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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree, so why continue throwing her into really stupid point-less plots when she could be part of the real drama and sit at the air-hog's table. She should be involved with Lulu and the Cassidines, with Luke and the Adventure Group, with Sonny and the Jeromes.... anything that doesn't make her look so stupid.

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Thanks hooked!

I'm enjoying the Tracy/Nikolas scenes. :) I am kind of tired of the relish story line, and I hate to say that because it is a story for Tracy, but it's time for something new.

Tracy/Luke in previews for Monday. Luke is telling her he found the missing heiress (Franco's daughter).

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LuNacy on today, talking about Lulu, Lauren and Laura, which Luke again telling Tracy to get off that one. She kissed him, which he liked, and freely admitted how she loved Lulu. Hope we get a nuTraLu scene soon.

He also said Spin doesn't have the real information, so I'm guessing Luke is the one Betsy Frank was speaking to the other day, and she gave Spin the wrong address at Luke's request. If that is the case, than ignore - I don't watch every episode.

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Oh I hadn't thought of that but that sounds totally plausible. I bet you're right.

I'm tired of the relish business too, but I have enjoyed the addition of Nikolas into the mix. I can't believe I said that. I've always found Nik quite Zzzz worthy, but I'm enjoying this incarnation of him. Go figure.

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Should hopefully be finished this week. If Tracy never says the words "Relish" or "Pickle-Eddie" again, it will be too soon.

I've usually like Nic and Tracy together. Neither of them is fooling the other, but they can certainly both rise to the occasion and respect what the other contributes or needs. Having Lulu to bond them helps too.

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Luke literally kissed away Laura today, and went to NYC to find Lauren for Tracy. After years of Luke saying it, I'm hoping people finally listen. So nice to hear him talk to "Spanky".

When does TG's vacation start? We used to get that announced every year, but I've been paying less and less attention. This early in May is a bit soon, from what I remember.

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I joined back in FEB after lurking here for YEARS! First thing I posted was a nice article with Tony talking up the fab Jane Elliot. Honey I can lurk where I like and I don't need special permission from you to post in this thread. Get over yourself thinking I registered just so I could talk to you!

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Again, you being here is really immaterial. You insulting people is merely bad form. You telling a regular to "get over themselves" is way beyond the line of good conduct.

No one will give you permission to be here and no one will take it away. However you need to understand that the 'regulars' in this forum are friends in addition to posters here, and we would really appreciate it if you tread lightly. We've shared each others triumphs and tragedies, witnessed births and birthdays, death and memories. When someone erupts with an opinion, we all have a pretty good idea where it came from. There is a proper way to post here, and it does not involve 'hit'n'run' slams as if your anonymity gives you permission to be callus.

This is not an average forum. We actually apologize for overstepping with each other. You might want to take that under advisement.

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Luke and Tracy were both in fine form today. As dull and listless as TG's scenes with GF were yesterday, today the life was back. Sweet how he wasn't doing it for the money, although he admitted he was receiving a bit of a fee, but he was really doing it because "Tracy deserved his help and she was scary smart". His loyalty to her is more evident with each scene. And punking Spinelli was the icing on the cake. Those two (Luke and Spinelli) are always great, and Spin should know Luke trumps.

For her part, Tracy told AJ the absolute truth and he's squirming to find out what she really has planned. She's also not tolerating Nic using her to win Elizabeth from AJ. Tracy called Nic on his ish, and even if Nic wanted to brush Tracy off, she was still right and his plan backfired. She's sounding like a woman who is in command of the world - and I hope that continues.

Ava Jerome looks like she's going to be an interesting addition. Still no closer to seeing who Lauren Frank really is.

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Today's Luke and Ava scenes seemed a bit odd. They had a very film noir quality to them, with the mysterious sexy woman and the crusty P.I., enigmatic music. I'm not sure how I'm going to like Ava if she does the Skye/Betty Boop sexy thing all the time. But it's too early to judge. At least she's interesting.

Loved Spinelli's reaction to getting punked by Luke. It looked like his brain was short circuiting. It made me laugh, my favorite moment from the show today.

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