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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for bringing the spoilers Hooked and no attitude. That's what I love about you.


*Shawn and Alexis are about as exciting as watching my toenails grow. They need to get NLG out of that pairing.

*I'm SO not feeling Kiki and Morgan. BRATS! Definitely going to be ff-ing them I think. But I think I'll be ff-ing the entire teen scene this summer.

*Nice to see Anna and Duke in the preview since they have fallen off the radar of late.

*I'm looking forward to the Tracy/Ava scenes this week!

That's all.

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Liking those summer previews.

LuNacy exploring their relationship were always their very best scenes. I like that that is the focus this time around. TG might be gone for the summer, but it looks like Luke isn't. That's a good thing. I never understood why Guza et al couldn't pre-tape and figure it out. There was no need of five month absences and the inevitable problems with re-entry. And they certainly didn't do any favours for the character of Luke. I don't know of anyone else who gets as much crap slung at them on GH right now as TG/Luke. Not liking a character is normal, but the downright rudeness of some people is astounding.

"Old Jerome Family"? As in they are toothless and no longer players in the mob world? That won't last long in Port Charles.

I'm not sure they even know what to do with Alexis. There was flash with Sonny years ago, and Ned was a perfect pairing for her, but since then she's been nothing. I guess Ric was okay, but Mac and Shawn feel like they just stuck her with whomever seemed a possibility without care for chemistry. I wish they had gone the Carly/Shawn route - at least they were able to steam it up.

As for the Kiki thing, I'm with the group who isn't convinced this is "Lauren". And perhaps there isn't even a "Lauren". When Heather is involved, you know there's more to the story.

Gotta give this to TPTB, they certainly know how to crowd the stage and keep the vets involved.

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Yeah, but didn't Ava call her Lauren Katherine Monday? I may have misheard - I was inundated by requests from the kiddo to do various and sundry while I was watching.

JE and TG nailed those Tracy/Luke scenes the other day. THAT's what I want to see between those two: mature discussions that don't downplay the relationship into wacky hijinks.

Edited because yesterday was not Monday.

Edited by stargazercmc
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For all we know, "real" Lauren died and Ava renamed her next kid Lauren(some people do that, but it's rare)-but there's also the real possibility that Franco is not her father. I think the urge to pair Michael and Kiki is going to be too much for TPTB to pass up. Can't do that if they are first cousins(though I know Guiding Light did it in the past, it's still disgusting and I hope they don't go there). Besides...I'm not real thrilled about KA playing a Q. She's not a very good actress. I wish I could get happy about the health scare thing with Luke. Thing is-been there, done that. We've had Tracy by his bedside before. If they wanted to go there, they should have reversed it. Having Tracy hold his hand and spout all kinds of loverly things-epic fail. I know Jane will rock the scenes, but it's likely just going to make her wonderful speech null and void for a lot of fans. Including myself, TBH.

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Um.. Yes.. This is a lacy thread and someone forgot to put the right title on.

I'm so pro lacy that I stopped watching back around the time of Luke's intervention...because gh dared to break up the soap couple with the most chemistry in the history of soaps.

I check in here from time to time to see if tiic have reunited lunacy, meaning I'm cleared to return. No lacy (I use lunacy)... No Lainey.

Sounds like we may be getting closer to my return. Someone be sure to email me, when they are well on their way.

Meanwhile, I haven't seen this great Tracy scene. I think I might wait until they are back together, and I'm watching again.

Edited by LaineyBev714
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If she was named, I didn't see it, but that's okay - none of the Corrinthos family have ever interested me, so I don't bother watching their scenes. I stand corrected. :D

I agree on Luke/Tracy too. We've had some beautiful stuff over the years when they haven't been devolved into stupidity. I remember the B&W Ball was fabulous, as was Luke's last heath issues. In fact, I'd argue that from the time he ran away from the hospital after his bypass, until now - with the exception of their 'real' wedding - they haven't been written for at all. The scenes this past week show that they are the powerhouse actors and should have been given this stuff all along.

And how is your little guy? I apologize that the years are meshing together, but he's about 2ish/3 now, isn't he? I bet he's a going concern.

Youtube it, Luv. It's raw JE power, and TG doesn't even try to be anything more than her prop.

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Yes, with many of us here because of LuNacy. We aren't apologizing for that. I've been on TG threads that are really only about Laura/LnL. I wouldn't even dream of going there and insult fans of that couple. It's all about tact and respect. We might all disagree with each other on a multiplicity of things, but we don't put each other down. That's not how we roll. I'd say for Lain as well as myself, the thing that makes Tracy so great IS Luke. Separate they don't impress me that much, but together they are dynamite. But you guys have heard me say that before... tongue.png

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I'm not asking for any apologies. Just stating that this is The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest. It says it right at the top of the page and everything.wink.png Many of us are here because we are TRACY fans first. Everyone is free to love whatever pairing they chose. I don't care, fly your flag! Just don't be rude and antagonistic about it. Which for the most part, everyone seems to be able to do.

It's a Tracy day!!

Edited by halee
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Lainey, you crack me up. We need your humor here more often. Star, how is your baby doing-not a "baby" anymore though, right? smile.png Hey, I'm a TracyFF. I make no apologies, either. I loved Lacy in the beginning. Now, as I just said to someone, I don't know if TG has it in him to do the romantic lead/true wuv thing anymore. I am not sure he wants to. And I repeat-the hospital issue-should be REVERSED. BUT- I will wait and see what those episodes tell me. I'm sure I'll love them, for whatever reason-even if it's just Jane being Tracy at her most heart wrenching.

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Absolutely - and my comments quoted you but weren't necessarily aimed at you. Ah well.... you know, sometimes what these conversations need is a good old fashioned pub with all of us around the table, rather than a liner forum where we can't easily engage.

Tracy today? Good to know. I'll have to check that out later. She's been fabulous lately when the word 'relish' isn't in her dialogue. I'm so thrilled that they are given her real stuff, and I hope it continues.

EDIT: And we're back to the relish. I'll pass.

Edited by remos
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Remos! Haven't seen you in ages! I hope all is well with you and the family. IlovetracyQ you did a wonderful post about Tracy recently on SOC that I thought was just perfect. And how f'ing incredible was Jane in those recent scenes? The woman is a master. I love how Tony Geary really is such a generous actor. If he's working with a great talent he'll just set them up and let them fly. Let me tell you, I've been enjoying LuNacy a lot lately. Still don't get the romantic vibe, but I am loving the acting and the chemistry. I have a newfound love for their dynamic. Anyway I'm really looking for some Scotty and Tracy scenes during their romantic period. I thought some were on youtube, but I'm only able to locate one scene between them and that's with Lucy in the Q foyer. I'd like to find as much as possible, but I specifically remember a really steamy scene between them on a couch. I think Jane was wearing this hot mini dress number that really showed off her body. Does that seem familiar to anybody else? Can anybody point me in the direction of material between them from that time? Thanks in advance guys.

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