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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks Regency.

Was Tracy on today? ....I guess not. *sighs* My day has been complete hell! First I miss the bus to school, then during 3rd period (around noon) I get a sharp pain in my chest and in my back and have severe trouble breathing,mymom takes like half an hour to come and pick me up, now I'm having trouble breathing again and my dad is no where to be found *and* the only other person here is my little brother!

Life sucks. Sorry, I'm just having a *really* bad day.

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Strange, because I took those lines to mean....

L: I had no idea you were paying attention

I took all of this as a reference to the present meaning while Tracy and Luke were married. She could certainly see who he is NOW since he's not much different from who he was in the past in terms of committment.

T: You have no idea how much attention I paid

I took this to mean, while they were married (Tracy & Luke)

L: God, I wish i'd known that.

I took this to mean that he wish he'd known before working on bringing Laura back (and maybe he'd wished he'd known before he got involved with skye - who knows)

But that's what I got out of it.

weird huh?

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Oh, and <<to icon<< that's Nora Harper from European Express. See the resemblance? ;)

So, I dug up this old piece of fic. It was going to be "A Wicked Wind..." but, well, it isn't. It's "What Am I?" and it's a permanent WIP. I was in the break room and I was convinced to bring it out of the closet. *titter* Hopefully, it'll energize ya'll in the fic arena.

What Am I?

I may gather some courage and post some other stuff I'm hiding after, hopefully, Deb takes a look. That above-linked is unbeta'd. :o I know, scandalous.

ETA: SON is so Tracy. She thinks I'm an olive in her martini. * :rolleyes: At least she ate me. :o Ehm, my post, temporarily.

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Funny... when the writers were "messing" with the L&L reunion, I was like 'Oh well. I don't care. I'm not one of them. I don't like the story anyway. I don't think it's genuine. Via la Lunacy.' (Actually that's pretty much exactly what I thought... er.. think).

But... NOW... we've got THIS Luke MIA B.S. again... and I CARE!!! Now that "MY" storyline is directly affected, quite honestly, I AM PISSED!

Okay.. it's hypocritical of me, but I don't care!!! All signs pointed to Lunacy Love post-Laura... and now, it seems, that may have to wait until FEBRUARY?!?! . Sorry folks, but that is insane! They're going to celebrate their second anniversary madly in love but never having slept together. So freaking stupid I can't even begin to articulate how stupid that is! Ugh.

I'm not asking for much..not much at all. I just want SOMETHING... ANYTHING ... prior to his departure that gives me REAL hope that LUNACY LOVE LIVES. Without it.. well..friends.. I might finally have had enough. I mean I'm a LUNACY nut, but I'm not certifiable (yet!).

End Rant (for now)

So... Regency I read your WIP. You are a beautiful, complex writer. Please never stop writing, and please promise me you'll try to publish someday. I want more.. more.. more of your stuff. You stun me.

Minerva , I had crazy crazy long day but me and Ben and Jerry are cracking open your "gift" now.. and beginning to go through it. I am sure I will love it. You, too, move me (This group is amazing actually!)

Peace, Love and Lunacy!


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Aw, shucks! Thanks. Really great comliments such as that really inspire me! I just read it again and I was stunned at how disjointed it was. Ah, well. The stuff I've finished is better, I promise!

Now, I need to finish my Trax fic. I love it. And Helena/Tracy. And there be LuNacy in the works, from me no less. And Nora/Tracy. Robert/Tracy. Tracy/some random hot person. It all makes me incredibly happy.

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Well my friends it looks like most of you were right: :angry:

Spoiler below from SOW:










"Emphasis on romance and nostalgia," adds Anthony Geary (Luke). The ceremony proceeds, despite a few, er, hitches: a drunken outburst by Tracy and a visit from their least favorite Cassadine. "Helena is lurking," says TG, adding that the Cassadine queen "makes herself known to Laura and drops the first hint that Laura's happiness is a temporary situation."

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Bad News First:





Tracy's getting locked in a closet again, but this time it's not by Jax. Tracy is about to object during the Luke/Laura Wedding but then passes out from being over-intoxicated. As a result, Monica and Alan lock her in a closet for the duration of the ceremony. But Tony Geary states, "...We get some nice comedy there, but it's coming from a great deal of pain. That's the best kind. The best kind of comedy is tragic." Any thoughts?



Attention LuNacy Fans: You are going to uber-love Tony Geary more than ever after reading the following. It's going to be fun in the breakroom tonight. Lainey, you are not going to be able to control yourself. No, it's not LuNacy sex, but still. ;) Without further adieu...






LUKE TELLS TRACY HE LOVES HER. It's in one of the mags that CarolineSpencer summarized at SoapZone. It wasn't part of the script. Tony Geary added it in; the writers let him. Here's what was posted:

I left out the oohing/aahing over Laura parts. Tony explains that Luke loves both women, etc, but I'm just including what's relevant to us. :)

All right. Let the squee'ing begin. Of course, if this does air on Luke/Laura's WEDDING DAY? Oh man, LuNacy fans, arm yourselves, LOL.

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