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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That's right Deb, No Tracy today.

My TIVO lists the GH description for Thursday: "Tracy seals her fate". Maybe there is a possibiltiy she will be on before Thursday so she can work up to sealng her fate. LOL. Then again they may cram all of it into one show and it will take 8 minutes. Who knows.

Pinkpopsicle, Glad you are well. So.. you are just busy. That's good. I wish I was. I have too much time on my hands since school's been out and I lost one of my P/T jobs.

Haven't read any fics yet. Perhaps tonight.

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ILTQ, awwww thank you so much! I'm *thrilled* that you like it.

Ugh no Tracy again....big shock there.

RE. JI collapsing (is that what it was I forget?) at the Emmy's- Does anyone know if he was inside or outside on the red carpet thing? Cuz I remember hearing a siren in the background while they were doing that Red Carpet special and I thought, "please don't let it be anyone there." and I had a really bad feeling about it, then again I could've just been hearing things, who knows...I'm insane.

RE. TG article- Did it say in quotes that he wanted his 'leading lady back' cuz otherwise it could've just been the writer's POV, yeah can ya tell I'm trying to be optimistic haha.

As for the spoilers, ::sighs:: I don't know what to say.....JE will rock whatever they give her.

OT/ I'm sooooo excited, I can't wait for sunday! I'm flying out of Daytona International Airport (is that what they call it?) and arriving at Newark Liberty Airport (evil place that it is lol) for a much needed break from this boring place. But sadly enough my reasoning for going isn't exactly happy, at the end of April the doctors gave my great-grandmother 4-6 months to live, so i'm going to spend time w/ her (she's like my favorite person).

Edited by angel2devil
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Estoy FRUSTRADA 'cause I have free computer time, but Java does not work on this computer or the one to the left, and I can't get into the breakroom. It DOES work on the one to my right though, but someone is on that one, researching, and I don't want to interrupt. Oh well. Maybe later in the week? I don't even know if anyone is around now. Just figured I would try, but I can't. :(

And WOW!!! Lots of posts. Awesomeness.

angel, sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope you two have fun together.

hooked, I really enjoyed your Father's Day story. I could totally see that playing out. Glad you're using the green banner! They are SO PRETTY! And I adore your new avatar!

MinervaFan, enjoyed your story as well. Congrats on Prompt #50!

pinkpopsicle, I agree about that being the final scene, but I still am glad I got to see Tracy in the blonde wig - haha. Oh, I :wub: your new banner.

Lainey, glad to see you're keeping the POSITIVITY going.

Lady A, yay! Another TrAsh banner.

TracyLuv and nex, hi!!!! I didn't have anything to say in response to your posts, but I didn't want you to think I forgot about you. Oh, I've been supporting Tracy at HG when I can. :)

ILoveTracyQ, I sent out an email, but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. Did you do anything special? Sorry I didn't mention it before. I knew it was June, after Deb's, but wasn't sure when, and then I kept meaning to mention it, but forgot. OH NO!!! Now, if your birthday didn't pass yet, ignore me. :o But, I'm almost sure it has. Someone from the thread is going to have to throw you a party. Or...we can wait 'til I return and then celebrate. Good idea, right? :lol

Will check in tomorrow, I hope!!!! Or at least, I'll send an email...Or respond to the ones you've sent in response to me. Does that even make sense? LOL.

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For all you TrAsh fans out there....say Happy Birthday to Larry Ashton! Today is my guy Hugo Napier's birthday :D Therefore I consider it Larry's birthday. I'm trying to come up with a little short story to mark the occasion...dunno if it will actually happen or not, but I'm thinking!

Minerva, yay for #50!!!!

Hooked, loved your story too. Sad, but great! Hey, were you looking for the JE on soaptalk clip or you have it and can't get it? I know you mentioned it but I don't remember. Long week, brain is still mush-like! I noticed you changed your banner :)

Hola Ms. Q...just missed you!

Edited by Lady Ashton
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Hi guys. Just had some really sad news. My grandmother who I adored more than anyone on this earth and who was my best friend and I talked to every single day (some of you may have heard me talk about her in the breakroom) died this morning in her sleep at 93. If I could sign up for her life to be living on my own to that age with all my mental facilities in tact, I would in a heartbeat. It is not tragic, but just so very, very sad. She leaves a huge hole in my heart and I will miss her terribly. It is so strange cause I was just telling TL I think how I was in a funk and really wanted to go "home" to Miami and see my grandma and how she just fell, etc.

Anyway, I am leaving at 8:25am tomorrow to fly to Miami and won't be coming home til Saturday evening. I am sure I will try to check in while I am home at my parents...will miss you guys. I will be around tonight though later...

Angel..sorry to hear about your grandmother too.

Will someone try to remember to post the clips for this week for Lainey or the Hellagood link for megaupload if TQ is on. I promised her I would do that.

Thanks guys...try to catch you later in the br tonight.

LadyAshton...I have th soap talk on dvd that I bought from that curlygirl. So can I somehow upload it to my computer?

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Hooked, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I remember you saying the other night how much you wanted to go visit her. My thoughts are with you and your family during this sad time.

My great aunt passed away in April. She was also 93 (she would have turned 94 last week). She sounds a lot like your grandmother. An amazing woman, fiercely independent and absolutely with it until the end--so with it that from the hospital she wrote us all this goodbye letter, I swear it was like a soap opera moment at her funeral when my dad started reading it. In her letter she told us how much she appreciated the good life that she had, how happy she was to have been able to spend her remaining days in the comfort of her home, and that we shouldn't mourn her, but rather remember her by her stories and the life she lead. It sounds like your grandmother probably felt the same way.

Have a safe trip to Miami. We'll all be thinking of you.

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Hooked, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. My great grandmother was like that for me and, while it may not always be a tragic thing (like you said), it is always sad for the people who lose them. I'm thinking of you all and you're in my prayers.

Ms Q, Thanks for remembering me!! I'm loving the class. I'm keeping myself ahead of the work, which is actually messing me up b/c I thnk they are due soon and it turns out I have another week, so I've driven myself crazy for nothing, but it's all fun work. Sorry you'r class is a pain in the arse, but everything else seems to be going well. Glad to here Acapulco was fun, aside from prices and humidity.

Angel, sorry about your grandmother, but have a great time with her!!

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Oh my god hooked, I am so so sorry, you have no idea!!! Oh wow, I don't know what to say....if there is anything I *can* say consider it said. 93? My great-grandmother is 91 (or 92, not sure). Wow I I'm at a loss for words...umm be safe and I'll be here when you get back if you need someone to talk to or just make you laugh at my complete insanity. ;)

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