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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree that the scenes were good but not my favorite. BH is fine and all but can't really bring it like Jane.

I think Tracy will not be on too much during the Mac and Felicia wedding stuff next week, but then she should be back. Jane's taped a decent amount after that.

And Partyperson do you know of this website where you can buy GH dvd's. If you are looking for specific stuff it's a useful tool.


*Edit* I enjoyed today more, less Liz, a little Silas, and Ava. I really enjoy Ava with Tracy. Even though Ava's film noir sex vixen thing wears a little thin for me...I'm still interested in her.

Edited by halee
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Has it really been a year since I last sent you clips, partyperson? ohmy.png Or maybe it's been a year since I first sent you clips. I think that is more likely. But still... I'm so sorry!!! This summer would have been the perfect time for me to get going with that, but as you can see, I started posting less indicating less of an interest in all things Tracy... Still love her! And still enjoy Jane!

But as mentioned before, I am now more focused on Jayne Atkinson (I'm sure someone here knows the name...She was Karen Hayes on 24 in Season 5 and 6) rather than Jane Elliot. What are the chances they are both named Jane/Jayne? Haha. But anyway, I'm going to try really hard to get the motivation to upload clips for you again. biggrin.png

How much Tracy do you all think we're getting next week? (I've accepted that she won't be on much this week). wink.png

For those who don't have a Tumblr, check out my Tracy/Connie gifs... wub.png




Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Nope I kept our messages and those were the last clips you sent me along with our convos,but all do respect it's ok. And those gigs were so cute and hilarious couldn't stop laughing. Also Tahnks Ms.Q. Another thing,have you checked out my story? It's ok of you haven't I'm just curious?

Thanks Halee for the link!

Edited by partyperson25
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^^^ According to my sent messages, I uploaded all that I have from May 2005 through April 6, 2006. I know the first kiss from June 2005 is in some of my videos, but I don't believe I have that backed up. I will have to double check though.

Anyone who is interested in Tracy's relationships with Anna, Robert, Alan, and Laura should check out this video by helenaTracyclaudia:


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^^ I know you sent me 05 stuff but don't you remember when I made the stupid decision NOT to download them,thinking (yet knowing not much about file sharing sites) the link would last. And it didn't. So I basically lost anything from the very first start of their relationship to like the very end of October. I'm not sure if you remember?

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Where is everyone? Is Tracy's stuff that boring right now, or is it that she just isn't on enough?

She needs a man. sad.png If we can get Holly back , why can't we get Larry?

Hugo and Jane used to be so hot. They could make the most innocent exchange sexy.

Sorry I am so far behind, I have literally weeks of GH to catch up on. I was ill and didn't go to the ER like I should have, and have been trying to recoup on my own, which has been not fun. I am still not 100%, and dealing with work at the same time has not been a barrel of laughs.

So, is Connie dead yet? Anyone think Tracy will be a suspect too? I did catch five minutes of them scheming before the Kiki is not a Q thing, but I think that's all I've gotten of GH in the last three weeks? So I'm out of the loop.

Happy VERY belated birthday wishes Remos.

Random quote I remember from Tracy and Larry years ago, don't even remember what they were discussing. Larry mentions something or someone being dangerous and Tracy says "don't worry, I'll protect you." And Larry, looks at her, raises eyebrows: "Oh, goody."

SMEXY, I'm telling you.

The things I can recall when I can't even remember sometimes where i put my keys.......

ETA cute cat MsQ, but I don't know if that's normal behavior, LOL. She may need Kitty valium.....

Remos and funny, I replied to your PM, sorry so late.............

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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I can't speak to anyone else, but my kids are travelling (one is in Holland after a month at camp, and another is in Toronto after a week in Alberta), and I've been very distracted by r/l lately - it's far more entertaining that GH. When we get some LuNacy, I'll tune back in. Until then, the only person with Tracy I actually enjoy is Connie, and they are taking that from Tracy too (like so many others before her). Not seeing much cause to dedicate an hour, or 42 minutes of my day.

Thank you for the belated birthday wishes. :D I celebrated Birthday Week again this year, and had a wonderful time. I encourage everyone to extend their birthdays to a week. It's very enjoyable.

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So I finally caught up, and I actually watched most of last week even though Tracy wasn't on. I don't care for about half of the characters on the show, but I can't say the show is boring right now. Except for Mac and Felicia, but then, they've always bored me, that's nothing new.

Still, I only skipped through maybe 30% of the scenes, as opposed to about 90% of the scenes under Guza.

I am curious: if Jerry IS dead, or even if he isn't-who was it Obrecht was talking to when saying Cesar was in jail, when she had the Robin stand in in hiding(as a "flashback") I don't think it was Jerry. Everyone speculated someone "big" was involved with them. I wonder if we are going to find out we are right. But who could it be, if not Jerry?

Still love Britt, still like Ava but she's kind of a loony, and when she's not a loony, she does the Robin Christopher Betty Boop thing as Ava that makes me grit my teeth. Do like her with Tracy, though.

I actually like Morgan, and I see the Jason/AJ comparisons with Michael/Morgan, and Michael being the golden boy with Morgan the AJ like screw up. They've even given them both addictions. Wouldn't it be cool for AJ to reach out to Morgan-and watch Sonny and Michael's reactions to this?

Plus, I really can't stand Kiki, and I don't care that Morgan has deceived her.

Emma Sams looks really old.

I never thought I would miss Sean Donnelly, he always bored me before, but him as a "guest" is okay. Nice to see John Reilly.

My favorite part of the last few weeks: Luke telling the woman at the bank he was doing all this for a woman, alias "Spanky".

Not LAURA. Spanky.

Did the small squee at that. Tracy still needs another man to give Luke competition, though.

Derek Wells/Julian Jerome is now here. He will do, I don't care that he is younger than her. So was Joe Jr.

Besides, I'd rather Julian/Derek chase Tracy than end up with Alexis or Olivia, and let's face it-those two are the ones I can see this show trying to pair him with.

Is Derek/Julian supposed to have had plastic surgery? Because Alexis didn't seem to recognize him at all, but he had a memory itch when he saw her. It would make sense that he did, especially since I think Real Julian would have naturally done something to hide his identity.

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