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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sorry about the spoiler bars!

From Total TV Online:

My comments:

From Anonymous #1 at NEW SoapDish:

My comments:

From Anonymous #2 at NEW SoapDish:

My comments:

From Wizard:

My comments:

Do we know for sure if Tracy is on today?!?

Edit: 4XCrazy, I'm not sure if you come here to lurk anymore, but I still want to wish you a...


I hope you're enjoying yourself today. Know that we miss you!

*sends cyber-cake and ice cream*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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WOW!!! It seems like I have a ton of catching up to do! Where to start first......

LadyAshton, thanks for posting all of those Tracy clips! :) I haven't watched the most recent ones but I will as soon as I get home! I did watch the Tracy and Paul on their honeymoon clip and can I just say I have to agree with TL and Lainey, it was very hard to watch that scene and not cringe. I hated seeing her get on her knees and beg forgivness to that a**hole Paul. But did anybody else notice the slight bit of tounge action or was it just me? Plus exactly how long are Paul's legs, they were like the length of Jane's entire body! :)

Hooked as soon as I get a chance I will read your new fic! I can't wait! :D

Ms.Q, I thought your little vids about Tracy's wardrobe were hilarious! :lol: How much fun would it be to make a vid on just the clothes she has worn on more than one occasion through out the years! I think I might have just given myself an idea! haha



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to end all speculation (I don't know where anyone stands anymore, I lost track).... da dada da.... Scotty killed Rick. It says so in the new SOD (maybe SID, but I think it's not). Don't remember reading anything about it on here yet so I thought I'd fill ya in.

Can't wait to read your second chapter, Hooked, I have it opened right now.

I can't take much more of this no Tracy sh-t (the whole 4 days of it). I got used to her being on every day, again. Had a long, tracy free weekend, so I watched the epi wheh she was kiced out of the house in '93. Let me just say, if I didn't already think she was the greatest thing to walk the earth, the "sometimes i just hate being me" scene with monica would have doneit, hands down. I think, even though almost all of them are fantastic, that this is my favorite Tracy: Scenes from the past moment. She was phenominal! I've seen a few short clips and I've seen it to the music with no dialogue, but oh so much better when she talks. It was so sad... and she and monica were being nice to each other and they hugged... aw!

ok, I'm done now. I had a question, but I can't remember what it was, so I'll come back with it later if I think of it.

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Ooooh, KNH, do you happen to have clips from that episode? I've heard about it, but never seen any of them. (Okay, I've seen her with Ned and the snippets on the Banished clip, but wow--I'd love to see the whole thing.)

Also, Lady Ashton, could you pm me or email me? I have a favor to ask of you.

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Hey Everybody!!!!

It's been a long time since I've passed through here. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!! :D

Sorry I haven't passed through here in a century. When my parents said they would put me on punishment until I turned 18, I thought they were joking. Opps. :o Now that I have my trusty internet and computer back, I can show my Tracy love like I should.

As for Homelands...uh...writers block=evil. Now that don't have to do all my writing in a notebook or in a tech lab with the whole world looking over my shoulder, I might be able to get something done.

So, any new fanfic on the scene? I know Alan Quartermaine's memorial is tomorrow so that means Tracy scenes! Any new developments on the LuNacy relationship? Any "I love yous" exchanged? ::crosses fingers::.

Welp, I gotta get ready for my relatives to shower me with gifts and food. Thanks again for the b-day wishes!!!

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