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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm depressed.

Even LJ, which is fairly Tracy-friendly, had it's share of "HUH, ain't it funny that Monica tripped Tracy and Alice carried her off? Hyuk-hyuk!"

I think I just want to pull away for a while, but I know I can't. Tracy's BREAKDOWN is next week, and frankly, I can't turn away.

I'm so annoyed with this show. You guys know how I get. Just remind me that this too shall pass, and we can reminesce about Jane's glory while they trash our poor Tracy into the ground.

*Hugs Tracy for all she's worth -- $15 million+*

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It's funny because I was just thinking after my big long speech that what Luke and Tracy have, TIIC are afraid to show them as being "romantic" for whatever reason.

I mean why not?

What is there to be afraid of ?

Because they're "OLD?"


Anyway, for me it's different because if TIIC aren't going to go "there", (and smirks and I both agreed Lacy are and could be HAWT), and give us more than what we're getting now? They might as well divorce and just be best friends and *maybe* that would free Tracy up for a real "romance", or as much of one as Guza will ever give her.

Am I making sense? Because Lacy could still interact and Jane would still get screentime, and if she didn't get that romance, well....*sigh*.

I don't know.

I think we're safe on her re-signing though. Someone said yesterday that unless you're the "star", they generally don't comment on comings and goings unless you're going.

Nothing on her going, so Jane must have re-signed.


eta to wave to everyone and oh yeah Ms.Q....you save those clips of the beginning of Lacy in the Q manse when Luke drugged her?

Smirks and I would love to see them again. :)

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Hola Todos!!!

I'm BACK! . Actually, that's not true. I'm not back until Sunday night, but I'm back HERE right now. I've seen most of the week, including Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (today). I gotta tell you:

a)I thought the "I love you" sucked. They didn't cut to her face (which was awesome even from the side), and it wasn't heartfelt enough on Luke's part. Tracy deserves a real "I love you." Not one said to get her to stay quiet at her husband's wedding (even if he MEANT it, the timing was just WAY too convienent).

b)The bit where Monica leaned over to Tracy and said "we're all taking bets on the day Luke flew to Dominican and divorced you behind your back" was one of the cruelest things I have ever heard on TV. Ever!!!! (Sure there is a history between Monica and Tracy-- but what has Tracy done to Monica, lately?!?! uh.. nothing.. cause monica hasn't been around! ha)

c)I hate Luke. I am no longer sure if Luke and Tracy are married. Could he have gotten a secret divorce in the Dominican, like Monica said?? Maybe, maybe. And even if he didn't, if he REALLY cared for Tracy, he could have told her what was happening with Laura from the very beginning, and said to her: "listen, I have strong feelings for you, and maybe we have a future, but I'm not going to know until I get through this thing with my ex-wife. So I want us to work on something once I take care of Laura and end it once and for all, but I have no right to ask you to wait. I hope you do." AND he should have divorced her (or at least given her the option of divorce). This whole thing is disgusting and reeks of mockery.

d)The Tracy in the closet thing.. well, it's so awful and ridiculous, that I'm just going to leave it there! ('nuff said!)

So in Summary.... I am now CERTAIN that Lunacy Love WILL happen, and you know why?!?!?!?! It's because I'm no longer certain that I WANT IT TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She deserves better. SOOO Much better. Hmmmm....

Uh... If you still WANT Luke and Tracy together, you might want to know the following things about my schedule: Out of town for 4 days at Thanksgiving (th-su). and then from Dec. 22 through the end of the year (31). I think I have a long weekend away at the end of January. The December week falls while TG is away.. but maybe he'll be sending her love notes from wherever he is hiding out in order to lead up to their New Years Eve lovefest. Maybe.. Maybe...

But as I said, I may be tumbling off the Luke Tracy Bus. He SUCKS. He needs to start "letting go" of Laura soon.. and then he needs to grovel like mad. Ugh.

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ILoveTracyQ, you're back!!! And Lainey!!! So are you!!! (kind of) :D

Here are the clips. Credit to Geena of HellaGood. The hamburger scene is missing, and so is the scene where Luke sets Tracy free. She was supposed to get them up later, but I guess she forgot.


April 27, 2005: Luke drugs Tracy

April 28, 2006: Luke holds Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star

April 29, 2006: Luke/Skye/Tracy on the Haunted Star

So, um, I guess Tracy's still in the closet, huh?







From the ABC.com spoilers: Tracy reacts when Luke totally ignores her and then breaks down in Edward's arms. I wonder if he's still lashing out at her? Ignores her first? Lashes out later? I get that he's hurting, but ugh...I HATE him sometimes. And per SOW (I think), Tracy tries to comfort Luke after Laura slips away and wants him to get his butt in gear for Lulu. But Luke leaves PC to deal with his grief.

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So, I take it Tracy's been neglected on the altar of St. Jasus. Who the hell is gonna let her out then? Ugh. :blink:

This is such hackery. I feel for Tracy, I really do. I feel for the people who watch this show. I feel for us.

Laura is gone, I can accept that. She is no longer a viable love for Luke. That's fine and dandy. They were splendor in the grass, love in the afternoon, flowers of algernon. That's over and I'm a realist.

I think the only way the LuNacy has a chance of happening is if they make it interesting. I think they need to bring on an attractive male dayplayer for Tracy and then Luke has to DECIDE that he wants her. Make it a triangle if need be. Then, she has to decide that he's worth it. She can calculate the odds of Laura's return and how that would affect them another time. She would make a choice as to whether she really wanted to get mixed up in Spencer politics again. And, if necessary, she woud defy her heart.

Otherwise, she would kiss Luke the way Whorely Sutton never could and call him her own. They're sexy and they're viable.

Eh, why not? ;)

Oh, and I went to the doctor this morning. I'm okay. I have chondritis or inflammation of the ribcage. That's what's making breathing so uncomfortable. It should clear up on its own. Woo! :)

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Breakroom? It's 8pm central.


Also, MinervaFan, I know you were looking for this. It's follow-up to the 1996 Trax Kiss. Sound quality isn't very good.


Credit AfterGlow.

Taking bets...smirks mentioned this last night, but you don't think Thanksgiving with the Q's is going to be all about Jason's "death," do you? *shrugs* Tracy better be around to provide the snark.

Any guesses on how the Q's will end up with pizza this year? Again, last night, nex hoped it wasn't something stupid like Cook is so upset about Jason that she refuses to cook. I laughed out loud, and then realized that could be the reason. *shudders* Someone give me good news. :)

Edit: Page 188!

Edit again: NEW avatar added. And Reg, I'm glad everything is ok.

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Hey guys. Just to state my piece, I think I'll be nice about the writers for once. I don't think they have avoided making Luke and Tracy's a really loving, sexy, romantic relationship b/c of their age or that they are no longer going to be seen as a supercouple, and therefore useless. I think it is for the simple fact that it would be the end of an era. Whether you are a Luke and laura fan or not, you can't deny they they were a huge part of our pop culture for a lot of people. He has had flings and romantic interest in other women since then, but there was never anything that could be serious (they were too like Laura), so they stil had a chance and were alive in everyone's hearts, regardless of the fact that she was unconscious. Tracy was bringing an end to that, I'm sure, much more quickly than they would have thought. Now that LnL will officially be over, maybe they can move past it. They are laying it to rest for everyone so there is no confusion about her coming back to him and we know he loves another woman. Hopefully this will bode well for all of us!!!

and ps. Ms. Q, as for the new icon, while nicew and uses very cute pictures, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for a bit, a very short bit, but one none the less. He's in love with another woman and his first love is back. If they had broken up it's one thing, but she was sick, he feels guilty and he is still connected to her to begin with. I am willing to let it slide b/c it may make for a good story when he's finally got to decide thay he wants Tracy and is the world's biggest screw-up, not to mention for when she takes him back... or doesn't. But I'm not going to give up just yet. Once Laura is gone or close to it, any more episodes like this and I'm trhowing in the towel... not on the show b/c I have to watch Tracy, but on the Tracy and Luke combo platter.

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After watching the episode with Luke and Laura today, *I* AM officially off the LuNacy bus and I never thought I'd ever say it.

Tracy is going to breakdown

Luke is going to hit the road

hopefully Tracy will gain a new perpective

and fly to DR and divorce his sorry @$$!!

She will get to keep the $15 million because even though Luke an Laura probably didn't get a marriage license and therefore it is not legal, Tracy's not-so-darling son Dillon does have a video of the wedding! There's her proof!

If the writers don't want Luke and Tracy together romantically, Luke will not come back grovelling. They've had all the time in the world to bring them together and they haven't. LuNacy has been at a standstill for quite some time now. Something had to give - and I think it just did.

Ms. Q, Love the new avatar!! ROFLMAO!!!

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sorry I've been away for a while. Just very busy with no online time. I'm "promised" four hours online time tomorrow. We'll see.

Anyway, I have not seen Thursday's or Friday's episodes yet, so I will reserve my judgement on them until I've seen them for myself. I am concerned that our two biggest LuNacy fans have walked away from the ship--that seems unfathomable to me.

I don't know, ya'll. I just don't know. I don't want Tracy to go back to the "my man dumped me so now I'll devote all my energy and creativity to destroy him" mode. It's been done to death. I'd like to see something challenging and creative for Jane to play (which means, I'd like to see her on something besides a soap opera, I guess).

Maybe I should write a play? I would write a play specifically for Jane Elliot and Dana Ivey. Of course, living in the armpit of hell, writing a play would do me (or them) absolutely no good at all.

I guess I'll just...breathe...and let my depression take a break until I've seen the carnage for myself.

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When he said ILY, twice practically, I knew it was too good to be true. I mean we were all very surprised. Not that he would love her, but that Tracy should be happy for once. Why should things change? The development of of the character of Tracy has always been such that she's always a loser in love. Why would they change the character format now?

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Dear Tracy fans,

i am SO SORRY that your favorite was relegated to being the 'villainess/comic relief/literally bound and gagged' type at Luke & Laura's wedding... i consider that material to be totally insulting to Jane Elliot, who has always strived to make Tracy so very human. The contrived outlandish goings on to prop up other characters sickens me. Consider the feelings of Skye fans too, our favorite wasnt even given LINES at the wedding of her lover of 3 years - not even one look to acknowledge their history. This show stinks, its completely plot driven. Jane & Robin are worth so much more.

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It might just be temporary. I want to see how next week plays out, but for the time being, I think I'm just frustrated. It's like when I was rooting for JE to leave last month ("Run Jane Run" avatar). I didn't really want her to go. Just making a statement, I guess. I don't even know if that makes sense, but I'll probably be pro-LuNacy again soon.







Cable Guide Spoilers

Tuesday: Luke apologizes after lashing out at Tracy.

Wednesday: The Quartermaines wallow in their misery.

From Wizard: Q's get pizza because Emily donates the turkey. GH couldn't have come up with something actually entertaining, now could they? *shrugs* PLEASE let Tracy provide the snark. PLEASE!!! It's bad enough they're going to mourning Jason's "death," but add in this Emily garbage? UGH.

From About.com: Surprisingly, Tracy is there to help Luke get through of all his pain.

Edit: Not a TQ spoiler, but Dillon shares his feelings about Georgie with Carly. Meanwhile, Georgie shares her feelings about Dillon with Jax. All right, someone explain to me how this makes any sense. Not that Dillon would want to confide in his mother, but CARLY?!? How does this even happen? And doesn't she have 4 other story lines going on? *shrugs*

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