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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hmm...Previews give us Alan on the phone with Skye. Good news is that he's a Casa Quartermaine, so his sister can sister (Psst...Tracy, that's YOU.) can pop in at any time. Lorenzo and Robert are also in the previews, and from spoilers, we know that Luke is on too. PLEASE SOAP GODS!!! PUT TRACY ON OUR SCREENS!!!

Edit: Received an email from LoveThatTracy. She thanks everyone for the waves and wants me to tell you that she's dying to post. She re-sent the validation letter for the 3rd time and is waiting on replies from an administrator. Hopefully, she'll be able to join in on the fun soon. :)

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This is me waving right back!!!

I sincerely hope she's on tomorrow... and every day after that until the day that I either A) join her on the show (cuz then who cares if she's on at all, I'd get to see her all the time), B) refuse to watch all together, or C) become close friends with her and never have to watchthe show to get my fix.

I may be crazy but I'm not a crazy fan, I'm really not!!!

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I want her back on my SCREEN now. PUHLEASE.

If they bring Luke, Robert, Skye, and Lorenzo AND Alan on tomorrow, with no Tracy...

I'll hold my breath until I turn blue.

Don't think I will?

Uh...yeah. I will.

So there. :) (Fey just said she needs to pull out the blue paint. She's reading over my shoulders. Ya'll wave, now!)

Up to page 7 on the AU story--finally got past the writers' block. TTYL, boys and gulls.

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Keith, surprisingly, I haven't been checking the thread every 10 minutes like I usually do, LOL, so I didn't notice that the Love/Hate thread disappeared.

This might be a long shot, but does anyone have becangle's (bec's) video "Seasons of Love?" It's on You Tube, but I'd like a downloadable version if possible. :) There's not a lot of TQ, but it's a good ensemble video to a good song, and well, I liked it, LOL. *kicks self again for not backing up mvids*

Newer Version of the Lulu/Tracy Abortion Video. I have a bad habit of going back to vids after I post them. Heh. Not much is changed. I fixed the editing, the volume in the beginning, and I added some effects. If you want to check it out, feel free.

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*waves to Fey and everyone else.

Debbie you have Marco in your new story. Awwww...

And did anyone else check out the list I posted yesterday that CesarFaison did on SZ?

Pretty neat little list but it kind of made me sad when I realized the majority of that list had taken place years ago...in fact the only new pairing was TG's Luke.

Everyone else has come and gone except Wally Scott Stuart and John who aren't really "pairings."

I also did a "rate the actor" post yesterday...last time I did it I got more replies though and TQ/Jane came out as the #1 female and TG was the #1 male.

We'll see if she does as well this time...........

Here's to TQ on today and in the mag spoilers...........

Have a blessed day ya'll !

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I now know more about benzodiazepene derivatives (bennies) and their long-term effects than any non-medical professional (or non-drug addict) should ever know. AND I've got the theme from "Valley of the Dolls" stuck in my head. Oh, fanfic, you are a harsh mistress, and my pursuit of your perfection has led me down many a dark and weird winding road.

Yeah, ILTQ, Marco Dane is in the story. In fact, I'm 12 pages in and he's in it much more than Tracy. He is by far the most fun I've had writing a character in a long time--heads and tails even over writing Luke, whom I channel with eery abandon. I'm still not sure how I'm going to end this, but I'm having a great time with this fic. Expect length, boys and girls, perhaps even of the Mother Freedom variety.

Does anybody know for sure whether Tracy is going to be on today? I mean, Luke's home. Everybody knows Tracy can only exist when Luke is in Port Charles, but he's home. And that means Tracy, right? RIGHT? :mellow::huh: Come on...*listens to crickets.* She's gonna be on, right? :unsure:

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I miss Marco. *sniff*

I'm hoping Tracy will be on too.....the cable co can't come until Saturday but I can hook my TV and box up in my bedroom (I have never tried that cable extension so I'm assuming it'd work properly) until the living room connection can be restored.

I have had blessed silence for two weeks because of the living room connection being out (not caring enough about anything else on TV to bother with trying the bedroom connection) and it's actually been pretty peaceful. I didn't even bother the cable co to tell them about the living room connection until today.

It wasn't until last night that I really began to miss not just flipping the TV on, but I had plenty to do cleaning and laundry wise to keep me busy. LOL

Sorry for rambling...and *here's* to TQ being on today !


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