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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Reading the chat transcript from late last night.

Regency, you're writing fics about sexy!Tracy and not cutting me in on the beta-deal? You are so in the puppy-house, girl.

MsQ, I checked J-E.com this morning. It looks like Tracey went with something totally different for the header banner, because it includes a tiny version of the Earth Goddess photo. :( about your header banners, but she did say she was using your banners on the individual pages.

I'm totally psyched today--J-E.com is live and mostly fully functional, we KNOW TQ is on today, and it's election day. (You have a voice. Use it. VOTE.)

I'm going to work now, but I will come back and talk to you guys later.

ETA: Did I mention the AU story is at 51 pages (22K words)? And she's not even a Quartermaine...yet...

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Gosh I guess I'll have to tape the last five minutes off SoapNet and watch JE.....I was home sick and watched about the first ten minutes and Luke and Laura were blah blah blah.....

So I turned the channel, figuring I would hear about it if there were a good Tracy scene.

Guess I'll have to tape.

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ILoveTracyQ, welcome back! I hope you're feeling better today. :) And yes, you must tape for JE's 2 second scene. I'm usually "eh" on such short scenes, but she was just WOW. In fact, I have to quote Hatpin from TWoP: ...JE is playing it so beautifully, with so much subtext, it hurts to look at her. That second part is so true. Yesterday was the best acting I've seen from JE in the Laura Return SL (so far).

Lainey, I had suggested that Tracey use it for the main image on the JE site, but the final choice was her decision, and as MinervaFan posted, she went with something completely different. She will be adding my banners to the individual pages though. :)

Once again, I want to stress how much fun I had last night. Thanks guys! Although, after I signed off, I was so psyched up after talking about all things Tracy for nearly 4 hours that I couldn't sleep! : / LOL. That's all right though.

Edit: Testing: LinkBack2.jpg

Yay it worked! Deb, I hope it's okay, but I love your idea and am going to use it if you don't mind.







Edward suffers a heart attack. Tracy press charges. Luke is arrested for bigamy. Luke leaves town (week of November 27th). I believe they all came from different "scoopsters," but the 2nd and 3rd one seem to match. Heh.

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OMG!!!! I want to watch the rest live, but I can't!!! I have to leave in 10 minutes! :( :( :(

You guys, I don't want to give anything away, but so far, so good! OMG!!!! *twirls around* JE is sooooooo rocking this; I wish I didn't have closed captioning on, 'cause I read the dialogue before I heard it. *twirls some more* Why, why, why do I have to leave? Can't the interview I have to go to wait another day? Don't they know that TRACY QUARTERMAINE is on GH, and she is being awesome?!!

Just a heads up, some people are calling their latest scene wishy-washy, but I don't care. I'm loving it!!!! I hope I'm not the only one. TG and JE...OMG, we have tears, TQ friends!!! Tears, tears in the eyes (as opposed to streaming down the face), but we have tears!!! And Tracy's voice is cracking, and it's just WOW.


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It sounds good.

But I feel for the LnL fans. UGH. Seriously. I think all this is out of left field but....I don't know.

And I can't help but think Luke is scamming her.....we'll see.

He better not be.

Or I'll resurrect Marco Dane to go break his kneecaps.

And don't think I can't do it, either. :)

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ILTQ I just read all your posts and everybody elses at SoapZone and I can't wait to get home to watch!! It sounds pretty amazing and I do feel for the Luke and Laura fans it seems like they are all seeing red.








Apparently Luke pitys Laura and that is why he is remarring her but he wants to stay married to Tracy. :huh:

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As much as I usually hate the writers for screwing Jane out of some great story potential, I think they got it right on the money today. She finally told him (pretty much) that she's been in love with him for a long time, but it was fantastic!!!!! I was so afraid that they would make her twist all around and come out saying "I love you, Luke. Forget lLaura, you should be with me". Instead she said she doesn't get "Luke and Laura", never did and gave himn reasons why. It was very logical and thought out, and she didn't say anything else to him until he commented on her observations. He caught on, smart fella, and he feels the same way (or at least that's the way I'm watching it... look at his face when she told him!) I told you my karma was good and things work out in my favor. now if we can all just keep believing hard enough, maybe she'll get the guy and the contract renewal in the end!!

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Yeah, let me go "on record" saying if Luke is NOT playing Tracy, this is horrible for Luke/Laura fans. Guza's has a hell of a way of honoring a couple's 25th wedding anniversary. If Luke was speaking the truth, just wow...I'm not a Luke/Laura fan, but Guza totally spit on them and their history.

That aside, Jane Elliot, if you're reading, and if you're allowed to submit something for an Emmy, submit THIS. Not the chapel scenes, not the Dillon/bedside scenes, submit TODAY. (Eh, she needs to turn in more than one episode anyway, but today's would be my first choice.)


Were we supposed to get the impression that Tracy's always LOVED Luke? She had that line about always paying attention to him, and I think Luke said he wishes he would have known. I might have to watch that again though.

Some other wishy-washy lines that I loved: Tracy was going on how Luke loves being married to her because she lets him go around the world and rescue damsels in distress, she's giving Lulu a college education, and by living in the house he gets to come home to around the clock maid service with the best booze in the state. And then Luke was like, "No, I get to come home to you."

And then we got the whole spiel about tough she is, how she keeps him interested (there was a bunch more), and Luke said he'd stay married to her even if she didn't have a dime. Something like that. And then she's like, "I would have believed that if you just didn't announce you were marrying Laura."

Oh, what else? Luke got up her face about how telling Laura the truth would send her back to Lala land, and he was practically screaming, I think, saying, "Do you want me to do that to her? Do you?!? I have an idea! How about you tell her!" I think he lowered his voice here, "Would you able to tell her?" And then Tracy, all teary-eyed, voice cracking, "If it meant I got to keep my husband, I would."

Another thing, Tracy never agreed to keep the marriage a secret, so I wonder why it got cut??? Edit: I want to add that one of the segments today only had one scene (ABC here was being wonky), and I wonder if the Luke/Tracy scene was supposed to be in that segment. Because apparently, according to SZ, Luke called Tracy "Angel," and I would have caught that, right?!? Oh, and Luke called Tracy "WIFE" today!

Now, that we're all excited, I must depress you with this tid-bit from an ABC Press Release...






Hold me. I'm afraid.
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I'm pretty sure they're allowed to submit more than one, so I think it will work out. That said... I am very sorry for the L+L fans and the reunion, but I will selfishly still be very overjoyed at the T+L stuff!!! I don't know that they were getting back together as much as the characters would just be together again in scenes and everything to have flashbacks and mark the anniversary b/c we all know she's leaving in a month, so how much can the really do. I thini she is supposed to come back, fix her screwed up kids, remember she killed her stepfather and go back from whence she came.

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I will have to watch to really weigh in, but first off I'm not sure Luke's not somewhat playing Tracy.

About the spoiler ? I'm sure Guza will do something to knock Lacy five steps back, since they took a step forward today (unless Luke was playing her).

Sounds like JE had a rockin' day, though....Lacy or no.

Now THAT'S what I like to hear.

And Reg if I can get in, I'll be there in a sec...my mom's BDay though so just for a few minutes.

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Breakroom Link.

*joins Regency*

I'm not sure if Luke is playing Tracy either. TG played it "true" if that makes sense. I mean, there was a TON of emotion from both actors today. Goodness, they *so* brought it. However, I'm getting afraid. Reg just pointed out in the breakroom, Tracy is Public Enemy #1 now, after all the anti-LnL talk. *bites nails*

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Guess who's dad stole the keyboard back from mommie dearest!?!?!?!?

Today's show was so sweet! ::avoids any pessimistic thoughts:: I'm going to enjoy it while I can seeing as they never got scenes like that til Laur the bore showed up. But I am rather peeved that they cut off (kinda) the really ::searches for right word::.... emotional stuff by going from where Tracy said that she would tell Laura if it meant her keeping her husband (give or take) then skipped to them at the bar. ::sighs:: Whatever.

On the BD front- I have written a lot lately. I've had an upper respitory(sp?) thing since October 29th, trouble breathing, coughing, all that good crap. I missed like a week of school (my heart breaks :rolleyes: ) I'll try to write some a lot soon!

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