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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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At least even though she is not on, they mentioned her name today with Sam's phone call (or was that yesterday), and today they showed her for like two seconds in a flashback! Better than nothing.

Good Alan Monica scenes today.

OK, I am so totally not asking Mrs. Q or Nex for this at all , but now I can't find the 5/19 or 5/20 morning after marriage in vegas scenes that I had somewhere. But can you point me to which site I might be able to find them on. I think I checked on GQ-Daily.net and they had the 18th of May and then ones where luke and tracy arrive home with dillon with the gardner costume.

Does the GHTV let anyone request clips?

I backed up all my clips and put them on a CD so I don't ever lose them. Which program do you guys use for making videos?

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Woo! You get 2 seconds of Tracy today! (in a flashback) Hey, it's something, right? LOL. Oops, hookedongh just mentioned this. BTW, I use Windows Movie Maker, and I'll see about getting the clips up later, but yes, GHVT lets you make requests.

So, I'm almost sure this is accurate (came from Ryan of this site, posted at SoapDish):






Week of February 5th to 9th: Luke is furious with Lucky when he refused to go against Mac's orders. Lucky is later forced to arrest Luke. Tracy bails him out later, but learns why he really wants to save Lulu. Luke brings Lucky up to speed about what’s really down at the Metro Court. The father/son team refuses to let Dillon join them in their rescue efforts. Luke & Lucky make their way into the hotel and the end of the week of the 5th...

Yay Tracy! But boooooo! Luke! Don't leave Tracy outside! You're her main source of screen time. If you leave, then she might disappear! And a big HAHA to Dillon, although getting him into that hotel might have given our girl more to do. *shrugs*

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Ok I think I am confused by this spoiler? Why would Luke need a real reason to save Lulu? ;) She is his daughter, what other reason could there be? She is in danger and he wants go into hero mode and save his 'princess'.

What was the flashback regarding?!?!?!?

hookedongh, I know I have somewhere in my files the clips from 5/19/05 and 5/20/05, I will see what I can get up. Also, like Ms.Q, I use Windows Movie Maker to make vids!

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so as promised...

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

HAPPY Birthday dear Angel,

Happy Birthday to you!

the voice is mking it's comeback, so i thought, what the hell, why not get rid of it again, a birthday is worth it! So that was me singing it to you... feel free to join in, all

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spoiler from Wizard/Merlin of SoapDish:

Scott tells Tracy he still loves Laura.

spoiler over

ETA did anyone else that watched, happen to catch that little throwaway line from Lulu, where she and Dillon were tallking about Alan and she said, "wow who would have thought that someone unconnected with the mob could be so capable of," or something like that.

Just a little jab from Guza to try and convince us that the Q's are no worse than the mob.

A big FAT pile of horse manure, courtesy of TIIC.

Sometimes, I hate this show beyond measure and I want Jane to yank down her drawers, moon them all, and then QUIT before they can decide they need to kill another Q.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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OMG! ILoveTracyQ! I wanted to mention that, but I forgot! :o I hated it. HATE. HATE. HATE.

And thanks for the spoilers! Yeah!!! This is our confirmation that we'll get Tracy/Scotty scenes! *does a little dance*

nex, I thought about that too. Straaaaaaaaaaaange. Anyone have ideas what it means?!?

Breakroom? I'll be around. For a half hour. If people pop in, I might be around for longer: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Kind of OT: Has anyone else's options or whatnot disappeared from the top of the message screen? Like for fonts, colors, size, bolding, itlalics, etc?

Edit: NEW avatar. Also, anyone wonder if maybe Tracy isn't wearing her ring 'cause she's still trying to keep up the charade that Laura/Luke are married and that she/Luke are divorced? Who exactly in PC besides Tracy, Dillon, Lulu, and Luke knows the truth? Also, Luke returns January 31st, if I haven't mentioned that yet. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Pretty soon, you'll be uploading clips and writing fanfic and making graphics with the rest of the Obssessed Masses.

I worked on a Desperate Housewives fic for Fey last night, so my TQ/JE stuff has not been updated. But a little conversation in the Break Room had me wondering...hmmm, why am I the only one getting hounded for fic updates??? Good question. See, let's just take a little trip in the WayBack machine with Sherman and Mr. Peabody.....

Remember when 4XCrazy was still updating Homelands on a regular basis?

Remember when Angel2Devil was still adding chapters to Beautiful Disaster?

Remember when MsQ was getting poor Tracy closer to delivering that baby? Not to mention poor Dillon in the Waiting Room?

Oh, and there's Mr. Keith, who left Tracy walking to the airport months ago...

And Regency, well, Regency's got Tracy on a train, with amnesia, lost in a plane crash, and in about five zillion other precarious situations....

Let's see, boys and girls. Do we really feel it's right to just leave people hanging like this? Are you feeling guilty? I know I'm feeling guilty because I've left little Mary Lee Tracy Slutbaby in a state of hypnosis for over a week. You guys have left Tracy hanging for months!

Now, what are we going to do? We're going to post updates. Why are we going to do it? Cuz MinervaFan needs TRACYFIC. (Preferably the kind I don't have to write myself...)

Wow. I feel better now.

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I just saw that spoiler, too on GHH2. I am so happy that Scott will have some interaction with Tracy. I guess that's a given since they had a past together and she is now married to Luke.

When Tracy came back to the show they only had about 2 scenes together before they fired Kin.

My fondest wish has always been that Scott will turn out to be Dillon's father. I emailed TPTB for months suggesting that.

Tracy & Scott had a brief affair back when they were plotting to break up Alan & Lucy's marriage.

When Tracy was married to Paul a few years later, it was a loveless marriage. It would be a believable (for a change) rewrite of history to say she had a one night stand with Scott at that time and got pregnant with Dillon.

That would be a great storyline, especially now that Dillon & Lulu are involved. Could you see Scott & Luke as inlaws?

PS: I just saw your Hi to me, MinervaFan. Thanks!

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Was I summoned?

I heard my fic mentioned and I thought I should comment. The truth is as it's always been. Most, if not all, of the stories are updated, I'm just uncertain whether I like the updates.

Oh, I've been meaning to share some trivial news. I bought (well, my mother bought for me) a very Tracy-esque duster Sunday. Eep! It's wonderful.

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*waves to nex and pinkpopsicle*

MagicHappens I have lurked at GHH2 and read some of your posts ! Nice to have you here, of course it's always nice to meet another Tracy lover !

About the fics....well I would write one but it would suck. So, it's all for YA'LL that I DON'T write one.

See how considerate I am?


Oh and Reg I'd be happy to read anything you've written that you're unsure about.

And um.....hoping for Tracy today. That is all for now.


ETA EEEEEEEE at your avatar Magic. I LOVED Tracy/SCott. Just.Loved.Them. :)

Of course there really hasn't been a "coupling" of Tracy's that I hated, per se.

But Stacy ROCKED !

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That is true about over 50 actors, but hopefully since Tony Geary said in his article a while back that he wants them to show a love scene and that people over 50 do still have sex, maybe he will push for it for May or for whenever they are supposed to make Tracy/Luke get together (or if???)

OK, Does anyone remember when the scenes were when Luke was trying to get Tracy to dress sexy for the opening of the Haunted Star to hostess?? I want to try to put in a clip request for those and the morning after the marraige scenes in Las Vegas when she wakes up and realizes what happened. GQ Daily is not working anymore. I was just wondering if anyone remembers when that was or what timeframe so that I can go through the transcripts to find the dates. I know the marriage ones were 5/19/06 and 5/20/06. I just don't know about the Haunted Star ones. I am thinking it was before the Markham islands.

I loved Scotty...that would be so awesome if he was dillon's father. They have the same hair. Wish someone had old Tracy/Scotty clips of their affair! How awesome would that be? Maybe there is some old Kin Shriner fan site that does? I should do some checking....

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