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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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And I may be crazy, but I love the "wedding" dress. Classy--not a perfect fit, but still classy. And the hat is a hoot--very 30s, very Tracy. Just what I'd expect in the way of a protest--didn't she wear funeral garb to Alan's wedding to Lucy Coe as well?

Gotta love TQ.

ETA: LMFAO!!! I just noticed the flask.

Gawd, I love Tracy Quartermaine.

Mid-Morning ETA: Gawd, I need Prozac. I just posted a very negative, horrible, evil, terrible, GET-ME-BACK-ON-MY-MEDS spoiler speculation over at www.jane-elliot.com/forum/. I'm serious, it's too gruesome to believe. Do not read if you're trying to stay positive. But if you're brave enough to read my worst-case scenario, please go there and talk some sense into me. I would post it here, but there's no way to hide it from people who don't want to read it.

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About the article, MinervaFan, I keep wondering if all this stuff about an illegal wedding is true. We have article upon article telling us that Luke is still married to Tracy, but what if Luke wasn't lying to Edward yesterday? What if GH tossed it in in the last minute after the magazines, etc, were published? There has to be a reason the "Tracy agrees to keep her marriage a secret" spoiler was cut, right?

Anyway...More pictures!!!

Clearer version of the Edward/Tracy photo

Could she be any more villainess-like?

Quartermaines (sans Ned) in their seats; Tracy is pushing Dillon's camera away.

Here comes the bride...The wife refuses to stand up.

It's LuNacy after (before?) the wedding. Luke looks upset. Tracy looks supportive. And JE looks fabulous!

MinervaFan, I went to the JE Forums. You are evil even though I was warned. ;) I spent some time on SoapDish, who believe that the Q's are mourning for Jason. (He's presumed dead after he is shot.) It didn't mesh with me at first, because it sounded like the Q's were mourning about something, and then he appears *cue angels* and cheers them up. However, I guess it's still possible that he reaches out to them on the same day they find out he's alive, right? *sigh* It is much better than your speculation. ;)

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I'm sorry, MsQ. I was totally freaked by the concept, but you're right. Why give JE a ***** scene when they could fake Jason's death? I mean, why bother with all that emotion and passion and pathos when you could shoot a mobster?

Oh, and Trace looks frabbin' GORGEOUS in that last picture. They're like Bonnie and Clyde!

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Can you do me a huge favor and miss the show more often?! I'm sure that's asking a lot, but I'm sure someone here could provide clips for ya and it may work out for you anyway, there'd be more clips to put up if your bad luck with missing the show brings us more episodes!!

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It's 5:30 central. I got about an hour or so if anyone wants to join me in the breakroom. :)

Edit: From Soap Opera Digest Online...

Edit (again): Apparently, there's a clip of the wedding out there somewhere. Tracy doesn't collapse as TG said. She gets up to object, Monica trips her, and Alice hauls her out. Monica follows. Oy.

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Folks, what's going on here?!?! People seem to be freaking out about Tracy's future. What's wrong?? Too much good news get you nervous?!?!?! We get a little high-level exposure and teases about "I Love Yous" and we can't handle it?!?!?! Relax!!! There will be bumps and lumps along the way (this is a soap, and Tony has to take his mega stupid vacations), but Jane is STAYING , and there WILL BE LUNACY LOVE!!! I have NO DOUBTS!! IF you have doubts, go to Jane-Elliot.com and check out the spoiler section. I laid out my "proof" that I am right point by point!! Trust me folks, I AM RIGHT! :lol::lol:


P.S. - I'm off on a combo play/work extravaganza.. won't be back until the 19th.. and internet access will be limited. So I won't be here much (if at all). And if (er.. excuse me- WHEN) there is LuNacy "Love Yous" (sex?!?), I won't be around to squeal about it in the breakroom afterwards. But don't worry.... I

will be back!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!

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Aww MinervaFan the fic was awesome! The ending was cute, it is going to be a long day for Tracy.

Okay, I maybe going completely crazy. You know how soapnet has those commercial/promo things for the 25th anniversary of L/L well yesterday they had this one that said, "The bride wore white, the groom had an afro, and a movie star cursed their vows." or something like that and they showed this pic of Helena (then played by Elizabeth Taylor) at the '81 wedding. I swear the dress and hat she was wearing is somewhat scarily similar to that of Tracy's outfit for this wedding. Then again I could just be crazy and seeing things.

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Thanks! I was bored. The banner is of The OC's Julie (Melinda Clarke).

BTW, forgot to tell you that graphic is beautiful!! Modern-day Bonnie and Clyde is *so* them!

ETA I'msitting here watching/listening to the tv and Soapography of Kassie DePaiva (sp?) is on. It just said that when she found out that her son was deaf JE reached out to her and told her that Kassie was chosen to be the little boy's mother because she could handle it and that she'd be the best mother to him. I didn't know that, I thought that was sweet. Jane Rocks!

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Guess what? From 11:20am central to 4:10pm, I didn't go to a single GH site!!! I used my email once, but no GH sites for me. Nearly 5 hours is a good enough break for me though, since internet access is (knock on wood) only a click away. Anyway, I decided I needed to limit myself a bit, and I actually got RL stuff done!!! Anyway...;)

MinervaFan, you already know this, but I love the banner, and I wish *so* much that you wrote for GH. That Luke/Tracy scene you wrote is just wonderful. LeSigh.

angel, that's so sweet of Jane Elliot. I totally didn't know that. Thanks for sharing!







From the ABC.com board (the paragraph spoilers): Upset Tracy knows Luke brought Laura back because he's still in love with her. SoapDish is wondering if these are the typical spoilers from the ABC.com board, because they are noticing some things are off. So, grain of salt and all that.

Cable Guide Spoilers: On Tuesday, Tracy urges Luke to tell Laura's kids the truth about her condition. Luke is on M, T, R, F. Laura is on M, W, R, and F. Even though there aren't any spoilers for it, I'm thinking Luke is also on W (when Laura is), and Laura is also on T (when Luke is). Am I making sense? Basically, I think LnL will be on 5 days next week. Looks like Tracy has 2. Let's hope they're good. :D

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