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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hi... would love to be able to participate in these chats from time to time. If you do them this early (6p et), I won't be able to do it. I can rarely get on before 9p et, and it's usually closer to 10p et (but this Tuesday i'm out of town again, so it's irrelevant! Ha!) Anyway... would love a "late" chat every now and then if you can swing it. Thanks.

Off to read about Sister Mary Hotpants now... I'm very excited! :lol:

Ta ta,


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SAme for me as far as the chat time goes, it's a little early, it'd just be 5 central time here.

If we could make it one hour later it'd be better for me.

But I'll go with the majority vote and just try to pop in when I can, if that's the time everyone else decides on.

Loved the "Change of Habit" update. :)

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If you want to witness the awesomeness, click here.

We must all trudge over to Jane Elliot Online and give Jackie a huge THANK YOU!!!

And if Tracey can convert the clips to .wma files??? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

MinervaFan, I'm in class at that time on Tuesdays/Thursdays. :(

Edit: I hope it's all right that I share this, but ILOVESCRUBS from SoapDish just made an awesome post about Jane Elliot, and I want to bring it here. ILS, or anyone from SoapDish, if you're out there, I hope you don't mind me sharing.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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One of these days I'm going to catch up on all the clips.


And I'll tell you the reason why I 110% agree with ILS.

It's because every time Jane is on screen, she completely embodies the character of Tracy Q.

She IS Tracy. I'm not watching an actress play a part, like I would with just about every other actress on GH.

And I'm not knocking them....I don't think any of them are as talented as Jane, but it's not about talent.

It's about being able to turn on the TV and say, "there's Tracy." instead of "there's Jane playing Tracy."

Same with Tony G, and to be honest, they really ARE the only two actors I can say that about with no doubt in my mind.

To a lesser extent, Stuart, Leslie, Scott, Kim Mc, Jason Thompson, Ric Hearst, Ted King, Rebecca Herbst, Greg Vaughn, and even Maurice, Steve, and Tyler, have that talent, that they can become the character, but IMO it has nothing to do with how talented they are or aren't.

It's a skill to be able to put the character on like a glove, no matter what, and Jane and Tony are masters at it. And it doesn't mean that everyone who CAN do that, are great actors. But in Jane and Tony's case, they are.

Hate to be long winded, but it's THAT quality, that pulls me in. It's THAT quality that grabs me by the throat, that feeling that I'm not watching a show, I'm watching a LIFE.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Scott spoilers have been very much lacking, but I just saw this on SZ. I don't know how reliable the person who posted it is, since I hardly ever go there.

"First of all...what is his secret? Do you think that maybe Lulu is HIS daughter and not Luke's? Anyway read on and see what you think.(These came in my email from ABC)

This Week: Re-introducing Scott Baldwin on

General Hospital

It was over twenty five years ago that Scott Baldwin lost Laura, the love of his life, to Luke Spencer. And time has done nothing to heal his wounds.

When Scott and Laura were in love, he would do anything for her...even cover up a murder. Laura accidentally killed her stepfather Rick Webber's mistress, and Scott helped keep the details of the murder hidden so that Laura would have no recollection of it. Several years ago, Laura began to remember her crime and a confrontation with Rick ended in his death. Laura was thought to be the murderer and the trauma put her in a catatonic state.

Scott recently returned to town after learning of Laura's temporary recovery. While he missed out on a reunion with Laura, he's sticking around for other purposes. And it seems he has a secret that could give Luke Spencer another reason to hate him. "

I am really hoping for Scott as Dillon's father. Luke would hate him for being his stepson's father (esp if Scott knew all along and let the kid grow up without him) because he cares for Dillon, is married to Dillon's mother, and Lulu is involved.

The few spoilers I have seen could be hinting at it:

What Dillon & Lulu discover will change at least 3 lives forever. (wubs) That could mean Dillon, Tracy, and Scott.

I also saw a spoiler somewhere that Luke & Lucky team up (I think to rescue Lulu) and won't include Dillon. That makes me think that Dillon would feel rejected by Luke and may be receptive to finding his own father.

Maybe Dillon thinks he finds evidence (like a letter or diary) that hints that Scott is Lucky or Lulu's father, but instead it turns out to be written by Tracy, not Laura.

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About the chats--timing is so problematic for me. It's a serious RL issue at this time, and later is more difficult. I'm totally good with you guys scheduling it for 9 Eastern, but I probably won't be able to participate. I understand that the majority rules on this, and am willing to step back in order to make this work. Thanks to MsQ, I still get to read the transcripts, which is almost as good as being there....






As much as I'd like to have Tracy get a juicy storyline from the Scotty publicity stunt...erm, storyline, I doubt it's going to be that he's Dillon's father. It's more likely that he would be Lulu's father because, well, JMB must get that Emmy nomination, and well, that would clear the way for Dillon/Lulu to be a real couple, because they're not step siblings anymore (or second cousins by blood).

Also, what is all this I'm hearing fourth-hand about Scott Clifton leaving the show? What is the story, and where are people getting it?


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I don't think there's any way they could pull off Scott being Lulu's father, do you? Was he even on the show when she was conceived? I think that was when he was in Canada raising Serena alone. And all the time he was dating Laura after her divorce from Luke, she would have told him.

Not that these writers care about our collective memories.

Actually, if that rumor about Scott Clifton leaving is true (is his contract up?), then it could make even more sense.

Dillon could leave town with Scott when Kin's sweeps appearance is over to get to know his father. Could be the whole reason they saved a Scott reappearance for after the L&L wedding.

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ILoveTracyQ, the links posted at JE Online will expire in 7 days. They are of JE's return in 1989. Tracy/Robert's first scene is also included. Anyway, I figured out how to save QuickTime files (TracyLuv, I had to do the right click, save target as, instead of opening the file and then saving it), so I'd be able to re-upload if you needed me to.

Magic Happens, I doubt GH cares enough about JE or the character Tracy to give her that kind of SL. But I could see Scotty being Dillon's father before being Lulu's. Whatever happens, I just want Tracy/Scotty scenes!

MinervaFan, I'm usually pretty flexible. If I have access to a computer, I check this site more than I should, LOL. So, if you're ever in the breakroom, just let us know/post the link, and if I'm around, I'll pop in. :)

About SC leaving...Rumors, rumors, and more rumors. From SoapDish. Anonymous posters. Grain of salt and all that. It could happen though. His contract is up in April. GH keeps casting man after man for Lulu. Dillon...Well, Dillon is ONLY Tracy Quartermaine's son. Not that important or anything. :rolleyes: *takes a moment to remember Tracy Quartermaine's other son, who is practically non-existent* :(

Now...WHERE. ARE. THE. PRENOMS? Not that JE's name will be listed, but it's a nice thought, isn't it?

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Here's a thought: why don't we all just post the hours and days we'd be available for chat and see if we match up any one day?

If we don't match any one day where everyone who wants to participate can, why don't we make TWO official chats a week, or even better, why don't we assign a certain time of day, like 7-8 central every day, as chat time, and anyone who is free can post the breakroom link and allow others to join in ?

I work M-F 8-5, except for right now I'm usually at work until 8 or later most days, unless I MAKE myself leave early.

So a later chat works for me BUT since I have a computer at work, I suppose I could pop in for half an hour to chat.

Sorry for rambling but I'm out sick today and hopped up on cold medicine.


I have no idea what I just said.

Everyone just nod your heads and carry on.

Editing because nod is not spelled with a "K" in front....unless you're my 10th grade art teacher Mr. Knod.

See I told you I was rambling.........

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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LOL. I suggested the weekly chat to make it less complicated, and wound up making it more difficult. So here's the deal for me--I promised my wife I would reduce the amount of time I spent online with the Tracy stuff. It was getting a bit excessive, and one of my concessions is that I will only go to the Break Room once a week. That being said, I will be in the Break Room on Tuesday nights, 6-7 ish, Eastern time. Since it won't be a "scheduled chat," I can probably do it from home instead of the computer lab while Fey fixes dinner.

I'm not taking myself out of Tracydom, so much as trying to get myself a little more back into RealLifedom.

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Happy Monday everybody!!!! :( I know its only Monday but the good news is that Luke is coming back to town and that is something to look forward to. I realize that there aren't any real Tracy spoliers for the week, but I am going to stay positive. Sorry I'm kinda in a good mood.

MinervaFan, I can't believe I haven't said this before but I am really loving your "Change of Habit" fic. I just finished part 5 this morning and I can't wait for more.

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Re: Chat - Other than the late nights that I am usually able to make, I am only really able to get on early on Mondays and Sundays after like 5 or 6pm eastern, and that's only because on Monday night I don't have work. Like someone mentioned, whenever anyone is able to hang and chat for a few, just post a link in the thread and hopefully others will join if they have the time.

Re: Scott Clifton/Dillon - I read somewhere, don't ask me where, that Dillon was actually going to be re-cast. I often read random sites and don't bookmark them unless I am interested in returning or if I'm too lazy to do it. It reminds me of the time that the majority had read that TG was returning in the beginning of January and I posted that I read somewhere that it was February and I couldn't remember where I had read that. Not that the Dillon recast is necessarily true, but I did read something regarding a recast of the Dillon character.

Nex, send me some of those positive vibes, will ya! I am trying to remain postive for some good LuNacy. I remember the last time I (we all) needed to try to remain positive - it was during Nov. sweeps with Laura's return and very few spoilers for Tracy, never mind what the fate of LuNacy would be (which I guess we still don't know), and although Tracy had been humiliated once again, surprise-surprise-NOT, Not only did Jane ROCK IT OUT, like we knew she would - but we got "ILY Tracy" from Luke and all that wonderful stuff he said to her at the Haunted Star, and that stuff wasn't even spoiled - we were all in SHOCK. Well okay, the ILY was spoiled (hi Ms. Q ;)), but not the "I come home to you Tracy" and "I'd wanna be married to you....." Hopefully we will all be pleasantly surprised again this time? hope so!

Deb, Haven't read COH 5 yet, but I plan on topping off the night by reading it before I go to bed tonight. I kinda miss MaryLee Slutbaby, but I totally understand, and will patiently await future updates.:)

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Why was that other lady Chistine Jones or whatever playing tracy in those scenes? Was she just there for a few episodes? I am in the dark--ha ha!

BTW...I am home safe and sound. Ony two snags...for some reason I set off the puffer air security thing in the miami airport (have you guys ever been through one of those that looks like a phone booth and this air blows up you and then it turns green and you get to walk out? Well for some reason I set off the alarm and had to be searched and rubbed up and down by a very mean looking lady and then all my bags had to be swabbed, etc. Then they had to take my license number, etc, but all was fine. Then I got off the plane and went to my car and the battery was dead. The airport parking guy jumped it and it didn't start, so a tow truck came like three hours later and jumped it and it started in two seconds. Ughh...I tried to just sit patiently and read some magazines and to not sweat the small stuff!!!

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I am dying to see those clips. I downloaded the regular way first, then when I tried to view them there was just this pink screen with lots of lines and squiggles. Then I tried the save target as thing and the same thing happene.d I could hear the audio, but not see anything. Would you mind reloading them? Maybe I am doing something wrong. I opened the sendspace link, then right clicked on the little arrow thing that said download now. I got this squiggly screen when I tried to save it and view it.


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