't been able to watch last week's episodes yet (there were 2, right?) because MegaUpload is not my friend in Mexico, but as soon as I do, you know I'll comment. :lol:EDIT #2: I just realized how horribly this could be interpreted. :ohooked, this was in no way addressed to you about getting clips on SaveFile. Real life always takes precedence. Please do not feel like you have to post the clips anytime soon. You have much more important things going on.

BREAKROOM? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

I'm paying for my online time right now. I got about 30 mins or so. Longer, if I want to pay more. Haha.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Deb..loved your story as usual...commented to you on LJ. Wow that was so awesome you cut your hair all off and donated to locks of love. What a mitzvah (hebrew for good deed). How ironic you would post that today because my friend who his undergoing the chemo, called me today to see how I was doing and told me she shaved her whole head today and her wig will be ready on wed. She is having a real hair wig made. You did something wonderful!! Can't wait to see the picture.

TL/Lainey..any other late night'ers...will try to be in the breakroom again around 10:30 central. I have to take a break from the earlier round in the breakroom to get a few things done around here--ha ha.

Edit Read this column on serial drama if you have a minute...it reiterates everything we have all been saying about Lainey and how JE rocks! http://serialdrama.typepad.com/serial_dram...-revi.html#more

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Ha! I agree with the stuff about Jane Elliot, Diane and Megan Ward's hair. I FLOVE MW's hair. The writer of this column and I don't exactly agree on Spinelli. I think the way Spin talks is hilarious, and I love that character.

Okay, Folks..

Lainey hits the road again this week. (Me Lainey.. not wacko Dr. Winters Lainey. YOU WISH!)

I'll be able to see Monday's epi., but after that I'll be in never never land.. Clips!! Please!!!

And thank me later, cause you know it's going to be an awesome week (With me away and Tracy in Shadybrook, how can you loose??!)


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Lainey...I will post the megaupload link to you for clips or I will post them to savefile...Hope you have a safe trip!

I know TQ is on for sure on the 27th which is Wed. I bet she will be on Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs. But I sure hope it is today. I woke up with a huge headche and it is a rainy, yucky, stay in your pjs kind of day. Of course I can't do that as I have to go do some things today, but it is nice because my outdoor exercise class is cancelled--so I don't have to feel guilty about not going to it :)

Been looking for other spoilers to post, but I don't see any that we haven't already seen before!

BTW--here is a link to the savefile account where I have posted the clips for Ms Q since June 1st...just in case anyone wants to catch up. The Tracy/Monica fountain fight clip is in there so she could view that one as well.


I am hoping to get a chance to write today at some point! If I can get these kids to stop fighting!!!

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