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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Unless you're Monica and Judge Walters. wink.pngsad.png

But yes, a romance should mean more to do.

I would also like to see more Tracy and Lulu even though Luke will be out of the picture.

And of course more Tracy and Dillon - preferably something that does NOT involve her meddling in his love life - even if that's what she does with her boys (and used to do with Lulu for that matter).

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I think even this regime is smart enough to realize Tracy is fairly popular and that JE is the best actress they've got. I'd like to *think* they wouldn't do something as dumb as the Monica/Walters thing.

Honestly, if she doesn't ever get a romance again, I think it'd have more to do with the fact that ABC would have to spend the money to hire someone, and with the ratings the way they are, I'm not sure they could GET the money approved. Because unless she hooks up with a younger man, there isn't anyone currently on canvas she could be paired with.

I wouldn't mind Silas and Tracy, actually. I know that's a way out of left field suggestion, and ME is twenty years younger than JE. But they would be such an odd pairing, I'd like to see it. Even just a friendship. I'll take anything. And yeah, beyond him, who else is there? Sloane? LOL

I'm skeered of JE being totally ignored after TG leaves.

But then, I'm actually getting a very good vibe of "Luke who?" from her when she's in her ELQ zone, and I like that. A lot.

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I don't think Tracy is as popular as we'd like to think. It may have something to do with Jane Elliot avoiding social media. She doesn't have all these fans rallying around her on Twitter or wherever. Maybe the off-line world appreciates her more?

I wish we got to see the Dillon/Tracy conversation. He calls, says he knows who may behind the take-over, and then in the next scene, Sabrina/Sam/Tracy are talking about Nikolas... Um, did GH not think the initial reactions would be important?!

Kudos to Dillon for not giving Nik his ELQ shares.

I like Dillon/Lulu better than Dante/Valerie, and I think it's because Lulu/Dillon don't seem into each other romantically. They are just good friends. Valerie has been into Dante forever, and now Dante was giving her looks the other day. I don't know if Dominic meant to do that, but it looked like his character wanted to jump into bed with her right then and there.

Spoiler/Rumor Alert








Spoiler: Michael and Tracy call a board meeting next week. Me: Finally!

Rumor: Trixie, who scooped the Dillon recast, is saying that Laura is getting a love interest - a recast Paul Hornsby! Me: This would definitely result in Laura/Tracy interaction. Tracy doesn't like Paul though, so she shouldn't be jealous.








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Well, since she doesn't have a Twitter account, they can't rally around her. IDK. I honestly don't care as much what the general public thinks about Tracy as I do what TPTB think about Tracy and Jane. I want Jane to be used and getting good stuff, as long as that happens, I'm good.

I do think Tracy is loved though, I have been hanging out at the GH Facebook page and most of the comments about her are complimentary. Many people are sad/disappointed/mad at Tracy being hurt yet again.

Anyway, about Tracy and Paul. I think Tracy has always had genuine feelings for most of the men she's been married to, minus Anthony and maybe Gino, but I think she even was warming up to Gino a bit at the end. And I think that Tracy is the kind of person that once she lets you in, you're in. She may SAY she doesn't care, she may even seek revenge on some of them that hurt her or leave her, but that little spot that she holds that person in, I think they stay there. I think that's why she was able to be such good friends with Ashton years later, even after he cheated on her and they divorced. I think it's why she and Scott were civil to each other after their break up, etc. It's part of the reason she keeps taking Luke back. Tracy doesn't love easily, but when she does, it's pretty much a done deal. The love for some might be put up on a distant shelf in her heart and mind, collecting dust-but it doesn't completely die, I don't think.

So....I don't think she dislikes Paul. Is she still "in" love with him, no. But are those previously mentioned stirrings still somewhere in her heart? Yeah, I think they might be. I do think she'll again, pretend not to care if Paul and Laura date, but of course it will bother her. Why wouldn't it?

I would love for Paul to come back, and love for Tracy, Paul and Dillon to hash out their issues. But why recast? I don't think Paul Satterfield has any projects going on, and let's face it, the new actor playing Dillon looks so much like him.

I'd rather they just kept Laura and Tracy apart. For reasons. One of those being I think GF doesn't like being upstaged by Jane. I don't think Jane does it on purpose. I think Jane is such a strong actress, and Tracy such a powerhouse character, it just happens.

I know I won't get my wish, but I can hope they will interact as little as possible.

And if PS were to come back as Paul, honey I'd be all over that like white on rice. Paul used to say in interviews how much he adored working with Jane. I have always felt they had some smoking chemistry.

I'd like for it, if it happened, to be the total opposite of Tracy scheming to break Laura and Paul up. I just want Paul to wake up one day and *zoing* realize he had her under his skin.While she's just busy living her life, hee hee. :)

I am still loving Dillon, but I want more of him with his family. I think the actor is ADORABLE. I don't know how I feel about Dillon and Lulu as a couple. I want to see the actor chem test with all the other age appropriate females-Maxie, Kiki, etc. Is Ellie still on the show? If so, her too. Am I missing someone? He's met Sabrina and Valerie and seemed to have okay chemistry in the brief interactions I've seen.

I don't like Valerie much though. Too much a family resemblance to Carly's loud mouth for my liking.

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I think I need to clarify. I think Jane Elliot is respected by fans of GH. I think they realize she's a phenomenal actress and will compliment her. I don't visit Facebook, but I definitely see the Jane praise on Twitter. I also think people generally like Tracy; but I don't think she's appreciated as some of the other female characters.

ILTQ, this was a few posts ago, but I believe the quote was "little girl."

As for Paul - interesting thoughts on Tracy and her relationships. I guess I could see her being jealous, but she shouldn't be. Paul didn't marry her for love, and yeah, they got close during the pregnancy, but Paul was always going to love Jenny. Is that why she and Ned wanted revenge on Paul? 'Cause Paul hurt Tracy, and Jenny, I guess, hurt Ned?

She was definitely about getting revenge. Serious revenge. She and Ned were ready to send Paul off to prison for something he didn't do (something with ELQ?) and keep him from ever seeing his son again. Tracy technically kidnapped Dillon. You said Paul tried to look for him? But then, I believe in 1996, it was mentioned that Tracy/Paul had worked things out, and that Dillon had spent some weekends with Paul/Jenny. Wonder when the "reconciliation" happened.

As for a recast - there is bad blood between Paul Satterfield and RC. I think that's why spec is if it does happen, it would be a recast.

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halee, much like Jane, I really don't do the social media thing, so if I wanted to see what others are saying about Jane or Tracy on Twitter, how would I search for it?

Yes, I am that unsophisticated. :) I still use regular snail mail, too. :)

I've wanted to tell you for a long time, I LOVE the Luke/Beaker pics. LOLOL

And I agree, Tracy is getting fun to watch again.

For some reason, I've been watching old GH clips tonight. For those LnL fans who diss Lacy and say they never got good loving moments, they are so wrong. They have had so MANY great, emotional moments.

I think with them, it's always been a case of they didn't WANT to see any true love there. And I think they conveniently forget that if Genie had been on all this time and Luke and Laura were together, Luke would have been skipping out on her, too. It irks me that people use the excuse that Luke is always leaving town, as proof he doesn't love Tracy, when they know he'd be leaving anyone he was with.

Anyway, enough about that. Just wanted to say I have been really enjoying my stroll down memory Lane, and I've been watching old Tracy and Lulu clips as well. I hope GH doesn't replace their relationship with Sabrina and Sam. :(

MsQ I don't think Tracy will be "jealous". Just bothered/unsettled by it. I suppose it's a pretty much done deal though, since the one who spoiled Dillon's recast is saying it? And I never watched PS as Spencer Truman, so I never heard there was bad blood between him and RC. What happened? During my watching of the old clips, I actually watched the one you are refering to, where Tracy and Paul argue over the fact that she framed him for theft. JE was always good with babies I guess, because she's holding little Dillon the whole time and it's just adorable. :)

Anyway, the main reason I came in, was to say I forgot how boring Paul was, LOL. So maybe him and Laura is a good thing.

IMO if they are recasting him and bringing him on, how I'd feel about him and Tracy would be totally based on if JE and the new actor had any chemistry.

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Jumping in to say it was mentioned as a rumor by the person who spoiled the Dillon showing up.

She also said she heard Laura would be working with Nik at ELQ or something to that effect which would be another reason for Tracy to hate her.

Genie said in a recent interview when someone asked if the Laura Tracy dynamic would continue after Luke exits and she said well Tracy has every reason to hate Laura so I'm sure that will continue or something like that

Sad Nik gets ELQ -- just hope there is some story in The qs fighting to get it back. Heard Hayden would be involved. Maybe she wakes up and reveals about jake? There was some spec about long lost Q heir if she ended working out a contract deal with GH. Who knows.

I think both Laura and Tracy are both going to end with leaving Luke as their choice. I think Luke is going to just go off on his own.

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Ah, so if it's just a rumor, it's a toss up until we hear more. I'd love for PS to come back short term, not sure about anything else. But if there's an issue with RC and PS, and it's a recast....would have to judge that when I see the actor. I've always wanted to see Dillon interact with his dad, though. I guess it depends on what version of the truth they are going with. I do believe during Tracy's time on The City that it was mentioned that Dillon sometimes visited his dad, but I can't be sure about that. I think there were also mentions of it when teenage Dillon came back in 2003, right?

But who knows what they'll say now. I think we are supposed to assume Paul and Jenny still live in PC or close by, but who knows if Paul and Jenny are even still married? Ned said nothing about Paul when he called Jenny about Bill months back.

I agree that I think Tracy will tell Luke it's too late for them as a couple. I think the fact that he didn't tell her the truth is going to be more of a factor than the humiliation or the fake break up. In one of the clips I was watching, they were both talking about trust and how it's important, and Luke just blew that IMO.

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ILTQ, I agree that Luke and Tracy's loving moments get forgotten.

I was watching a DVD with them, and Luke said the day he poisoned her martini shaker was the day he knew they were going to last... I'm not sure I buy that...

When do you guys think Luke began to love Tracy? My guess: Around November 2006 - before Laura woke up.

When do you guys think Tracy began to love Luke? My guess: June 2006 - when Justus died.

Yeah - the PS thing is definitely a rumor. Trixie said it was a rumor. Did I forget to mention that in my original post? Sorry. sad.png I don't know the details about him and RC - just that there was bad blood.

I am very happy to see Tracy involved in ELQ, and I know Jane Elliot is the oldest on contract, but I hope they don't let her go or put her on recurring... And I hope Jane doesn't retire. She seems like she wants to work, so I hope she continues feeling that way. It's great to see her onscreen, and I love Tracy mixing it up with other characters.

As for Tracy mixing it up with Luke - There is a summer preview that says Luke gets closure with Tracy (and others). Wonder how that is going to play out.

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Oh, I think it's just that some fans refuse to see those moments or acknowledge they exist. It isn't even a matter of them being forgotten. Though in truth because Luke and Tracy have interacted for so long, I can see how they would be forgotten by some.

You know, it seems a little strange they'd bother casting a love interest for Laura if she's only going to be around for a few months. And yes MsQ I think you did say rumor. I guess we'll see. I can't see Genie liking the new way they do things-being on with a story for a few months and then not being on the show for months. I guess if you're contract, you get extra time off, and if you're recurring, you can do other projects, but still.

Really, they'd be nuts to let Jane go off contract. The up and coming younger generation of Qs need a mentor, and Tracy is the kind of character you can put anywhere and she'll fit. And, Jane is the best actress GH has. I think if it comes down to money, they'll cut more of the recurring players loose before they'll cut Jane.

Bless your heart MsQ. Did you find that rumor at SoapDish? You are brave. I avoided that place for eons, and I do lurk sometimes looking for spoilers, but I don't post there. I have no interest in engaging those people in a battle over Luke and Tracy. One particular person reminds me-Remos will know exactly who I mean-of someone from SOC. I just can't with that mess anymore-I find fanbase wars to be immature and sad. I mean, after ten years, you'd think some would grow up. I'm not going to argue with someone over a soap couple. Not when there are far more serious issues in the world at large.

Anyway, enough of that unpleasantness.

Back to our girl: I can totally see Jane Elliot "dying with her boots on". She stays active and seems to remain in fairly good health, and she's mentally sharp. I honestly don't know how much longer GH has, but if it continues on for many more years, yeah eventually Jane will be recurring, but I believe she'll stay. She did always say she wanted to end her career as a producer, and I would love that, but I'd hate to lose Tracy as a character. However-I think she'd be the best producer GH has had in a long, long time. Jane just strikes me as the kind of person who has to be *doing* something. Barring a health problem, I think she'll be around for a while.

Do we even know Jane and Tony get any more scenes together? It'd be a shame to leave it where it was, but I would not pretend to know what TPTB are thinking. Tony tapes his last scenes sometime this week, yes? I suppose there will be leaks about his last scenes probably later in the week.

I agree Tracy started to fall for Luke around the time Justus died. I actually could make a case he started having feelings for her at the same time. Maybe not love yet, but he definitely felt more than just friendship at that point, so maybe you are right-right before Laura woke up.

The thing for us, I think, that so many don't get, is that we know that Luke, like most people, is capable of having feelings for both women at the same time. I don't think the fact that Luke fell apart after Laura went catatonic again is "proof" he only loved Laura and blah blah blah.

I think in fact, that him falling apart could be just as much about his own guilt over not being able to prevent it and help Laura, as it was "love".

Besides that, I and most of us, have never denied he loved Laura or even that a part of him still does. It's just that we see that he is capable of loving both women, and that what he has with Tracy IS real.

It isn't the same as LnL-but who would want it to be? And for that matter, who ever said it was?

I don't think anyone here ever even said it was "greater". Just....different.

If JE and TG do get more scenes, I personally cannot wait for their final one. Yeah I know there will be people out there mocking it because that's what annoying people do, but I'm going to enjoy it for what I know it will be: a man having to say goodbye to the woman he does love.

ETA I would love for Tracy and Ethan to get a scene together, but I doubt that'll happen. :(

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Going to respond more later, but I PM'ed you ILTQ. biggrin.png


Okay, I have returned!

ILTQ, the rumor is on SoapDish, but it's originally from Trixie of SoapTown USA.

There is a summer preview from a magazine that states Luke gets closure with Tracy, Laura, Bobbie, Lulu, and Sonny. So, yes, I am assuming Luke and Tracy will have final scenes. wub.png

I do remember Jane saying she wanted to be a producer one day, but I prefer my favorite actresses to stay in front of the camera. Laura Innes who is best known for her work on ER started directing in 1999. She did an episode of ER here and there. Then, she moved to directing The West Wing while still doing ER, and then she would eventually add more shows to her resume.

During her final years on ER, she was hardly acting anymore, but I'm not sure if that was from directing or if she just wanted time off. But anyway, she is currently just directing, and I miss seeing her on screen. sad.png I don't want that to happen with Jane.

I am almost positive Luke and Laura run into Ethan on their adventure, so if that's true, no Ethan/Tracy. Remember when they joked (was it a joke?) about Ethan marrying Tracy to get a green card? That would have been a funny story. laugh.png

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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MsQ I replied to you!

Ya know, I think JE has inappropriate chemistry with several guys on the show. I have never really figured out if it's Tracy or JE or the combination. I don't remember if it was like this on Days, but it might have been. I remember her having quite a bit of chem with Wally of course, but also John Aniston and Matthew Ashford.

I always felt she had chem with Greg Vaughn-a lot, actually. And Nathan Parsons. And Tyler Christopher. And Ric Hearst. And Maurice Benard. And Tristan Rogers. She even had it with Jed Allen when he played Edward, which is creepy, but Edward and Tracy were supposed to be Oedipal so it was expected.

Are you seeing a pattern here? smile.png

I would have so been into Ethan and Tracy getting married, LOL!

But about Tyler, I know it's a huge age difference-but if the genders were reversed, most people wouldn't blink too hard about a pairing like Nik and Tracy. Oddly enough, I feel Nik and Tracy have similiar experiences, romantically, and would actually be friends if they just stopped the one upmanship thing between them. They both come from messed up families, etc.

I so hope they do their interactions justice in this story. I think Nikolas at least respects Tracy, and maybe it's mutual? Would love to see that displayed.

HEE Ms Q and everyone, do you remember the time Nik and Tracy had a scene, and I think it was ELQ related also but this has been a few years ago? It was the one where he and Tracy were meeting at the MetroCourt restaurant I think, and Tracy starts fixing her makeup at the table and not paying attention to or looking at Nikolas?

Tyler actually came alive in those scenes, LOL. Jane starts powdering her nose and Tyler looked to me like he was trying not to laugh for a second and Nik is like "uh...Tracy?"

I loved it, would love to see a clip of that but since I don't know the date it aired wouldn't begin to know how to search for it.

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Yes - I remember that scene! It had to be around the beginning of June 2005 because it was the morning after Luke put Coleman in her bed at the MetroCourt. How messed up was that?! I don't have the clip, but maybe it's on YouTube. I would have to go through transcripts to find the exact date.

I liked the summer of 2010, when Helena locked Tracy and Luke up, and Nik was like "How do I know she didn't have a good reason to lock you two up?" And Tracy's like "And people call the Quartermaines crazy?" laugh.png

As for Jed Allan - I remember when Lainey saw the clip of Edward/Tracy in Christmas of 2004, and she thought it was Tracy's lover - not father! GH really mis-cast Edward there.

Tracy was fabulous today! Folding laundry one moment and then going through ELQ stock the next. She was determined to figure out how much Nik accumulated. She called Brook, and Brook didn't know who she was, and Tracy was like, "Your grandmother."

GH, again, didn't show an important reaction to Tracy finding out the stock was gone, but we did see Tracy talking to Brook telling her she wasn't mad at her and telling her not to cry. Aww, lol.

I loved Tracy barging into Michael's office announcing that Nik had 50 percent of the company, and Michael was like, WHAT!?! Tracy/Michael/Nik in previews tomorrow. Day 7 in a row of Tracy. Woo hoo!

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