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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy's decision to stay outdoors did seem somewhat metaphoric to me. When she was sitting on the steps (beginning of the Dillon scene)--it just seemed so...well, we have all been there, haven't we? Depressed, angry, confused, uncertain just exactly how we arrived at this particular juncture.

I know if I had been Tracy, I wouldn't have gone back into the house, either. The cold would have been a distraction, a pain to pull away from a bigger pain. To go inside, to thaw out, to get comfortable, would have only drawn attention to the fact that there is no comfort for her in that house except physical. She has no allies there. She has no respect there.

She's alone, physically, emotionally, metaphorically. She's out in the cold, and that's where it's most honest for her to be. I can't imagine Tracy making this connection, but I can imagine her instinctively needing the cold, the discomfort, the pain. I can imagine her needing something tangible to focus on, the cold, the shivering, the discomfort, to pull her mind away from what she cannot bear to think about.

Gawd, I love that character. I want to write for her. I want to send her through the world, and give her the freedom to explore what TIIC will *never* understand.

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The spoilers were accurate; all from reliable sources. They wouldn't have been misleading if GH didn't chop up Jane's scenes. Why? Why? Why?!?

Edit: Deb, I think your letter is in SOD's mail bag. I don't have a description other than "letter about how great Jane Elliot is," but it sounds like it could fit your letter. So, who's going to buy the mag (or look over it in the check out line, heh) to let us know for sure? ;)


No, it's not about Jane Elliot leaving. ;)







Kin Shriner (Scotty) is returning.

Speculation so far: He's the real person who killed Rick Webber (Laura's "shocking secret" is that she doesn't believe she killed her stepfather). The other speculation is that with Laura returning, Tracy brings Scotty back to break up Luke and Laura.

Next Week: Tracy forces Luke to face his guilt.

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Oh, man, come on, don't villify Tracy. She's been a pretty good and accepting girl of late. This is so not fair. I mean, I know she said that she'd do anything to keep her husband, but there is a point when even I have to just leave it alone. We know, from experience, that Tracy's plans damn near always blow up in her face. Why should this attempt be any different?

Please, don't ruin her! :(

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I'll be honest, I don't know what to make of anything anymore. ;) I agree yesterdays show was a bit of a disappointment but it happened and there is nothing we can do about it. I have to keep telling myself it could have been much worse, I really thought Luke was going to rip into Tracy and he didn't. But what I did notice was him calling Laura "wife" if i'm not mistaken that was the first time he has called her that since she has been back. I am trying to think positive because just as he said it he dropped the ax and appoligized for hurting her. Thas all I can think of now!!!

Let me clarify that I am still on the Lunacy bus, I have not fallen off.

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He even spoke. He actually had lines. What do ya know? :huh:






I'm sorry but no one deserves to come second to this. I frakking surrender. And, as much as it might break Tracy's hearts, I adore her as a character too much to watch her be subjected to unfair comparison. This could never be fair. I am literally crying right now and I never cry.

ETA: Now, that I've gotten some perspective, I've regained my head. LuNacy is awesome, but their chemistry is different. It's something unexpected, unpredictable and spontaneous. I'm sort of fed up with Luke for continuing to engage Tracy when he realizes that he can't give himself to her the way he has to Laura. That isn't right and if he has any feelings for her at all, he'll really go to clear his head. Everything's actually making a great deal of sense to me, suddenly. He's going to go away to recover from this most recent blow to his worldview and figure out that Tracy's where he wants to be. He feels comforted by her presence and she's the closest thing to a stabilizing influence he has. I mean, did anyone think Tracy would be waiting outside of Laura's room to hold Luke when he came out? Was that just me?

I will always love L&L. In fact, there's no chance of that changing, but I accept the opposing dynamic of Lacy. They both exist. There's no negating one for the other or raising one at the expense of the other. I think Deb has already said it, or maybe that was in This Fragile Shell but Tracy owes Laura for the man she loves. And if she can accept that though she won't have the eternal love he holds for Laura, she will have his everlasting affection otherwise, then why should she refuse?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm on the LuNacy bus. F-ing A, Luke & Laura put me on the bus.

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I don't think Jane's scenes were cut. She just didn't have much to do, which unfortunately happens when you put all the Q's in a single room and only give them 3 scenes total.

Quick Recap:

Scene 1: Waaaaa. Jason is dead. We have nothing to be thankful for. Emily gives the turkey away to people who appreciate it.

Scene 2: Pizza's here. Some bickering. LOL @ Tracy's face. Enter Nikolas. Tracy says if he's here for turkey he's too late. Emily gave it all away. But Nik is here to announce that Laura is relapsing, and he thought all of them should know. Can't describe Tracy's expression here, but she gets one. Ring. Ring. OMG. It's a miracle. Jason is alive, and he wishes all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! Tracy doesn't get to react.

Scene 3: We Gather Together...Tracy, with drink, has this expression, "Oh. God. Are you kidding me?" Everyone except her is singing joyously (Edit: Actually, looks like Tracy starts to sing at the word "ask"), except Leslie Charleson who seems a bit nervous. And Skye appears out of nowhere with a tray (Edit: It's a pizza box, not a tray). She/Tracy sort of disappear offscreen (Edit: I think Skye offers her pizza; then Skye returns the pizza to the table) as the rest of the Q's continue to sing.

Wardrobe is recycled, but we haven't seen it in awhile.

And yes, Luke will love Laura and always will, and Tracy will probably settle for being second-best, and even though I wasn't surprised with what Luke said to Laura today, I'm not really sure how I can get back into LuNacy. Whew. Kinda long sentence.

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yeah I think some things got cut.

I think they put the montage in to fill the gaps.

Today there were Tracy things spoiled that didn't happen, that to be fair might happen Monday, but really.....after that, we might see her ONCE during December.

No skin off my nose to take a break....although, taking a break from GH is silly for me since I only watch when Jane is on and will continue to watch when she's on.

So meh.


SOD stuff:

or SOW or one of them, a JE letter was published. Think it was Debbie's? HEE. :)

Bet it was.

Also, there's that rumor that Tracy and Scott team up to gaslight Luke to drive him crazy.

Scotty IS coming back.

But I have a feeling TIIC are going to make him the real killer of Rick Webber, and probably show him in cahoots with Helena to drug Laura to keep her from remembering.

Scott Baldwin was NOT a murderer.

If they do that, I hope TRacy is the one that figures it out, and Scott kills her.

Then Jane and I can finally be FREEEEEEEEE !

Cause God knows that I don't give a rat's BUTT about anything else on this show.

BTW someone at SZ just told me they saw scenes with LUke and Tracy filmed at the HS, I guess those are the ones on Monday?

*crosses fingers*

Okay, after THAT, I'm breaking from GH.

Unless Tracy's on.

Then I won't.


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Yeah, I posted that I think it was Debbie's letter too. (Who's going to go out and see for sure now? LOL.) I also mentioned the Scotty stuff, and I'm worried. :(

Michele, what scenes do you think got cut from today?

The montage didn't strike me as a cover-up because it is a holiday.

I also don't think she'll be on Monday. Previews are all mob related, IIRC.

And because I haven't said it here already...EEEEEEEEEEEE! NED! :D

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