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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yes I do believe in the power of prayer. I just don't care enough about GH to bother. LOL

I mean I love my Tracy....and I'd love to get to see ONE even quasi-FTB Lacy love scene before JE and/or TG leave....but I don't care enough to pray over it.

Sorry Lainey. :( I may throw up a prayer for YOU, but I don't care enough about it. Mainly because I'm scared GaP will mess it up? Also because I hate that Laura MIGHT walk in and then Tracy would be ALPO on the boards...even if all she'd be doing is making love with her husband.

SZ elaborated and said that the supposed love scene was filmed on a closed set( which makes me think it WILL be some unusual couple. Otherwise why the closed set? IF the rumor is even true...it's supposed to be a rarely used set and we're supposed to see the set pop up this week. So pay attention all ye who are watching. List off the sets used that don't seem familiar. Cause off the top of my head I can't think of one.

I hope Spencer is Jax's kid. Jax has been waiting a lot longer than Nik to be a dad.

About Alexis not being Sam's mother....I could really care less. But yeah they'll make her Laura's kid before they will make her Tracy's or Monica's or anyone else's. Although there was the spoiler/rumor that Sam and Jason would be moving into the Q mansion........


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Have I mentioned I love this woman?


(Ignore the jerk on the right...)


(And yes, JE does still have a figure--it's there, under all that fabric! Love the red, though.)


(Gawd, I love her face!)



(And those eyes--man, who gets more gorgeous at 60 than they were at 30? Not fair!)




(This is the "shooting daggers at Daddy" look I mentioned in the Break Room a while back, if anybody was interested.)

All pics from GHHToo (9/26/06).

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OT-I HATE people. Not all people, of course. ;) Yesterday, I deliberately asked the computer tech. people, "So I can pick up my lap top tomorrow?" "Yes." And it WILL BE BACK TO NORMAL?" "Yes." And what happens when I go in this morning to get it? "We're sorry. We couldn't fix the problem. You should call Dell Support." Need I remind them they once told me Dell wouldn't be able to help this sort of thing? *raises fists*

Ooh, pretty, screencaps, MinervaFan. Le sigh. But Sam as Tracy's daughter would make Sam and Jason cousins. Eh, well, this is Guza, but still, LOL.

Anyone got scoops?

Please let Tracy be on today.

*twirls out*

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Where on SZ were they talking about a closed set? I was just there and didn't see anything.






Kinda spoilerish:

SZ has posted the new Media Net pictures and all the Q's are together when Skye comes home with baby. All except Ned :( But Jane is there next to Tony :) Thats all!

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*waves to nex!!*

Hey ya'll! I thought all love scenes were filmed on a closed set? i was watching SOPAOGRAHY ro SOAOPTALK one of the two and Renee Goldsberry was saying soething about all love scenes being on a closed set, with only the neccessary people there, which made her more comfortable than she thought she would be with the whole idea. I dunno. i hope it's Lacy but i sincerely hope the scenario is not as trite and sopish as Laura wlaking in on them. I mean come on! I know its a soap but still...

Fics are still awesome, GH still sucks, and you guys still rock my sox WAAAYYY off!!! LOL TA! for now my sweets...

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*waves* to everyone*

And tracyluver you are just a ray of sunshine. :)

here's the SZ post about the SD stuff LOL:

A very sexy love scene was filmed on a closed set yesterday. The whole cast and crew were buzzing about it.

It takes place on a rarely used set, but you will see this particular set this week, so pay attention

spumor talk over

PS ETA tracyluver you may be right...love scenes may ALL be on a closed set. *shrug*

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I hope this works, but here is the link to the Media Net pics:


If you can see notice that Jane cut her hair a bit and it looks a bit lighter in the front. And if i'm not mistaken it looks to me like she is wearing a orange/red leather jacket or maybe its satin......I don't know but she looks good! :)

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Have I mentioned I love Jane/Tracy? She really does look good in that picture. Bothers me that there aren't more of her, but well--we can't have her taking away from Jason and Sam, can we? No, of course we can't. I haven't been to the SZ live post yet. Not hopeful about TQ on today, but hey--I could be wrong.

Did I mention I adore Tracy? And I'm on my...um...well, let's say I'm hyperemotional (hormonally speaking) at the moment, so my love for Tracy is somewhat bittersweet and tinged with OUTRAGE that she's not being utilized more...and flavored by my need for chocolate and possible Aleve....and that I threw a fit with a flyswatter at work this morning because a certain BEYOTCH diverted all my product for her hospital AGAIN and....

Wow. My emotions are all over the map, aren't they? Please let Tracy be on today--for the safety of my coworkers and family.....

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*pouts* Had a post all typed out, and then the computer went all blue screen on me. I thought Dell had fixed the problem, but I guess not. It's gonna need to be brought in. I'm in Safe Mode right now, and most things have been backed up, so that's good. I'm just tired of dealing with this, and I'm sure you're tired of listening. Heh.

Anyway...Good to see TQ in those ABC Media Net pics. Not sure if she'll get more than 2 lines in, considering all those people, but some is better than none. And I guess since Skye has the baby in her arms, there go my plans of having her go into labor during Thanksgiving dinner, LOL.

Hair/Wardrobe: Still missing the curls, but it's all good. Jacket is recycled, but Tracy better watch out. The first time she wore it, Heather slapped her, and she took a dive into the rose garden. And the second? Alice held her in a head-lock, denying our poor girl of oxygen. Looks like Monica's in recycled wardrobe too. I'm thinking she wore that green robe for Xmas.

Other comments about the photo: *misses Ned so much* GH is just stupid. I kind of miss seeing Georgie around the Q's. And nex, that link you provided us to the larger versions, LOL at Jason in that photo with Carly. He's like sucking in a bunch of air, or something.

About love scenes and closed sets...Yeah, I guess that'd make sense, LOL. If Lacy get one, it's only going to be so Laura can walk in. Oh well...

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