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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ooh, angel has posted! What happened to your keyboard? And any chance we'll get fic from you soon? I'm slacking myself. *hangs head in shame* But...I might post some of the Day In Life story tonight. Still doesn't have a title, still isn't finished, but I guess there's no reason I can't post a tiny bit, right?

Oh, I went to ABC.com and took the quiz. If I told you who I got, ILoveTracyQ would run out of this thread and never talk to me again, LOL. J/K. I got Robin, by the way.

Lainey, you crack me up! I'm going to try believe too. And I hope your vacation was a good one!

Got an email from LoveThatTracy. She and her friend both can't validate their accounts. mercedes couldn't either. She's sent another email, this one to a moderator, instead of an administrator, and hopes to post soon. Tonight, she's supposed to send me something, so I can post it here.

Breakroom, anyone?

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Lainey, I got the video. Thanks so much! And I mentioned this in the PM, but MinervaFan posted both mine and nex's version of "Accidentally," so don't worry about uploading that one. :)

angel, hope the midterms went well!

Fanfiction Update: Yeah, so, I did more research for Day In Life Fic, and some of the medical stuff is inaccurate. The trauma room dialogue is fine (heh, I used an ER transcript as a guide), but I messed up the time frame and didn't include stuff about intubations.

LoveThatTracy has sent me a post to share:

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You crack me the heck up! Guys, go read this story. It's pure Regency, pure Tracy, pure wonderfulness. I had chills when I finished reading it the first time...and the second time.

Oh, and Staci, Keith, Regency, and Laineybev, thank you SO much for the frolick in the Break Room last night. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard.... After the week I've had, and the drama and BS I've had to put up with, I can't thank you enough for the reprieve that laughter gave me.

Oh, and since this just came up, in case anybody's interested, the challenges for the Ficathon are always open to retroactive entries. Deadlines don't mean squat, because Tracy Goodness is Tracy Goodness. Send in the lurve, boys and girls.

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Oooh, I LOVE the new avatars!

Quick note: I'm not sure if people skipped over the large quote in my last post, but that's a message from LoveThatTracy.

LoveThatTracy, welcome to the fun! And if I welcomed you already, LOL, oops. Welcome again! :D As for predictions...Mine is kind of sad, but if JE is leaving this November, I bet Tracy lets Luke go once Laura wakes up. We might get a tearful good-bye scene, and then Tracy will forever disappear to Europe. :(

Regency, adored the fanfic. I'd love to see something like that happen on GH. Or at least, have someone bring it up. I don't want Tracy to go completely sober because then we wouldn't get those rare Drunk!Tracy scenes, but I think you get what I mean...

Lainey, I received the video. Thanks!

Chapter 1 of Waiting Room has been posted. I have much more done, but I will hold off posting until I get closer to the ending. You all know how much I love feedback.

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Oh Ms. Q , I LOVE this!!! LOVE this!!!! Were you talking about this in the breakroom while I was away? I had no idea this was coming. It's extremely creative. And I'm dying to know who that other student was... who was the other student? (Georgie? Maxie? Couldn't be Lulu... Luke would be reacting differently. Hmmmmm. Hmmmm)

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Lainey, I got the Almost video. You are so awesome! And yeah, "Waiting Room" has been mentioned in the breakroom. I'm glad at least someone was surpised though. Oh, and I don't want to disappoint, but "another student" is just a random plot point. He doesn't even have a name. In fact, he might be a she, LOL. Hmm...I might have to change that. Guess I should include something about that in the next chapter or so...

Good news: LoveThatTracy will be able to post soon. She had to register under a different name, for a second time. When LoveThatTracy never went through, she tried TracyLove. No success with that, but she did have luck with TracyLuv. She knows it's close to our very own tracyluver, but she wanted Tracy/some version of "love" in her name. Anyway, not sure why I'm posting all the details when she could do so herself, LOL. Guess I like to be thorough.

Breakroom, anyone?

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Hi all!! Finally able to post after trying to get on here for over a week. Thanks for the welcomes and the waves!

Possible spoiler below: ............

I just read on SC a spoiler that said Luke and Tracy will be getting divorced in light of Laura's return. What the heck! I just started watching the show again! I will be very upset if this happens. Laura's return is short term, couldn't they like work it out after she left. Or at least try. I know that Tracy is in love with Luke. Poor Tracy! And if they get divorced and Jane leaves the show, I will cry for days!! Well not really, but darn! Please let this spoiler not be true. wahhh!

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TracyLuv (not to be confused with tracyluvr)! You made it! Welcome to the board!

Don't worry about a LuNacy divorce. LaineyBev and I have been holding seances to the ghost of Gloria Monty for weeks now, and she promises she won't let such an abomination occur on her show!

We believe!!

ETA: Just reading the transcript from last night's megachat, and I just have this to say to a certain group of young ladies who thought it would be amusing to conduct a significant portion of the chat en espanol...Haha. Very funny. :( Next time, we do it in High Klingonese! LOL. Actually, I'm surprised at how much I understand, considering I have never taken any Spanish at all. (One year of high school and two semesters of college French don't really help much...)

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HAHAHA! I love this post. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nobody needs to worry!

The ghost of the late, great Ms. Monty visited me last night in my sleep. She promises NO Divorce, and lots of hot monkey sex! Promise. It all happens during the first part of the week of the 23!! THE 23, 24, 25TH WILL BE HOT MONKEY SEX DAYS (Cause Laura is back the 26TH). So..... mark it on your calanders, and set your tivos, vcrs, etc... YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!

I'm not *young* :(

And it wasn't *significant* because mi espanol es muy muy mal! ;)

Ta Ta From Lainey's La La Land,

Lainey :D

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