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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'll recap today's Quartermaine scenes...

A replay from yesterday, as Alan collapses and Monica tries to go after him. The Q's (Edward, Tracy, Dillon, and Alice...wow, what a dwindling family) are watching the TV in the den. Alice wants to know why they're shooting at "Dr. Quartermaine." Edward wants Alan to get up off the ground. Dillon says he can't. Tracy panics and says, "Don't say that he can't!" Dillon points out that Luke and Lucky rescued Alan. Tracy turns off the TV and heads to the hospital. Outside at MetroCourt, the paramedics are shocking Alan. Monica is scared. He doesn't have a pulse. The Q's arrive at GH and are interested in Alan's condition. Epiphany, maybe Dr. Ford too, say he's on his way. They know he had a heart attack. Then, Alan, Monica, and the paramedics come through the elevator. Tracy doesn't get to speak, but JE still rocks. Edward tells Alan the family has room for just one heart patient, and that's him (Edward). Skye joins. Tracy and Monica aren't happy. Monica takes off with Alan after calling Skye a "lying b-tch." Skye takes off, tears in her eyes. She begs Lorenzo to remember the code. People she cares about might die. Meanwhile, Monica decides to operate on Alan despite what Dr. Ford says. Tracy, Dillon, and Edward are all at different spots in the waiting area. Dillon's worried 'cause Tracy is too quiet. She says that yelling right now isn't going to get her anywhere. She assures Dillon that if Alan dies, people will pay. Skye will pay. Monica begins operating on Alan upstairs. Later, Edward, Tracy, and Dillon pay Lorenzo a visit. Edward threatens him. Back upstairs, Monica continues on Alan. They start to lose him. And for those following Luke's role in this hostage crisis...He is such an idiot. Lulu is about to get shot because of him, and then Elizabeth. That's how the episode ends. No Tracy previews, but Monica is in the OR, trying to save Alan.

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Where is everyone? :(

Week of Feb. 26th Quartermaine Spoilers

(and a LuNacy spoiler for the Week of March 5th)






From SoapKing/Ryan (of this SD and this site):

Why is Jason mentioned in every single paragraph??? And "uncharacteristically emotional?" Gah. Why can't he just die? I get that Jason should be allowed to grieve, and I might be jumping to conclusions, but it seems like JASON'S part in this is overshadowing everyone else's. Surprise, surprise. Except not, 'cause life in PC revolves around Sonny, Carly, Jason, and Sam. Blah. I hope Tracy gets to go off on him. Also, you can all count on me to tally up the minutes of Jason's good-bye scene with Alan and compare it to the rest of the Q's. I'll be standing by with a stop-watch. You all know I'm not kidding either. :lol:

Finally, for those wondering where Luke is this week, he and Elizabeth are having a nice conversation about forgiveness. Laura's forgiveness saved Luke's life, and so Elizabeth's forgiveness will save Lucky's. Something along those lines. I'd have to reread. Sorry, folks! Looks like a LuNacy light week, but either way, we know JE is gonna ROCK! I mean "Tracy takes Alan's death hard" can mean A LOT of things. Maybe we'll finally get that breakdown...

BTW, just to reinterate, I hate Jason. :ph34r: <--This is Jason in his mercenary gear. And this is me --> :angry: DIE JASON!!!!!!! And let Monica get amnesia so she can forget you ever existed, and we'll never her talk about your "wonderfulness" ever, EVER again. Hmm, Edward might need to get amnesia too, so he no longer goes on and on and on about your courage and "virtues" and all that. OK. I'm going to stop. I'm. Just. So. Frustrated. Stupid Jason. And stupid Spanish linguistics. If I barely know what fonemas, alófonos, alveolares, palatales, the little funky symbols and blah, blah, blah are in ENGLISH, how am I supposed to know what they are in SPANISH??? Psst...TracyLuv, our future speech pathologist...What's the different between a phonological transcription and a phonetic one? I know one uses / / and the other uses [ ], but I think I'm missing the point, LOL. Sorry for going OT twice in the same day.

Edit: Um, I have another spoiler. It's from SoapKing/Ryan. And the good news is LUKE AND TRACY ARE TEAMING UP (on Wednesday, March 7th, the day after Alan's funeral *sniff*). The bad news is that they're teaming up to get their hands on Alan's money. Do I think the money should go to Monica and Tracy before it goes to Jason? Absolutely. Do I think Tracy would try and go after the money? Sure. BUT, this spoiler doesn't sound so good. Alan will be barely be cold in his grave, and his baby sis is going to try to get all of his life savings. :o This is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Someone make it seem better than it is, LOL. We wanted LuNacy on the same team, and we get this. Gah, Guza, the king of "be careful what you wish for."

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OK, Ms.Q, calm down! *breathe in, breathe out* I have a feeling the reason they are teaming up to get Alan's money is because in his Will he leaves Skye money and more importantly ELQ stock. With both Luke and Tracy mad at Skye i'm sure that is the reason why Luke is going to help her. Feel better??

I think I am more worried for the spoiler that has Monica and Tracy fighting over Alan's funeral plans. :( I hope it leads to a good heart to heart. Maybe this is when they decide to team up and take Skye down.

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Hey! Welcome to the LuvFest daysfan!!

Okay don't kill me, in fact you can outright ignore me if you like, but i'm gonna say some things that both confused me and caught my attention on yesterday's (and kinda today's) episodes, so if u already talked about this I'm sorry. (wow that sounded really pissy, i'm sorry, you all know i luv u)


*Just like almost everyone else when Tracy said, "Hypathetically if I knew that Alan killed Rick Webber....." i was totally WTF!? But something came into my mind, maybe she knows that (possibly) Scotty has something to do with it??????? (i was discusing this w/ my friend at school today lol)

*That whole Scene w/ the Q's and Monica's 'thing' (idk what to call it) seemed really weird to me. It went from all about Dillon feeling guilty (gag me please) and then straight to Monica's affair and her saying she loves Alan. Now I understand the whole reason for this scene was because of Alan's upcoming death (nnnnoooooo!!!!) but it seemed very forced to me. Personally, if I were writing that I wouldn't have had Dillon be getting most of the dialouge instead of Edward and Tracy. But thats just me!!

*One more thing about that scene- Is it just me or was Monica like staring at Tracy!? Anyone else get a weird vibe from this??


*OMG Dillon actually looked and acted like he cared about his mother today!! I'm shocked!! Also it reminded me of the scene between them at the hospital when Edward had his heart attack during the hotel fire. Note to Dillon: Remember this caring feeling the next time before you say or do something to your mother!

*Okay umm the scene w/ Lorenzo had me laughing for soem reason. (yes I clearly have issues) But it seriously looked like Edward, Tracy, and Dillon were like gonna beat him up, lol!

That's all for now.

OT- RL sucks, I can't wait to be away from this hell of a home w/ M Dearest.

Edited by angel2devil
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Just to defend Dillon for a minute (and I know that goes completely against the grain in here), but I still think he does care about his mother. That was evidenced by his interaction with her today, I just think he is also a bit of a clod when it comes to things like knowing when to speak and what will hurt his mother. I don't think he is the most considerate, clearly he was a jerk the other day with the LnL love talk, but I don't think he did it to hurt his mother. He was just a moron and didn't think about her AT ALL!! Just wanted to give him the benifit of the doubt for a minute, sorry guys...

Love everything about our girl's scenes lately and I'm definately looking forward to what's coming!!!

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I do agree that dillon saw tracy and was trying to comfort her and was baffled by her silence. She was awesome today as usual. Dillon is insensitive, but then again he is what...a 19 or 20 year old boy??? I wish he would have given her a hug today though. She looked like she could use one.

Nex...thanks so much for editing the clips. It is soooo nice to have them that way instead of downloading six clips and they are all so long. Thank you thank you thank you

Anyone up for chatting tonight???

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SQUEE! I don't have to be up at 5:30 in the morning tomorrow! I won't get into details, but SQUEE! I have to get back to linguistics, but I'll try and make an appearance tonight (someone post a link!) since I don't have to be up so darn early anymore. Oh, and just a warning...The other boards are going after Tracy in light of the recent spoiler. I'm not surprised, because what Tracy is doing...Well, it's just not cool. :( Sorry, nex, even if she's trying to get the money away from Skye or from Jason, she's still going against Alan's wishes. But anyway...SQUEE! *Ms. Q doesn't have to wake up at 5:30, she doesn't have to walk to the high school in the freezing cold, and with any luck, the campus will be shut down completely AGAIN, and she won't have her linguistics test*

*waves to Southern Honey* We might seem exclusive, but we're not. Come post with us!

hooked, I've been meaning to post about that. I thought it was supposed to revolve around the younger set, so like SC/Dillon, LL/Georgie, etc would do double duty. BUT...If Tracy's kid is on another soap, do you think she would cross over too? For a few episodes, maybe?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay what TL and I were talking about in the breakroom was

spoiler talk

Alan told Lulu right before they were separated, that he saw something that night. then he started to say something about a letter

but then got interrupted.

I told TL I think figment of Tracy's imagination/"ghost"Alan will tell Tracy about the letter.

but then, SoapKing also spoiled that Alan wrote the letter to Luke(I guess in event of Alan's death, to be delivered) and Lulu intercepts it.

I'm guessing though, that the letter DOESN'T spill the identity of the culprit, because Luke and Scott are supposed to set about proving who really did it, and they wouldn't have to do it if Lulu had the letter with the person's name.

So maybe that's how Tracy fits in, maybe Alan doesn't name the person, and he tells Tracy who did it?

if so, will she tell Luke or not?

And I can't blame her if she doesn't, but it won't be good for Lacy if she doesn't and Luke finds out she knew.

What do you all think?

spoiler talk over

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Ok, once again, its late and I can't sleep. :( So I decided to be productive, here are todays clips edited of just the Quartermaine's:


Credit goes to Shazzer

I don't want to get into the new spoilers, because they will only make me mad. I will discuss them tomorrow after I have been to every GH message board and website so I can get a clear answer as to what they are saying, and to see just how true they are. :)

Good night all!!

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