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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I haven't watched the show yet but darn - only 2 mins?! Bet our girl was fab anyway.

Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the pic of Spin and LuNacy - LOVE IT!! The fur's not lookin' as good but still not as bad at the epidemic fur - eek! And Trace looks gorgeous in the pic :)

Deb, Love the "Women over 40" how true!

I voted in the dankies. But what's with Julie Marie Berman being in like 3 categories - Supporting (against JE), Younger, and Newcomer categories?

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Jane was great in her whole sixty seconds of airtime.

Lulu is annoying and seriously needs to be slapped.

Stuart/Alan rocks.

And that's all I got.

Oh yeah....*whispers* the other day, Luke looked both ridiculous, and kinda *lower whisper* hot in that SWAT getup.

Only TG could look like an idiot and still look sexy.

And that Craig guy? Moves like a cat.


He's hot, too.

NOW that's all I got.

Oh yeah. Besides sitting through a whole hour of GH just to see SD.

An hour of my life I'll never get back.....*sigh*

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*waves to everyone*

I want to rant. I need to rant, actually. It's GH/Quartermaine related, but instead of polluting the thread, I'm going to pollute the breakroom, should anyone join and be interested in listening to said pollution: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

*tries to smile prettily*


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Sorry I missed the chat last night. RL made me it's B*TCH again. Sigh. I'll try again Thursday night.

About JE/TQ's scene yesterday. Yeah, it was a pointless inclusion of characters that didn't advance the plotline whatsoever except to reveal that Luke was in jail. It was still the only scene I watched on regular speed (thank ghu for fast forward.) Jane looked so pretty--I know, we hate the stupid PETA-bait she's wearing around her throat, and brown is so not her color. But she still looked pretty, all arm in arm with JI/ELQ.

I'm assuming the irony of her nagging him about taking his heart pills and avoiding stress was lost on no-one, correct?

And yeah, I caught the laugh. It was so good to see her laugh. Man, as much as I want to smack Luke Spencer up and down his irresponsible head, I love when he's in her life. I love it, because she laughs. Not that UberB*tch, Mama Is Evil laugh, but a genuine, sorry, this is too funny to resist sort of laugh. Off the cuff and real laughter.

I want something good to come out of all this horrible stuff that's going on. I want Tracy and Luke to find each other through this mess, to figure out what's real and what's bull, and cut through to what really counts.

WARNING: Negative Comments About a Character: SKYE

I try not to do this, because I really hate ripping characters on this group. But this is not about me disliking a character so much as disliking a character's actions. And Skye's actions in all of this are abominable. I am not trying to incite a flame war here, and I'll certainly understand if people disagree with me.

I just really, really, really want Tracy, Monica, somebody to expose Skyes selfish, ungrateful heart for what it really is. Alan took her in as his own daughter, turned his own flesh and blood out on the street rather than kick her away when he found out she wasn't his daughter. Alan worried about her, took her side, protected her against Lorenzo of all people. Alan was the only father she ever had, and he treated her very well.

While watching the Skye scenes on ff last night, I'm talking to the screen saying, "Tracy spent three decades paying for the crime of withholding heart medication from a father who didn't need it to survive. Your father actually dies because you'd rather protect your mobster boyfriend (you know, the one who kidnapped you, held you against your will, and put your life and the life of your infant daughter at risk)! What do you think will happen to you?"

And Fey says sullenly from the computer, "Not a G-D thing."

And you know what? She's right. Skye might get a slap on the wrist and an Emmy reel out of her "guilt" over this, but everybody is going to forget that she plays as much a part in Alan's death as the other mobsters (the ones in the ski mask). I hope to GAWD she has better sense than to show up at his funeral with crocodile tears all over her flawless face. I hope to GAWD she does not play the Grieving Daughter card after all this. Because I'm really sure my television's picture tube could not handle the pressure of my hand going straight through it to Skye's throat.

/end negativity

Oh, what the heck? More negativity.

Lulu? I've championed you. I've sung your praises as a complicated, funny, interesting character.

Watched you with Alan yesterday.

Go to the top of the list, Missy, and stay there until you redeem yourself.

/end more negativity

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hi guys!!

MF, I love your new avatar!! very nice. and I'm glad there is so much positiivity going around about the wonder couple. It could be really bad, but most seem to still think there is going to be sonething great coming out of this, me included, so GOOD. Usually, with as little as she's been getting, we'd all be ranting and raving instead of just ranting about specific little things. Keep up the good thoughts cuz they're going to happen!!!!!

I, actually liked the scenes yesterday too. I didn't think that it really had a point, other than to say he was in jail (which we could have figured out when she bails him out, but we all know they think we're excedingly stupid), but I did think it was funny. Basically just because she and Edward both laughed at it. It kind of made it worth it.

Today should be great b/c now that they've said he is in jail, she should be bailing him out soon (hopefully today, but not sure).

glad to see they'll both be wearing their rings. I loved that pisture Ms. Q, and I sort of do like her in brown. I think she needs more color with it, so in other circumstances there'd be lipstick and she wouldn't look like she's been waiting around for hours, but it goes with the story, so I'll excuse it. But I do like the brown, and I still even like the fur. I don't know why, but I do.

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hi guys!!

MF, I love your new avatar!! very nice. and I'm glad there is so much positiivity going around about the wonder couple. It could be really bad, but most seem to still think there is going to be sonething great coming out of this, me included, so GOOD. Usually, with as little as she's been getting, we'd all be ranting and raving instead of just ranting about specific little things. Keep up the good thoughts cuz they're going to happen!!!!!

I, actually liked the scenes yesterday too. I didn't think that it really had a point, other than to say he was in jail (which we could have figured out when she bails him out, but we all know they think we're excedingly stupid), but I did think it was funny. Basically just because she and Edward both laughed at it. It kind of made it worth it.

Today should be great b/c now that they've said he is in jail, she should be bailing him out soon (hopefully today, but not sure).

glad to see they'll both be wearing their rings. I loved that pisture Ms. Q, and I sort of do like her in brown. I think she needs more color with it, so in other circumstances there'd be lipstick and she wouldn't look like she's been waiting around for hours, but it goes with the story, so I'll excuse it. But I do like the brown, and I still even like the fur. I don't know why, but I do.

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I didn't think about it last night when we were commenting on the laugh, but maybe she just realized the irony of her lines about him taking his pills and avoiding stress...maybe it just hit her! Or maybe someone did something funny offscreen and she laughed but recovered....

Hey at least she was on right? Even though there was only like 20 seconds and not a huge point to it, but some of the characters haven't been on at all like Alexis (except for yesterday).

I have an OT question, but when is Professor Marquez's big secret going to be revealed. I bet they haven't figured out waht it is yet. Remember when they were saying he was laura's son?

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okay pinkpopsicle. The picture comparisons?

Freakin' hilarious.

As far as Skye, truthfully.....I don't expect Monica and Tracy's vendetta to last long, and I fully expect Ghost!Alan to ask Tracy to cease and desist, and for her brother's sake, she will.

I don't care if she gets banished from the family because I don't care about her. *shrug*

I mean, I'm used to every other member of that family except AJ, getting better treatment than Tracy, so if Skye does, it's not like I've never seen it happen before.

As for Lulu.....annoying.

I think JMB was OTT yesterday.

Lulu NEEDS to get shot. Anything to weaken her and calm her down.

Cause she's standing on my last nerve.

Mags should be out today but I have no clue if anything Tracy related will be in them.

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Checked out the Tracy-Luke-Spinelli picture again. Love that woman's figure, but that's not what I was going to mention. Luke and Spinelli are covered in ashes, so I'm assuming this takes place after the explosion. I also noticed both Luke and Tracy are holding coffee cups (of the Starbucks-type variety).

They're sharing a cup o'Joe together after a tragedy, husband and wife.

Ya'll, I hate the LuNacy bus. My brain tells me "no, no," but my heart just says "YES YES YES."

I want them together almost as much as Lainey does, if that doesn't scare you enough.....

I don't even care so much about the Wild Crazy LuNacy Monkey Sex. I want them to admit they love each other, and act on it. They are just so darned good together. They look good together. They feel good together. They belong together. Now. If we can just get HIS daughter and HER son to stop trying to destroy HER family in the name of HIS ex-wife, the Rutabaga Queen.....

ETA: Pinkpopsicle, LMFAO over the Dark Helmet pics. Yeah, Luke looked like a complete idiot, gawd bless him. And Tracy just had to laugh. *hugs Tracy's Real!Laughter and protects it like an Arthurian knight*

Edited by MinervaFan
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Yeah I was thinking that photo was from after the explosion and luke is probably thanking spinelli or meeting him for the first time and thanking him for helping to get lulu out. Then it must be before Alan dies or when Alan is in surgery as Tracy doesn't look devastated yet.

keeping fingers crossed for today. There was some Q&A with Kin Shriner I saw on Soapzone and he was saying he was connected to so many characters in port charles. He mentioned that tracy was now married to luke spencer and 10 years ago he had tracy on top of his desk when she was his girlfriend! At least they are remembering that liason and history (well actually...only Kin is remembering that history). I hope there is some rivalry too as far as Luke/Tracy/Scotty go. Sad they both want to fight over Laura, when really tracy is so much more worthwhile to fight for--ha ha!

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