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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No Reg it's not you. you're one of the sane, rational, fair L&L fans.

There aren't many..... :P

I have to say, people (read: L&L fans) have been ragging on Tracy since Laura's been back.

Well some people were doing it before.

Anyhoo....it does not make my online life fun.

It literally sucks whatever fun I get out of Lacy scenes right out of it, if I go online, I have to tell you.

I also have to say, I *do* think Genie's got one more return coming, and even if she doesn't, the vast majority of L&L's are NEVER going to accept Luke with anyone else.

And again, that just makes my online experience miserable, to tell you the truth.

Not because I think Lacy are all that. But that Tracy/Jane is either mostly ignored, or bashed.

I DO think Lacy are good and I like them, but it's hard to support them when sooooo many people are busy telling me how Tracy will NEVER measure up.


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Staci.....the thing that was supposed to happen today that got cut was

Tracy comforting Luke

But I guess that could happen Monday?

About Lacy vs. L&L.....I don't care. I just want Tracy to be loved.

Coleman, Scott, the mailman, the butler....ANYONE !!

I will go on record as saying I think TIIC had an AWESOME opportunity to make something of Lacy, and they've blown it.

The only saving grace has been TG/JE bringing it in their scenes.

I'll also go on record as saying I'll fully support Lacy if Luke has a revelation....but the same old same old? NU_UH.

Ain't gonna fly.

I'll also go on record as saying I think Jane and Tony click together better, and I also think Tracy fits Luke better now than Laura does.


I cannot wait for dinner tomorrow, anyone else?

My stomach just growled thinking about it.

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Ah, I didn't think the comforting was going to happen until next week, when Tracy finds Luke drowning his sorrows on the Haunted Star. Maybe then, we'll get our "tender good-bye" as spumored.

I want to be pro-Lunacy. I do. But I don't think I can accept Tracy being second best. Luke can profess his love to her all he wants, but she'd be a fool to believe that she ever had a hold of his heart. *shrugs*

On another note, my sister honestly believes Luke was waiting for Laura to go back into catatonia, so he could go back to Tracy. Said he's a jerk for doing that, but she believes it. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but then you know, she had to get her say in about yesterday's Tracy's scenes...Jane Elliot overacts. Her scenes are so forced, blah, blah, crap. TM Nikolas Cassadine. And so, that was the end of that conversation. :rolleyes:

Um, in trying to stay positive? Yay Ned!

And angel! I'm glad you posted! We've missed you around here. How's BD coming along? (says the person who hasn't updated Oh, Baby in a month)

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I think in a few weeks we'll all be back where we started. I'll be nipping olives in mah Bentley of Neutrality and ya'll will be yucking it up on the Bus. To me, it's as inevitable as anything else is on General Hospital.

Tracy will do something malevolent in her pain and be shamed, or worse banished again. It will be the same old story. Or maybe she'll dump Luke for Scotty. Ya never know what horsepoo will squelch out of Guza's ears.

Writers, pleasekeep writing for our girl. She deserves at least some creative Genius.

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Um its going okay, its not going far at the moment. But, eh.

The scenes yesterday definitely felt incomplete but I honestly don't expect more than that from Guza. I'm just happy she got scenes (wow I'm pathetic)! As for today's I'm utterly shocked, and thrilled, that Ned was there and of course for having Tracy onscreen today, limited as it was. As for the rest, blah.

Scotty huh? Hmmm.... *evil grin*

OT, If I don't get the chance to post tomorrow, just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and I hope everyone has an awesome holiday! Honestly not looking forward to tomorrow though, I have to go to my aunt's MIL's house and she's this 60 something loud-mouthed biker named Candy(sp? Candie, Candi idk) and her b!tchin at me for being a vegetarian and I'm pretty sure there will be quite a few of her other redneck biker friends and a whole lot of them drinking. Joy! [/sarcasm]

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Ok, I know everyone was pretty disappointed by yesterday's episode, but I still liked it. I was disappointed that what I expected to be there was not actually, but I think what was there was great. I don't mind that people randomly found her in the yard, if you wait there long enough, someone's bound to find you anyway. Like I said yesterday, if we hadn't heard any spoilers and, therefore, didn't know what we were missing, I would have really loved them. Maybe not the scenes as a whole, but shew as amazing. Today, on the otherhand, was just a waste of an hour. I still love her being on screen, but, I ask you, what was the point of that?!?!

As much as I will always want her to be with Luke, I kind of like that Scotty is coming back. I always thought he was funny and I like when he is working with JE, even when it isn't often.

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I AGREE ILTQ !! I have always thought that, which is why I have been having so much trouble with the L&L "I love you always" c--p. It just hasn't been ringing true to me, and I've been having a really hard time with it. I know some of you here really like Laura, and I really respect that, but I have to tell you I am SO GLAD this L&L chapter is over! So glad.

I thought Jane's "faces" today were AMAZING. She can say more with her face than any actor on that show can say with words. "Does he love me?... Do I still want him?... I am supposed to be happy now?... This doesn't feel happy... He must be in pain..He didn't lie to me... She really did fade like he said... We're still married... " She "said" it all in her look. That is one tortured woman-- eager to find her truth at the bottom of the bourbon, but she knows it's not there. AMAZING!!

Was anyone else here rooting for her to show up at the end when Luke was leaning against the wall, and just hug him and hold him? It's sick, I know, because he's treated her SOOO badly, and he doesn't deserve her comfort... but I wanted her there. I kept praying she'd come rounding the corner and he'd just collapse in her arms. He belongs there. I believe it. Now if only Guza would make it work.

I don't know about you in the Bently, but I've already got a foot on the bus. It's sick, I know.. but they're SO right for each other. I'm just looney for LuNacy!

And oh -- Angel , I LOVE your Avatar. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

OH BIG EDIT HERE!! : Everybody must go to Jane-Elliot.com and vote in my poll!!!! The Question? "How Long Until Luke and Tracy become a 'Real' Couple?" Go forth and vote, my friends. It's your right and your duty!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm on board with all of that Lainey!!! I agree with all of it and I wanted her to do the same at the end of the show today... especially since it would have actually given her something to do besides drink. I also think that if Laura comes back (God help our storyline, but she wants to) then that would give us the Luke has to deside story that we all want. Plus if he knows tht she is back for good and not just a temporary thing when he will lose his love again, he might have an easier time realizing how much he wants Tracy and not concentrate on mourning his love. He doesn't deserve her, but that's what I want. I thnk she can be b-tchy, but really, she just calls him out on all of his bull sh-t, and I think he needs that, so does the story and it makes them a lot of fun to watch. It also makes them real, unlike the fairytale happy, "skipping in the sunlit field of daisies" Laura. As much as I hate how long it might take to get there and what will happen along the way, I think that is what could happen and should happen (as long as we still get good stuff to watch)

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Let's spec on the spoilers:

What do you think the interaction with Scott and Tracy will be, if any?

She's married to Luke, there's got to be some.

spec talk over

And Debbie I concur with your analysis of why Tracy was outside so long. Great job of analyzing it BTW.

Ya'll.....I so just want Tracy to find love.

It hurts my heart. :(

And I *hope* we do get the comforting scenes, and they happen Monday, but I'm afraid they got cut. :(

They were spoiled to happen today. :(

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I was hoping she'd show up at the end of the episode as well, but I really wasn't expecting her to. Would have been a nice surprise.

TracyLuv, you crack me up with your list of possible prizes, LOL.

Edit: I got a new signature/banner. Our poor girl. :(

Edit (again): And a new avatar!!!

Edit (yet again): I take back what I said about cut scenes. There was a mention of it on SOC. I checked transcripts. In the first Quartermaine scene, Monica says something like, "As Tracy so clearly pointed out, we don't have a lot to be thankful for." Tracy NEVER said that. Tracy didn't speak at all in that scene. Must have happened in the scene before that was cut. Anyway, I remember being confused when I watched, but I didn't give it much thought 'til now. And with that, I say BOOOOOOOOO! GH stinks! [/immature]







I bet Tracy/Scotty team up to destory Luke/Laura, and I bet they fail. ;)

Or, GH goes wild and makes Scotty Dillon's father (ok, borrowed that one from SoapDish, but it was also mentioned at SoapZone).

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Whoa....Tracy and Scott? Been there, done that. I hope they don't go there again. It was entertaining a few years ago, but their reasons for being together had nothing to do with love. If they are really trying to get GF to come back again to be with Luke, I would rather see Tracy with someone who really loves her and wants to be with her. Scott's interest in someone usually has something to do with " What's in it for Scott?" Can you say Scott and Lucy??

TQ once again relagated to prop status.....

They went to all the trouble to bring back Wally Kurth and why? Don't get me wrong. I was thrilled to see Ned, but not one mention of "Gee Ned, where have you been?" or "Mom, I'm sorry about Luke ditching you for Laura" (sacrastically or genuinely. Either one would have been a great scene.)

Just me thinking...

Oh, I just noticed that it's Thursday morning. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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Finally watched the whole show late last night. I am still NOT on the "bus" and had no problem watching luke cry his eyes out - whatever....

Anyway, the whole I'll love you forever which he probably said about, I don't know, 20 times in different ways, makes me think that he may move on. I think there is a reason why they had him profess his love way sooooooo much:

1. He would go back with her IF she came back again. or

2. TIIC gave the public what they wanted so that no matter who Luke ended up with Tracy or whomever the fans will always feel that he loves Laura more than anything in the world - kind of playing it safe so to speak.

I almost feel that aaaaaall thooooossee "I'llllll loooooove yooooooou fooooooreeeeverrrrr"s (slow motion here) was because he is going to decide to let her go but always keep her in his heart, no matter what.

All the stuff he said to her is what someone would say to someone if they were dying, which in a sense I guess she is (for now anyway). It's what they say so they can make peace with letting the person go, and moving on.

Is this the case? Who knows. Just my observation anyway.

Also, I thought it was weird that Nicolas should go to the Quartermaine's to make this announcement. I know he is "seeing" Emily again, but I thought it was out of character for him to come in and say "I just wanna let you all know....." More than anything he was letting Tracy know I guess, whether he knew it or not, but I guess TIIC had to let her know some way.

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Oh.MY.GAWD! I get sick and miss one night of posting, and you guys post TWO PAGES on me! I haven't had a chance to read everything, but I'm telling you this--I'll still on the LuNacy bus. Tracy's a pragmatist. She's never had a love/marriage/affair last forever, and she's not about to start believing in forever now. Forever Love is something for fools and Hallmark cards. Tracy knows what she wants, and she's going to take it for as long as she can get it. She's seen the feast and the drought, and if there is love to be had, she's going to devour it. That's our girl. She's not a fool and she's not an idealist. Sure, you may want turkey on Thanksgiving, but a starving woman isn't going to turn her nose up at roast beef if it's there on her plate.

Which leads me to...

Oh, you are KILLING me! I've spent the last three years with Fey's family being the butt of the joke for my vegetarianism! Her grandmother worries because, like, ten THOUSAND side dishes are obviously not enough for the poor, psycho non-carnivore, and THE REDNECK and his spawn just mock me.

I laugh at them (well, not Fey's grandmothers, who are sweet) and plan for their eventual coronaries. Jack-a$$es.)

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