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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh Ms.Q, I really really really hope you are right. I miss Nexis and Ned, if he comes back it will give me something to look forward to besides just Tracy. :D (not that Tracy isn't enough) If the writers were really smart they would bring Ned back full time, its like they forgot how many years Ned ran ELQ, successfully, I might add.

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Just saying hello, among other things.

Regency, I do remember the Q's reading the NY Daily News.







At JE Online, Ed's Meds posted that Sam makes an enemy of Tracy. (It's in ABC SID). However, per other spoilers, Sam quits her job at ELQ, so whatever happens will be short lived. It's probably for the better though, because you know in a battle between Sam and Tracy, Tracy would lose with these writers...Even if it makes no sense.

So, think Tracy will be ON today? :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Tracy was at least mentioned today.


Jane, I hope you're enjoying your vacation--or time off--or whatever it is. And I hope you're ready to kick BUTT when you get back.

TracyLuv, just use Tracey's email address. That's what she told me to do with Paypal.

ETA: Totally OT, but Fey and I have an appointment tonight at 5:30 to look at an apartment!!!!! It's right near the college, rent's good, and it has a washer and dryer. Let's just hope it's a fit, because I'm already starting to waffle about moving out--the maternal unit and her boyfriend are starting with the guilt-trips about money and how they won't be able to make it when we leave.

Oh, man....

Edited by MinervaFan
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Regarding the newspaper, PC Herald sounds right. I was going to guess that, until I remembered the Q's during the condom fiasco. But Regency, I'd go with that (the Herald response). And can you tell us what your fic is about? *smiles prettily*

MinervaFan, I hope the apartment is a good one!!!

Per recaps: Monica sort of referred to Tracy as Lulu's guardian. She saw Dillon, Lulu, and Spinelli hanging out at Kelly's and wanted to know if Tracy knew that she was hanging out with "him" (Spinelli). And MAC was on today. Gosh. Mac can get screentime, but not our girl? This is sad guys. Really sad. :(







Per Got Info (week of January 15th)

Evil!Tracy has some questions about Sweet!Innocent! Sam's past. Sam dodges the questions and proceeds to quit ELQ, proving to viewers everywhere that she still can't hold a job. Meanwhile, Ms. Q wonders if Sam leaving ELQ proves another thing: Were the rumors of Ned's return just, well...rumors?

The Quartermaines, as a family, make their montly appearance. This time, it's Dillon calling the meeting, or at least he's the one with the announcement: He's ditching the sweaters and glasses and returning to film school. Pre-Pod!Dillon fans rejoice.

Monica continues to get bits of screentime in this "Who Killed Rick Webber" SL, as she has a warning for Lulu and Dillon. Poor Leslie Charleson. Gains air time, but loses a co-star in the process.

Per WUBS (February Sweeps)

GH goes LIVE. For real. Or so is the plan. SoapZone has their doubts. Too much $$$. Too much room for error (which means GH has a less chance of winning the Emmy). What do you all think?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OHMYGOD! I've read what you have sent to me. I LOVE it SOOO much. I find it amazing that you were able to take a plain, uneducated version of Tracy and still make her ring SO TRUE. The way you're having Tracy evolve is exactly how I feel she'd evolve if the situation 'really' happened (You know what I mean!). Your talent AWES me. Truly.

You know what... Monica looked sizzling today (in Kelly's). And I am DYING for a couple of Monica-Tracy matchups. I know Dillon is old enough to take care of himself, but I'm dying for him to tell Tracy that Monica is butting into Lulu's business.. and then have Tracy go all wild-eyed and crazy at Monica because she is angry the woman is butting into HER business. COME ON TIIC!!!!! The old Monica-Tracy catfights were WONDERFUL!!! Bring 'em on!!!!!!!!!! Bring 'em on!!!!!! :lol:

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Lainey, that's exactly what I was thinking when I watched that scene today. I also want Tracy to find out that Monica told Lucky that Lulu should be transfered to a college out of town and that since Luke is not there it's his and Nikolas' responsibility to protect Lulu from Spinelli. I totally want Tracy to go off on her!! So it wont be a water wreslte in the fountain like the good ole days, but I'll take anything at this point. :)

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I guess it's okay to talk about your fic here Deb, I won't give away specifics so as not to spoil those who haven't read any of it yet, but I had to comment:

I Love it. You do realize you could probably just change character names and submit the final work as a novel to be published don't you? Because it's so far removed from today's GH that no one at ABC would ever know. LOL


What is it about fan fics that brings out emotions in me that real GH rarely does?

Is it because the fans really care about the characters?

I think that's a huge part of it. Because when you care, it usually shows in the writing by the HEART.

I agree with Lainey. Your version of Tracy still rings true to character. How she is reacting is pretty much how I'd expect Real!Tracy to react in that situation.

And can I just completely GUSH, and say that I very well might be in LOVE with Marco?

Can you bottle him and send him to me?


He and Tracy are Endgame in this story, right? RIGHT??

I also love your Alan, and his relationship with Tracy. Luke was appropriately sleazy. LOL

Mitch....I don't know what to think of him yet.

Your Edward? After the scene where Tracy is talking about him laughing at her, HE can contract an itchy, smelly contagious rash, and be banned by polite society until he can behave correctly.

And if can't learn to do so, he can DIE.

I just realized though that due to this being an AU, there will be no Lord Larry, and Ned does not exist.


But other than that, I LOVE it. :)

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Thanks for the amazing feedback, ILTQ. And no, you can't have Marco. I'm saving him as a back-up in case I ever lose my mind and go straight. B) As for Mitch, he's not as bad as Edward, but well, yeah. Yeah....Mitch Williams. Sorry about the no Larry & Ned, but there was no way I could make it happen. I'm not going to have Paul Hornsby, either, except maybe as an unfortunate liaison.

And, yeah, Tracy and Marco are definitely endgame, unless the story changes again.

Re: Today's episode. I'm assuming from SZ that there's no Tracy. Why is it we get 20 days/month of Spumoni, but not feckin' Tracy Quartermaine?

I assume she's out there staging hostile takeovers and having pedicures.

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I am just going ignore the fact that she was not on today (I'm assuming, but I haven't actually watched it yet), pretend it's a Saturday and rewind my tape to get ready for Monday.. That way I didn't realy miss anything!

MinervaFan, can't wait to read your AU piece, from what was said, it sounds like it's going to be great when we get to read it!! Oh yeah, and i just wanted to let you know tht I am done with JE's face. I just have to finish her hair and shirt and I can have it out to you. I said that yesterday during my break in the "breakroom", but you weren't there and you're putting it together, so I thought i'd let ya know.

Edited by knh
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EEEE !! So happy to hear that Marco/Tracy are endgame.....sooooo happy. :)

*crosses fingers that story doesn't change*

No Tracy today. TIIC suck.

And does no Paul Hornbsy mean no little Tracy chitlin's running around? :(

Ooh. She should have ALL girls. Two or three. Now that would be an AU story.

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